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i had the weirest dream last night

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ok i was walking around an old creepy house, following a little dog. it led me up a narrow stairway to this beautiful all glass room. all of a sudden all these bdies appeared, and then i was pushed thropugh the glass and fell 3/4 stories onto the ground. then this crazy guy (that looked a lot like jack nicholson from the shining) came over and attacked me with an ax. then i woke up, but i was wlaking outside the house and got attaxcked again. then i woke up in my dorm, sat up, and got attacked again. then i finally woke up. can anyone attach a meaning onto this?:eek: :eek: :eek::confused:

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I don't know how much I can give you for the meaning of this....

Maybe your mom chased you with an axe when you were young? or maybe your just super paranoid.... Bad trip?

I had a wierd dream yesterday, I don't remember much of it, but When my alarm rang to wake me up... I thought someone threw a glass of water in my face, and it didn't occur to me until 2 minutes of my alarm ringing, that it was my alarm, and it was time to get up.... I guess they're equally obnoxious when your trying to sleep.... :)

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It really matters whether or not you were fucked up when you went to bed..I used to study dreams and you can't assign meaning to them or trust their indications if you were.....

if you were sober - I think that it has a lot to do with you fearing that you are in a situation you can't get out of. Like, work for example -- if you were at a dead end job, or if your a clubber and want to stop. Being axed over and over shows a fear a something reoccuring in your life - that you can't get away from.

The glass room is something even more crazy - GET THIS SHIT....

that's your sub- consious trying to show you what the problem is -you may or may not be consciously aware of it - but your dream is trying to show you that the problem and answer is obvious. I think it definitely ties into the ax thing (being in something you cant get out of) - the mirrors are probably just telling you what it is.

basically dreams try to show us things so that we can fix them in real life (well that's one of the things) but I would like to know more about this glass room -- most of the times in dreams mirrors and reflections are the most blantent and outright signal to your conscience that there is something it would like to tell you.

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Frequent ecstasy use produces strange dreams/nightmares as a side effect. I find that my dreams are much more vivid and real after doing E and b/c they are, I think more about them than I normally would (ie they don't mean anything.) If this isn't the case in your situation, then most dream books suggest that this dream does mean that your running away from a problem that you may or may not know about. Whether you realize it or not, you are extremely stressed right now about something. Is it midterms right now? That could be a major cause of stress. Hope you feel better and try not to think about it too much.

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Do you drink a lot? I always find that when I go to bed (pass out) after a night of drinking, I sleep so soundly that I don't remember my dreams. You always dream at night, you just don't always remember them (weed and ecstasy cause memory loss...)

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I need you, you seem like you kinda know what your talking about and you would have fun picking apart my dreams. I got some crazzzyyyy ones that maybe you could translate for me? I'm always seeing glass windows and mirrors, is that bad? Am I bad person, nevermind don't answer that one yet.:confused: :confused: :rolleyes:

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A couple of things could have happened. First question have you been using drugs that deplete seratonin lately. ie x, mesculine, acid lately? It doesn't have to be right after you take it it can happen in a week. Built up paranoia and fear of being cuaght with something is a possibility. My gues is that you feel guilty for something and you are being hunted by your unconsious.

recomendations: do not eat 3 or 4 hours before you sleep including diner runs. Take melatonin supplements for sleep. Excersise more to get your stress off.


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I usually just take a nice two footer of good nugs before I go to bed and I find usually it helps, the problem is when I don't do that? Somehow there is usally either snakes involved or a shooting? I don;t like snakes, but I don't necessary hate them, the creature that is. However I never think of them or are around them or anything? Whats with the shooting, I'm sick of getting shot at. Me=:blown:

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i dont do any drugs, and i wasnt drinking last night

i guess i am in a rut....i cant find people to go out in london, and i dont enjoy going by myself. on friday, when i went out by myself, my atm card got stolen (and the bastards then took money out too). bu anyway...what could the dead bodies mean?

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Originally posted by pgiddy

I need you, you seem like you kinda know what your talking about and you would have fun picking apart my dreams. I got some crazzzyyyy ones that maybe you could translate for me? I'm always seeing glass windows and mirrors, is that bad? Am I bad person, nevermind don't answer that one yet.:confused: :confused: :rolleyes:

damn you don't need me you need a.....


no seriously - when you go to bed fucked up - either high drunk or definitely anything else -- it can't be examined because there are too many "other" factors playing in...do you have dreams like that when your sober?

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i have this problem lately (maybe it's not a problem at all but it's really wiggin' me out!) that i enter lucid dreaming and/or REM sleep in mere minutes. i could even just be STANDING on a subway or PATH train on my way home and actually have DREAMS within a minute or two of closing my eyes. these mini-dreams are as vivid and detailed as the ones i typically have after being asleep for 2 or 3 hours in bed.

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