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let's help make weed legal


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The Top 20 Slogans for Legalized Marijuana

20. Got Buzz?

19. Pot: When You Care Enough Not to Care At All

18. A Day Without Pot is Like School

17. Weed My Lips!

16. Hey, America -- Let's Blow This joint!

15. What's So Great About Short-Term Memory Anyway?

14. Obey Your Jones

13. Hemp: The world's practical solution to making, like, paper and rope and necklaces and stuff

12. It's Not Just For Glaucoma Anymore!

11. Help Eradicate Road Rage in Our Lifetime

10. Official Sponsor of the NBA

9. Because the waste is a terrible thing to mi...

Dude! I totally f***ed that up!

8. Cannabis: The PRE-Coital Smoke

7. This is your brain.

This is your brain on pot.

This is your brain desperately searching for Doritos.

6. When Was the Last Time You REALLY Looked at Your Hand?

5. SMOKE POT! (Did we just say that out loud? Or did we just think it?)

4. Recommended by 5 Out of 5 Deadheads

3. Just Doob It

2. It's the all-the-time smokey, skunky, sticky, greeny, seedy, stemmy, doobie so-you-can-get-high medicine.

Number 1 Slogan for Legalized Marijuana...

1.Skull-Shaped Bong: $12.00

Primo Maui-Grown Bud: $25.00

Watching Teletubbies with Your Buddies: Priceless

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