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my thoughts...

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any loss of innocent or civilian life is unjustified and horrible. just because there were SO many more numbers in the events in nyc,d.c. and pa(i know people who have perished too) but i'm gonna state one thing doesn't make it any less tragic.

20% of the american population is ignorant about WHAT this country REALLY does. every nation does good and ugly things to some degree. american does it too. the fact is that american media and gov't made it that way,to leave a lot if us in the dark. to feel that we are safe and the BEST. unfotunately, others who live in other countries who have seen FIRST hand what america and a lot of these "civilized" nations do abroad. and THEY're media plasters it everywhere, so it is engrained in there head.

i feel bad for the peopel of afganistan-they don't even like the taliban-have you seen HOw they treat their people(esp women and children) there gov't/taliban(which GEORGE BUSH SR. as CIA head supplied and gave them american weapons and money and illegal support because they were the ones killing the most russians) made the BAD choice of accepting laudin as a exile in their country. when his OWN country(saudi arabia) banished him Sudan(who is THERE biggest state supporter and accepts islamic terrorist to help in there self declared jihad against there black, animist and christians-try 2 million dead there). after the bombing of the two us embassies in east africa(that should of been a MAJOR hint of what was to come but the us ignored important cautions and tips),when demnaded to turn him over to the us, Sudan offered to hand him over back to Saudi to got hrough with the punishment rather than have it on their hands. Neither of the arba countries want his blood on his hands. and then he fled to afganistan, who's taliban willingly accepted this high profile islamic fundemenatlist exiel because they are trying so hard to big ballers in the ARAB world and politics game. because afghanis are NOT arab, they're muslim but they're not ARAB. have you noticed that NONE of the arab countries are neccesarily condoning or against the attacks on 11th, they all have this silence to not turn in one of their people. although there gov't heads may say "yeah, usa" it's with a heavy heart and their peopel are not with it. greece, nigeria to even CANADA -anti us protests.

don't get me wrong, i LOVE america and i'm a pacifist and i support fully and military retaliation of 11th-there's now ay you wouldn't expect it! but, i think the us is barkign up the wrong tree-bin laudin's obviosely not there-it took the us 4 weeks to attack-he onviosuely left. is barkign up the wrong tree-they need to go Sudan and CO, and everywhere else. it's so sad, i feel like we're really on the verge of wwIII, and this time american soil will be touched, unliek the last two. i feel our only allies are the u k and israel....

sorry-i just had to let it ALL out


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I agree with you, Mannequin...but a couple of things...

I think the ignorant people in the country may number a bit more than 20%....and I can't really agree with you for sure about that "he's not there anymore" comment.

But yeah, the US does it's share of dirty deeds, and a lot of people don't like us (second hand info here).

I mean, it's sad...information really does to a point rule the world. And we're really not getting all of it...



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I feel bad too.

But I feel even worse that my first reaction, contrary to who I am at my core, is one of anger and retribution. I don't want this kind of venom in me and my post is an effort to help myself and perhaps others come to terms with it.

It is not my any strecht of the imagination to be any expression of feelings of justice being served, but only a statement of mourning.

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