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tonight i went to one of those business crap dinner/bar/meetings

whatever it was.. it was mad corny to go...

all i got was free wings...

anyways the only thing that happened was that i meet a very beautiful girl...

she is 2 years older... tall as hell... same height as me.. and im not short at all... im 6'4-6'5, she was atleast 6'3

but anyways... i hope she digs me... she was a very nice/sweet person, i can tell she is a bit playful... i made a funny looking face when everyone was talking. just me and her with eyecontact, and she made one back. i havent felt like this (for a girl) for a long ass time... most of the time i see a girl, and i just judge... but this girl... she mad me want to jump out and do some shit... in my head i wanted to just get up, and kiss her... other then she was slamming, drop dead gorgeous, she was very nice, and seemed very smart... she would definately be a good catch... almost all of my co-workers was checking her out, with their jews to the floor... then i think to myself, if she is that good looking and perfect, why the hell would she be interested in a jerk like myself, im fat, fucked up teeth, almost going bald, fat, sloppy, fat, lazy, fat, and a computer geek? makes me wonder if i should even attempt...

i was about to ask her for a number and invite her to one of DG's sisters parties (sorry DG, i always use your sister's parties as a way to get a girl to come out) she said she would be more then happy to (i think thats what she said) and back to the number thing... i kinda chickened out. and asked her for her email address (come on man it is y2k)... so that went well.. when i got home i emailed her and wrote :


guess who?

kinda corny i know.. but damn she was hot...

so do you guys think i got a chance? worth trying? also... i always believed in .... NEVER SHIT WHERE YOU EAT... meaning dont date people from work... if things dont go out and execute right, i will have to see her everyday for as long as me or her works there...

give me some feedback my fellow CP junkies...



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You have a chance with every girl.. its just wether or not you answer the door when oppurtunity knocks.. and most of the time your lazy ass never answers .. you just complain about the noise...

Ill have more in a min. right now im looking for rims for my audi...

and p.s fuck you if you dont like my rims b'yatch...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

You have a chance with every girl.. its just wether or not you answer the door when oppurtunity knocks.. and most of the time your lazy ass never answers .. you just complain about the noise...

Ill have more in a min. right now im looking for rims for my audi...

and p.s fuck you if you dont like my rims b'yatch...

sorry dont.. remember we got different taste in everything bro... for instance, you think some girls are hot.. sometimes i think the opposite...

and opportunity knocks once and a while.. and most of those chicks who knocks are like mad nasty~!~!~!... did i tell you about the awesome price quote i got for the subaru???????

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Originally posted by atomicapples

give me some feedback my fellow CP junkies...

i think you know exactly what to do. if you want something, go out and get it. humans are hunters/gatherers by nature after all.

but i hear ya! you want some back for your confidence. so here goes: go for it buddy, she prob wouldnt have said "more than happy to" if she only meant "maybe." she prob would of said "oh that might be fun" or some shit.

its all about confidence. dont be cheesey, dont be a creepy, and dont be an ass. you will do just fine.

u know, be straight. fuck playing any games. tell her how much you enjoyed meeting her, and tell her the reasons why. everyone loves to hear such things. tell her you would really like to go out soon. then, ask her for her phone number and tell her you intend on calling her to make plans to get together sometime. finally, CALL HER!

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If you see an interest gofor it. Its not everyday that you find someone that you click with, just by one meeting. I think I've said this already, but miscommunciation is the root of all misunderstandings. If you sit around and analyze it the oppurtunity may pass you by. I know fear of rejection plays a big part with everything, but you got to get past that, cause if you don't you'll have many should of, could of, would've. And who wants that? And as far as you asking yourself what shes would see in you, don't worry about that. As long as she sees something then its got to be "ALL GOOD". And P.S. I think we all know this looks aren't everything is someone can make you feel good about yourself sometimes thats all that matters!!!!!!!!;)

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