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I just want to say about the US position...


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daaamn, interesting. people, you have to realize that these are just opinions, and when ssassa or whoever says something like "i think that bombing afganistan is wrong", it does not mean they are pro bin laden. it means "hey, you know i am thinking here on what we can do to protect the country and stabilize the situation, and it doesnt seem clear to me that bombing afghanistan is the right thing to do". these are the same types of people who questioned vietnam, and were insulted by the majority who percieved them to be anti-american. guys, this isnt 2nd grade, i dont think any one here is anti american, they just have different view points as to what should be done in this situation. igloo, stop the violence bro! anyway, besides that, i also want to say that not bombing the taliban, and not using force to combat these fuckers would be the biggest mistake. bin laden doesnt give two shits about what democracy is all about, he doesnt give two shits about what you, sasa, the left, the right and every one else thinks. you think he gives a shit about the palestinian cause? hardly, he has never been there and has never done any humanitarian work, besides funding for bullets to kill israeli civilians. what he wants is his own psychopathic dream of West vs Islam to come true. sadly, it may be happening. not taking action is to let the cancer of islamic fundamentalism spread over the entire body. as for the bombing of afghanistan, as i said before, if we stop, and let the taliban rule, we would have abandoned the afghanis for the second time, a mistake that can not be made. if we abandon that area, it will unmistakebly become a primary breeding ground for terror groups and a staging ground for islamic fundamentalism to spread across the globe. lifes a bitch, now we gotta become one.

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Fuck sassa...

and fuck your defense of sassa....

Sassa's statements can not be hidden behind the "different" point of view- sassa went well beyond...take a hard look at all of sassa's statements on this thread...nothing but anti-American venom...and misguided at that...

I will repeat for the 100th time- debate and difference of opinion is healthy and necessary-but sassa has completely crossed the line with her elitist, blame America, venom. Fuck her

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Originally posted by igloo

Fuck sassa...

and fuck your defense of sassa....

Sassa's statements can not be hidden behind the "different" point of view- sassa went well beyond...take a hard look at all of sassa's statements on this thread...nothing but anti-American venom...and misguided at that...

I will repeat for the 100th time- debate and difference of opinion is healthy and necessary-but sassa has completely crossed the line with her elitist, blame America, venom. Fuck her


i think that all you have showed igloo is that you are too immature(and irrational) to have a debate or even a discussion...

why do yo think that people stop posting on this thread?...

not because the subject has been exhausted...

but because there's no point in talking with you...

everything is just black and white for you...it's "think like me or else"...

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Originally posted by frenchbread


i think that all you have showed igloo is that you are too immature(and irrational) to have a debate or even a discussion...

why do yo think that people stop posting on this thread?...

not because the subject has been exhausted...

but because there's no point in talking with you...

everything is just black and white for you...it's "think like me or else"...

I am not being irrational or immature whatsoever...her comments warrant my attacks on us- if you don't like it stop viewing..

Like i said earlier, and I state again, Sassa's statements were not for discussion, they were pure anti-American venom and an insult to the innocent American lives that were lost at the hands of those who kill simply because they hate the US and want to impose their way of life on the world.

BTW, there were not the many posters in this thread to begin with, but the views are high, so get your facts straight retard...

And I will state for the 100th time- I will be more than happy to enter into healthy discussion with anyone, but if you are going to make statements like Sassa that are misguided, insulting, and simply not human, then I will respond in kind- even if it means stooping to Sassa's level.....

I am an American, I am proud of this country, and will defend her against anyone who spews venom like Sassa...

I am also smart enough to know that our Govt is not perfect, and we have made our mistakes along the way, and will continue to do so, but in no way is this country and its people deserving of what happened on 9/11....

It is obvious Sassa does not understand that, and perhaps even you

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Originally posted by go411

Oh shut the fuck up already!!!! what happened on 9/11 happens everyday in other countries .... what are we untouchable now QUIT LIVING IN THIS POP WORLD KID NOW U R PISSING MEEE OFF WITH YOUR STUPIDITY.......

I am not sure I can even respond to the utter imbelice nature of this statements..

Nice job on your comment "what happened on 9/11 happens everyday in other countries ....

Perhaps one of the most idiotic statements ever...

Unfortuntanetly I have stooped to your and Sassa's level with no way out at this point since you and her continue to make statemenents baked in mental retardation....

