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Riddle Me This Answer (For Everyone Who Still Doesn't Understand)


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You're walking down a road when you run into two men. The two men are standing side by side before a split in the road. They inform you that one way leads to heaven and the other leads to hell, but they don't tell you which one is which. So how do you find out which way is to heaven?????

There are 2 rules to this riddle:

1. You are only allowed to ask one question to one of them (not a question to each person, just one question)

2. One of the men is a truthful and the other is a liar, but you don't know which one is which.

Here is the answer. It is all here. Read it carefully and try to understand. It may sound crazy, but it is possible!

You either:

Ask one guy what the other guy would tell you if you asked him which one sent you to hell, and then take the opposite path.

Let's assume hell is to the right.

If you asked the liar what the truthful guy would tell you, the liar would of course lie to you and say that the truthful guy would point you to the left, which really is heaven, but he doesn't want you to know that.

If you asked the truthful guy what the liar would tell you, he would tell you that the liar would point to the left (which is heaven) to try to trick you into going right, which is hell.

This is why you choose the opposite path.


Ask one guy what the other guy would tell you if you asked him which one sent you to heaven, and then take that path.

Let's assume heaven is to the left.

If you asked the liar what the truthful guy would tell you if you asked where hell was, the liar would try to trick you by telling you that the truthful guy would send you to the left which is hell, but it really is heaven.

If you asked the truthful guy what the liar would tell you if you asked where hell was, he would point to heaven, knowing that the liar would point there trying to make you believe it's hell, when it's really heaven.

This is why you choose that path.

You never actually figure out who the liar is or who the truthful guy is, but you do figure out what path to take.

If you still can't figure it out, draw it. It might make it easier. But believe me, it is possible.

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