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Sandra Collins last night review

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Last night was a great time. . .

My first time hearing Alan Sax and he was pretty good. . .he started off slow but picked it up at the end. . .

Sandra was destructive last night. . .everytime i caught her she was trancey but last night she was the hardest i ever heard her...she spun real hard progressive trance...every track was banging. . .only few tracks i recognized were:

Nat Monday-Waiting - Creamer Dub

FSOL- Papua New Guinea - Satoshi remix (she dropped for an encore, no she wasn't looping the 15 minute track )

she spun for 3 hours...and i'm glad she didn't play trancey, she finally showed nyc'ers that she can be really devastating and she did. . .that's my baby

I wish some of ya who were at Tiesto or elsewhere were there to hear her spin. . .hopefully when she comes back soon so you guys can check her out.... . .

Only beef of the night was when the dj's ended their sets they just ended, they didn't lead right into the other perosn's set. . .it kills the buzz. . .

I stuck around a bit for Creamer's set but hearing tribal after Sandra, funk that shit. . .

I liked it when my friend and i were taking the posters off the wall, one promoter started yelling at us saying "I put those posters up for a reason! Not for you to take them down!" That's the reason why you put them up there, to promote for the parties and for us to take it down. . .it's one huge ass flyer...DuH. . .

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Heard her three times..

and was stood up by her once at MWMC..

She's not my fav..

or let's say..

that she didn't leave me with the feeling that

she was a genius or anything.

(Though her Transport CD does have some great moments

I fel;t her LIVE set was missing something)

Had she been a part of a crazy carvan like

Six Elements I might have caught her set..

squeezed between OTHER sounds..

I'd rather wait for another musical orgie like that to witness her skills again..

Glad you guys had fun..


(Out of all people)

would have reaally apriciated the DUMBO party last night man!

see ya around bro~

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Every time I've seen Sandra she has been great. I won't say 'genius' since I reserve that for Dave Ralph (tells you where my passion lies).

Last night just made me think you DUMBOs really missed something great, but I'm glad we all had a good time. (you dirty hippie, Mugz!)

It was good seeing a fair 'board' showing, met some new peeps again. Finally got to meet the sweet Ms Collins, she was a doll.

(I think people have been selling her short)

See ya in a week!

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was my first time seeing sandra live and she played a really good set. most of i was in the lounge, the music was pretty good in there for most of the night but then it seemed to be getting worse and worse and i was going insane, just watching some guy dance to the music he had to be fucked up the way he was dancing or maybe i was to fucked up. i have never seen vinyl so empty since i been goin there usually there are alot more people i guess there was better shit goin on. did anybody get interviewed by some lady from URB magazine, this lady came up to me and started asking me questions and then took my picture it was so weird because i couldn't understand what she was saying and at one point i thought i was getting thrown out when she came up to me. i wasn't really feeling the vibe as much as other nights but at least i had my crazy friends with me. one of my friends asked the bartender if they serve french fries. laughed my ass off alot to much fun..

time for a break tho to much partying!!!!!!!!!!!!!my body really hurts

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Hey how was her jaw this time?

Could she move it...and if she could, did it go up and down as opposed to side to side? :laugh:

Also I hope she packed enough cigarettes in the booth with her, we don't want her lowering the music to yell out if someone could get her one....only *I* can do that :rolleyes:

- Pete


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Originally posted by shadowchaser

Last night was a great time. . .

Sandra was destructive last night. . .

.every track was banging. . .

Nat Monday-Waiting - Creamer Dub

FSOL- Papua New Guinea -

Satoshi remix

she spun for 3 hours.


Glad she played DIFFERENT tracks than most

people round these here parts!


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