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congress passes $100 billion anti terrorism law!!!!

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this bill allows the fbi to tap anybody they want without probable casue and without a court order....first off i think this is an excuse for the govt to gain more power over the american people and second where is all this money coming from...before the tragic events of sept 11 the govt had no money for anything and since the tragedy there has to be at least $400 billion in bills passed...

what do u peeps think

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Originally posted by daemoncel

they're probably gonna grab it from Social Security or take back some of the money aloted to refunds.. quite possibly it could be taken from the Budgets of the HOuse or Congress

there goes our retirement fund....i better start putting money underneath my bed....
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Yo this bill is no good...and is not gonna work. I was watching c-span tonight and the Democrats are right...Issueing monies to the states for distribution to a listed 15 companies will do nothing, the only way to help the present economic state of affairs is to put the monies in the hands of the people...the only way to help the economy is if people are buying goods and services, not by giving companies money that they'll only use to compensate for some of their loses...AND NOT HIRE PEOPLE BACK!

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Originally posted by bdinke01

Yo this bill is no good...and is not gonna work. I was watching c-span tonight and the Democrats are right...Issueing monies to the states for distribution to a listed 15 companies will do nothing, the only way to help the present economic state of affairs is to put the monies in the hands of the people...the only way to help the economy is if people are buying goods and services, not by giving companies money that they'll only use to compensate for some of their loses...AND NOT HIRE PEOPLE BACK!

I have to agree with you - furthermore - don't the Republicans want to do away with Social Security or let us invest the money ourselves!! - Shit - Social security is always dip into, what the gov. do with out it!! Fuck big business - Corp are going to get a tax break, lay off people and the ceo is still going to get a $5 million bonus at the end of the year. All this talk of being American and going about our normal business and not panicing - why doesn't someone say it's un-American to fire so many people as a result of the tragedy!!

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has anyone been reading the ATA (anti-terrorism act ) and the USA (cant remember what the acronym was for) that were passed this past month

we can say goodbye to our privacy as well, as well as due process

all i can say is that after i graduate, i dont think i'm gonna stick around that long:(

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

an example of privacy invasion

That is fucked up that the RIAA wants to be able to go into your PC and delete your mp3s. I didn't know they had bots roaming the Morpheus network either. I wonder how much file-trading would be considered enough to grab a bots' attention, cause I download probably around 25-50 mp3s a week.

But anyway, back to the original topic, I was also wondering where they're getting all of this money since the attacks. I know our country had a surplus and shit (good thing we got our refund checks back in August), but it seems like they're just throwing money left and right now.

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Here's the deal...Even though 9-11 has brought the house and senate together against terrorism, politics is still the main game, and those corporations have lobbyists and have invested in some of the representatives that submitted the bill...Anyone been watching what's going on with the aid monies collected (from the concert and numerous other charities accepting donations). The answer is no...no one has recieved any of that money...the bureaucracy of th charity organizations has managed to prevent the distribution of funds, just as the bureaucracy of the House has managed to pass abill that's going to do absolutely nothing for the present economic state, except allowing large corporations to cut some of their losses and keep their dividends up.

Check out this article...It analyzes the bill and The House


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how generous for the maker if cipro to sell the drug at a discount to the federal govenrment....give me a break.....it took them all this time to reach a deal on the drug and the company didnt want to give up the paten to allow other compaines to make the drug....are u serious people can be poisoned to death and this company didnt want to allow other companies to make the drug.....all the companies should be working together in producing enough medicine for the public

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Originally posted by msoprano13

how generous for the maker if cipro to sell the drug at a discount to the federal govenrment....give me a break.....it took them all this time to reach a deal on the drug and the company didnt want to give up the paten to allow other compaines to make the drug....are u serious people can be poisoned to death and this company didnt want to allow other companies to make the drug.....all the companies should be working together in producing enough medicine for the public

Bro...I totally agree, but they are gonna sell us 100 million pills at $0.95 per tab. That's like 1/7 of the regular price....BULLSHIT!!

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Originally posted by msoprano13

how generous for the maker if cipro to sell the drug at a discount to the federal govenrment....give me a break.....it took them all this time to reach a deal on the drug and the company didnt want to give up the paten to allow other compaines to make the drug....are u serious people can be poisoned to death and this company didnt want to allow other companies to make the drug.....all the companies should be working together in producing enough medicine for the public

Bro...I totally agree, but they are gonna sell us 100 million doses at $0.95 per tab. That's like 1/7 of the regular price....BULLSHIT!!

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Err bdinke01:

Wow, as much as i dont like your views and opinions about the world and US foreign policies,

I got to admin that I totally agree with you on this specific issue about the rep govt being in bed with the pharmacutical companies and oil co. as well.

From what i remember reading the Times, Bayer (which makes and has a patent on Cipro) donated more than $93,000 of "soft" money to the republicans and only $500 to the democrats in the 2000 elections. :eek:


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well bush is signing the bill on tv to put it into action....this bill will do as i stated plus allow the fbi to hold you to 7 days without telling you why u are being detained and without trial or due process. the fbi will also be monitoring internet usage and web surfing as well. for those with over due visas will be arrested immediately.....now i agree with that last part but lets see if they grab everybody or just middle eastern names.....

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