I ask you, beg of you, to please stop posting because the stupidity eminating from your keyboard is causing the CP servers to fry

You should stick to chasing Big Foot in the woods with a backpack filled with Loch Ness monster books you fucking jerkoff

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Originally posted by igloo

I am not being irrational or immature whatsoever...her comments warrant my attacks on us- if you don't like it stop viewing..

Like i said earlier, and I state again, Sassa's statements were not for discussion, they were pure anti-American venom and an insult to the innocent American lives that were lost at the hands of those who kill simply because they hate the US and want to impose their way of life on the world.

BTW, there were not the many posters in this thread to begin with, but the views are high, so get your facts straight retard...


yes you are being immature, because you have yet to post something for somebody who does not agree with you without insulting them...


they are not many posters on this thread because of your attitude...i personnally thought that this thread was interesting, but that there was obviously no point in conversing with people like you since you will accept nothing that does not completely conform to your views...

Originally posted by igloo

And I will state for the 100th time- I will be more than happy to enter into healthy discussion with anyone, but if you are going to make statements like Sassa that are misguided, insulting, and simply not human, then I will respond in kind- even if it means stooping to Sassa's level.....


i don't think you are able to have a healthy discussion about a subject like this...

at least, you obviously are not willing to have a healthy discussion...

if like you said you are happy to do so with anyone who does not make statements like sassa, why didn't you do so with me as i have made no comments on the subject yet...

you attack me yet you know nothing of my views...for all you know i have the exact same views on the subject as you do...but just because i believe sassa has a right to her opinion you attack me...

yea, that's definitely very mature and rational...


"stooping to sassa's level"????...please if anybody here is low it is you...sassa kept her composure regardless of all the inappropriate, off-topic and personal attacks made at her...

Originally posted by igloo

I am an American, I am proud of this country, and will defend her against anyone who spews venom like Sassa...


you really like using those images, don't you?..."defend her"(btw a country has no gender, it is "it" not "her"), "spews venom", "evil-doers", "make no mistake about it", etc...

Originally posted by igloo

I am also smart enough to know that our Govt is not perfect, and we have made our mistakes along the way, and will continue to do so, but in no way is this country and its people deserving of what happened on 9/11....

It is obvious Sassa does not understand that, and perhaps even you


what on earth are you talking about?...

who said that either sassa or i thought that this country and its people deserved what happened on 9/11????...

i never thought, implied or said that...neither did she...

i do not think this country and/or its people deserved these attacks...

i live in this country(right outside of nyc as a matter of fact), and am part of its people...

i am strongly against any form of terrorism...

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Thank you Frenchbread and Go, for your wonderful posts. I was trying to help people realize things from a different perspective, but perhaps I should have said I condone what happened and do not wish to see it happen again. I was very hurt to hear about the attacks. A friend of mine died in them. So you see, I have lost someone in them too. I have a right to be angry. Very much so. But I am directing my anger to the source that is responsible for it.... terrorists. While we still don't know 100% (but come on,it's pretty definite...) that it is Osama Bin Laden, I can safely say that Islam and Muslims around the world do condone this attack. Islam is based on peace, and you cannot accuse more than a billion people of harboring terrorist ideas, that is being irrational and just plain ignorant. I hope people come to realize this and show a bit more compassion for the poor souls who are going through horrific conditions in Kabul and throughout Afghanistan.

Igloo,I've noticed something about your posts. You keep preaching that I am anti-American. Now, I know that I will probably get more shit from you for this post as well, but where did I ever say at any time that I was anti-American?If you can find it and copy and paste it in your next post, I would be obliged. Otherwise, if you have no proof that I have said such a thing, then I ask you to stop making such comments. You are wrongly judging me and trying to convince others (and perhaps yourself) that I am the enemy. I am not. But I do hate ignorance, and you are full of it. Read a book, surf the Web, talk to other people, find out more about this rather than what you've been hearing on CNN. Seriously, try to do it and perhaps your perspective will change.

Have a good weekend, everyone.

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Originally posted by sassa

Igloo,But I do hate ignorance, and you are full of it. Read a book, surf the Web, talk to other people, find out more about this rather than what you've been hearing on CNN. Seriously, try to do it and perhaps your perspective will change.


Sassa...please do not forget that you claim to be an expert on world affairs because you take a diplomact class..

