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We accidentally bombed another village

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I see this on the news and I try to feel sadness. I try to remember my humanity, the pain I feel over the loss of a friend, the shock at the destruction caused by such violence.

But I don't feel any remorse. All I can think is "Maybe now you feel our horror as our people slowly dismantle a mountain of rubble which is the only monument we currently have to 6,000 innocent and dead office-workers. Maybe now, too late, you might think of overthrowing a government which sponsors terrorists and kills civilians."

The pain I feel is for myself and my people. I know I can't be alone when I am sorry I don't react with sadness, but only a twisted sense of retribution. It is a terrible thing to attack and kill the guiltless, intellectually I know this. These fellow humans who are only trying to peck out a living must do so under an oppressive government.

I pray that soon I might rediscover my humanity, but for tonight I only feel rage and an unending sadness for our loss of innocence.

Thanks for listening. I hope you're all doing ok.


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i was just thinking that today too for some strange reason...

i didn't know about the bombing of the village, but i was trying to figure out how i should feel... should i feel remorse for those innocents that are caught in the cross-fire? WHY? in battle, innocent people get killed (as America knows so well)... all those anti-american sentiments don't help either... Blah... i'm just blabbing... guess it's round two for venting

in any case... i feel ya bro... i guess people like us just need more time...

uh, i just noticed... the signature @ the bottom of my screen is null and void for now...:blank:

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Well, I can understand how you feel, but at the same time,most people seem to be generalizing and that's a bad thing to do...these people were not behind the bombings nor do they really give a fuck about the US...I think they're more concerned about kicking the Taliban out of power and getting some food and shelter for themselves..so please, why don't you sit down and think about what you're saying. I just can't seem to stop being amazed at the level of ignorance that exists in the world about this particular situation.

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Originally posted by sassa

I just can't seem to stop being amazed at the level of ignorance that exists in the world about this particular situation.

wow man, that's a pretty foul thing to say after such a posting... i don't know if it was directed at us... but i'm really glad that you've been able to come to terms about this whole thing... other people on the other hand still need time to sort this thing out in their minds... neither of us condoned any violence towards anyone... i know that i personally was just using this as a forum to think out loud for a bit and maybe get some input from other people... there was no need for you to shoot the idea down like that...

congratulations on you being able to cope so well... you should be a counselor....

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Originally posted by maximman

wow man, that's a pretty foul thing to say after such a posting... i don't know if it was directed at us... but i'm really glad that you've been able to come to terms about this whole thing... other people on the other hand still need time to sort this thing out in their minds... neither of us condoned any violence towards anyone... i know that i personally was just using this as a forum to think out loud for a bit and maybe get some input from other people... there was no need for you to shoot the idea down like that...

congratulations on you being able to cope so well... you should be a counselor....

It wasn't directed to you, but it did inspire what I wrote. I'm sorry,I'm just fucking sick of people talking shit about these poor people...they need a voice,they need someone to say to the world, "hey it's not us, it's these asshole fucking terrorists who are so mentally deranged, they think what they're doing is right!". Please reconsider your stance on this situation.


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Originally posted by sassa

Well, I can understand how you feel, but at the same time,most people seem to be generalizing and that's a bad thing to do...these people were not behind the bombings nor do they really give a fuck about the US...I think they're more concerned about kicking the Taliban out of power and getting some food and shelter for themselves..so please, why don't you sit down and think about what you're saying. I just can't seem to stop being amazed at the level of ignorance that exists in the world about this particular situation.


I know. I do, I really do. And that's why i feel so much sorrow. If this hadn't been so personal, so rude, so inhuman, then my gut reaction would be horror. I recall the Gulf War and my own peaceful protest against the war. But today I can't muster those feelings, and knowing myself, I am both broken and sickened that I don't first think of the pain of the innocents who have also lost their friends and family to a bombing.

war is disgusting. And if I could i would make this all go away. But still, I eat my lunch a mile from a pile of steel and concrete with 6,000 dead bodies in it.

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Originally posted by sassa

It wasn't directed to you, but it did inspire what I wrote. I'm sorry,I'm just fucking sick of people talking shit about these poor people...they need a voice,they need someone to say to the world, "hey it's not us, it's these asshole fucking terrorists who are so mentally deranged, they think what they're doing is right!". Please reconsider your stance on this situation.


i REALLY appreciate the mature reponse that you gave... mad respect to you... most people would just go off and talk some more trash.... i seriously appreciate that...

i understand your point of view too... but your last sentence seems to be where we're miscommunicating... it's NOT a stance on a situation... that's exactly it... i can't speak for petrol... but i was just thinking out loud... you can't come to a conclusion without asking questions... and that's what i was doing...

i hope this clears things up man... once again, i REALLY appreciate the way that you handled this misunderstanding... ~PeacE~

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