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Dj Skribble

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

Is he actually any good as a DJ or is he just a name and a lot of hype? Every time I've seen him on MTV he's sucked a nut, but I heard from those that have seen him spin at clubs that he is not too bad when he's spinning house rather than MTV crap. Anyone?

i've actually (cough) seen him a couple times. more bc my friends in mass dont know any better -- the name, mtv, etc. draws the crowds (everywhere except nyc that is)

my experience both good (as in decent) and bad. the first time being in Cancun for spring break on MTV (hehe i was on the dance show:D ) but he sometimes tries to incorporate both the house/techno and hiphop/rap together. not only does it sound lkike he's trying to hard, but the crowds dont feel it either. he has to stick to one genre or the other.

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actually Scribbles isnt that bad. just that hes a commericial sell out like Oakencheese but hey who wouldnt turn down the fame & $$ he was offered? lol

I remember when he used to spin at CROBAR this ghetto ass club in fortlee nj. and we met him at Burger King. (this was when he used to spin hiphop) Hes very chillz and down to earth although he had that little cocky attitude (this was after he got that MTV gig)

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Originally posted by CTACbKA

Oakencheese? let me guess who you like:

--- K-Head Peters

--- Tony Draper

--- May be Ricki Corbo too?

no more like.

--- Sasha & Digweed - greatest dj's of all time.

--- Danny Tenaglia

--- Paul Van Dyk >:] you cant go wrong with PVD!

--- Tiesto

SONNNNN , Oakencheese is the biggest sell out in the history of dance. Nuff Said. go and love your oakencheese, the same DJ that touches his chest and balls 20 times during a 2 hour set and charges rediculous amounts of cash when he draws a crowd half the size of S&D,Danny,PVD,Tiesto, Etc.

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Well, I agree they are all good (even tho I am not crazy about DT).

Second Tiesto, is trying his hardest to be like Oakey, and he is succeeding(may be thats why I like him...)

Third, talking about PVD, I do love him, but are you aware of the fact that his new CD is released on the Ministry of Sound label. That is SO UNDERGROUND!!!! Why do you think he released it there? BECAUSE MOST OTHER LABELS WERE NOT ABLE TO AFFORD HIM.

Finally, I know PVD and S&D overpacked 2500 capacity Twilo(RIP), and DT packs 100 people capacity Vinyl, but would they ever jam-pack Roseland or Hammerstein? Or how about 50,000 Wembley Stadium? Dont think so...SON...

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Originally posted by realz

no more like.

--- Sasha & Digweed - greatest dj's of all time.

--- Danny Tenaglia

--- Paul Van Dyk >:] you cant go wrong with PVD!

--- Tiesto

SONNNNN , Oakencheese is the biggest sell out in the history of dance. Nuff Said. go and love your oakencheese, the same DJ that touches his chest and balls 20 times during a 2 hour set and charges rediculous amounts of cash when he draws a crowd half the size of S&D,Danny,PVD,Tiesto, Etc.

If you like all these Dj's then why do you promote Exit friday's with draper? Don't Front.

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Dude the day you come to his status then start talking ...

he is my fav DJ and will remain one the reasonw hy you dont like him cause

1 = Cant afford seeing him

2 = If you can then you want him to play 8 hours which he will never

3 = we are happy to see him for 2 hours cause it drives US crazy ...

4 = To go Exit and dont post lame bullshit here

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Originally posted by nrgy112

If you like all these Dj's then why do you promote Exit friday's with draper? Don't Front.

OMG that was the stupidest statement ever made by anybody on this board. :laugh::laugh:

What does me promoting Exit Fridays & Draper have anything to do with my musical tastes? UGHH...

Exit Fridays pays my bills, & your point?? lol. rediculous comment.

1) Draper is NOT the greatest DJ, but he has own style & he bangs it out to his crowd every Friday. Give the man some respect. (but, who said i liked the music? I mean yes I used to sweat all that hard cheese but my ears have progressed , and that music sounds like pots & pans.. all the Exit heads will see... they will soon open their ears and let the house music flow- THATS A FACT)

OK I need some twilo heads to back me up on the Oakencheese (twilo msg boards >:]) Im telling you hes the biggest sell out in the history of dance! Oakencheese was on point when he came out with Tranceport but the only respect he deserves is by naive fans like you.

Sonicinfusion > Open your ears buddy , clear the wax.

If I were asked by Ministry of Sound, who in the right state of mind would refuse? The album due out next month - (Yes I've heard it thanks to STAR) is B A N G I N G. Oh isn't JV also on MoS? lol... Does that make him less of a DJ?

If PVD were to come to the eastcoast again, omg... we would need the largest venue in the eastcoast. So Stop trippin on your bunk pills buddy.

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im not takin sides here, i'm just curious...

he is a stupid indian dick DJ ..

What does that mean anyway? Unless he is actually Indian, i'm very confused...

I remember when he used to spin at CROBAR this ghetto ass club in fortlee nj. and we met him at Burger King. (this was when he used to spin hiphop) Hes very chillz and down to earth although he had that little cocky attitude (this was after he got that MTV gig)

Fort Lee? lol..i live in fort lee thats funny as hell..i've never even heard of this crobar place.....

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I agree with Realz. I don't hate Oakie, but I do see him changing more towards the mainstream side, but it's all good because alot of DJs are. I'm not going to like or hate a DJ because he's not Underground anymore. Oakie has been rocking the same tunes, but for some reason I like it. lol. I think because he reminds me of the good old 98 - 99 trance days. But to tell you the truth, I think if Van Dyk were to come to NY, he would bring a very big crowd especially after his new Ministry of Sound CD and from what I heard he did that cd for 500,000 beanz & gave 250,000 of it to donation for the world trade center.

Besides, I think they are all great dj's. They are all consider to be the top 20 DJ's in the world. I remember Oakie @ vinyl in 98 I think, he fuckin ROCKED. One year there was an Oakie night & Paul Van Dyk night on the same night in a november of 00 I think & there was more people at Twilo then Roxy. I even remember roxy giving out free admission before 11pm to people who are 21 and up. As for promoting, If your at a club promoting and making money it's all good, I know I promoted at Twilo because I loved the DJ's and for the COMP admission. lol & as for Limelight I felt comfotable working there, which i'm sure realz feels comforatble working there. Maybe he's getting paid well there.

Oakie is good, I even think he was at twilo one time with dave ralph & something went on with twilo and Oakie said he would never play there again, even tho he always wanted to play there. Because of an incident where I think the Twilo workers or bouncers treated oakie & d.ralph's friends like shit, so they bounced on twilo. I even still read interviews on Oakie & he says if there was one place he could play in this whole world, he said on Twilo's phazon system because it has some kind os a special "sonic boom" button. LOL.

Anyways, I'm talking to much.

Give all these DJ's props man. I would love to be where they are. HA!


-Star (4Elements)

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