And again the above statement proves what a condescending, dickhead you are...you are not as smart as you think, so get over yourself

Again and again, you prove that is is you who is trying to convince people of your views...in every one of my posts, I am simply pointing out what a piece of shit you are....plain and simple..

"Read a book, surf a web, talk to people"---just wondering- do those things only happen in a diplomacy class?

Oh yeah, only peeps who are critical of the US govt conduct those type of activities....

Lastly, Sassa......regardless of all the different life forms this discussion has spawned on this thread (and many good ones), I still have not forgot your orginal comments...

Leave the country

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All I want to say to this and all other threads that are supposed to share different opinions and point of views....I feel very sorry for people like Igloo who, instead of take an opinion, take constructive criticism and state their view on things, only know how to throw obscenities to other people. If you really think the world is only black and white than you have to do a lot more growing up to do. It's the diversity of opinions and view points that make a society to what it is....if we all have only one view on things and follow blindly without questioning we can call ourselves sheeps instead of human being.

Have a good weekend...and maybe just think about everything instead of shouting out loud again.


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Originally posted by flying_high

All I want to say to this and all other threads that are supposed to share different opinions and point of views....I feel very sorry for people like Igloo who, instead of take an opinion, take constructive criticism and state their view on things, only know how to throw obscenities to other people. If you really think the world is only black and white than you have to do a lot more growing up to do. It's the diversity of opinions and view points that make a society to what it is....if we all have only one view on things and follow blindly without questioning we can call ourselves sheeps instead of human being.

Have a good weekend...and maybe just think about everything instead of shouting out loud again.


It is obvious that my personal insults on Sassa have clouded how peeps views my statements..

In short, I have always stated that I respect and believe in difference of opinion, and that it is healthy and necessary for personal and society growth...if you see my posts, I have always stated that...

I will take the blame if you missed that because one will tend to focus on the names I have been calling Sassa instead of what I have been saying

But as I have stated 1000 times, Sassa's statements go way beyond just offering an opinion, and are simply an insult to those Americans who have lost there lives- plain and simple. With freedom of speech also comes responsibility.

And regardless of the hits I have been taken on this board because peeps think I am trying to suppress her right to voice an opinion, I still stand by my opinion- Sassa- leave the country

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hehe, is it just me, or does igloo seem to be pat buchanan in disguise? DUDE! stop with the insults! we all love this country. just because some people critisize the actions of our 'evil-doer fighter' president and government, does not mean they are anti american. i personally support the military action right now, and i support israel, so what? do i have to hate sasa or anyone else for having a different opinion? cmon man, think it out brotha! oh, ps - go411, "Oh shut the fuck up already!!!! what happened on 9/11 happens everyday in other countries" - that was harsh, factless and unnecessary. peace

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Originally posted by igloo

Sassa...please do not forget that you claim to be an expert on world affairs because you take a diplomact class..

And again the above statement proves what a condescending, dickhead you are...you are not as smart as you think, so get over yourself

Again and again, you prove that is is you who is trying to convince people of your views...in every one of my posts, I am simply pointing out what a piece of shit you are....plain and simple..

"Read a book, surf a web, talk to people"---just wondering- do those things only happen in a diplomacy class?

Oh yeah, only peeps who are critical of the US govt conduct those type of activities....

Lastly, Sassa......regardless of all the different life forms this discussion has spawned on this thread (and many good ones), I still have not forgot your orginal comments...

Leave the country

No, I didn't asshole. And about your last comment....FUCKING MAKE ME LEAVE. Let's see you try. MAKE ME LEAVE.

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Originally posted by tribal

hehe, is it just me, or does igloo seem to be pat buchanan in disguise? DUDE! stop with the insults! we all love this country. just because some people critisize the actions of our 'evil-doer fighter' president and government, does not mean they are anti american. i personally support the military action right now, and i support israel, so what? do i have to hate sasa or anyone else for having a different opinion? cmon man, think it out brotha! oh, ps - go411, "Oh shut the fuck up already!!!! what happened on 9/11 happens everyday in other countries" - that was harsh, factless and unnecessary. peace

well it was an everyday occurance in afghanistan for a decade and a half...but thats another subject

igloo has proven time and time again that he can never reply to any thread without throwing insults an anyone who presents a "liberal" view of the world. he's not pat buchanan in disguise. cmon now! he's a lot more like jerry fallwell (now watch igloo abuse my spelling capapbility)

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