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This leftist, P.C. crap has to stop.....

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Listen for all you people (this includes you sassa) who are into this leftist way of rationalizing...stop...you are killing our country. Yes this country was based on freedoms and liberties, but we've achieved them and are now headed towards the other end of the spectrum, where it becomes destructive. Below are some links to some articles that you people may find interesting or hopefully enlightening, concerning the subject at hand. This website is also a great place to get your PC-Free news before it breaks on the media venues you are accustomed to.



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Hey Asshole,

I only had to read about three or four paragraphs. This is right wing rhetoric. Everyone wants to stop the terrorists. No one wants to bomb civilians. Go fuck yourself. Stop blaming the people who made America what it is. Yes, I mean Clinton. Get your head out of your ass.

And stop replying to your own posts.

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Originally posted by roadrunner

Hey Asshole,

I only had to read about three or four paragraphs. This is right wing rhetoric. Everyone wants to stop the terrorists. No one wants to bomb civilians. Go fuck yourself. Stop blaming the people who made America what it is. Yes, I mean Clinton. Get your head out of your ass.

And stop replying to your own posts.

Bro...I hate to tell you this but Clinton killed us...Yeah, he created this bubble that fooled everyone...even me. The economy was booming, everything was going great...what really happened was that he reduced the armed forces by half, and he turned our intelligence agencies into pushovers by forcing political correctness on them...you get your head out of your ass guy!

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Originally posted by bdinke01

what really happened was that he reduced the armed forces by half, and he turned our intelligence agencies into pushovers by forcing political correctness on them

Uhhhh, it's pretty standard to reduce the size of our armed forces during PEACE TIME. And what "political correctness" were you referring to, exactly? Allowing gays to participate in the armed forces? If you're objecting to that, then let me suggest you find a nice dictatorship to move to - I hear Cuba's lovely this time of year...


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Originally posted by bdinke01

Bro...I hate to tell you this but Clinton killed us...Yeah, he created this bubble that fooled everyone...even me. The economy was booming, everything was going great...what really happened was that he reduced the armed forces by half, and he turned our intelligence agencies into pushovers by forcing political correctness on them...you get your head out of your ass guy!

before the incident, bush introduced cost saving measures on the military to reduce the number of personell

and this bubble that youre talking about wasnt created by clinton...does silicon valley ring a bell?

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I agree that Clinton hurt our intelligence agencies. You need a rat to spy on a rat, and he got rid of all of our rats. Granted, those people weren't all that nice or moral, but you need a hard ass mofo to infiltrate places where hard ass shit is going on. You can't have your intelligence agencies adhere to a strict moral code and only rely on satellites to do the spying. You need a dirty scumbag that can get in the thick of things and go undercover to get the information that we really need, and Clinton got rid of those scumbags when he took office.

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

before the incident, bush introduced cost saving measures on the military to reduce the number of personell

and this bubble that youre talking about wasnt created by clinton...does silicon valley ring a bell?

I didn't mean an economic bubble per se. We all know that the market was inflated way beyond the value of most of the companies and the tech industry was in the red, while most companies were carrying a vast surplus in inventory that could never be sold. The market, and subsequently the economy is cyclical. What I meant was at the time Clinton was in office, everything was peachy, thus no one was complaining and everyone liked Clinton.

Clinton's liberalism and lack of genuine "commander in chief" type leadership caused leftist ideals to engulf our everyday life from schools to the breakdown of our government agencies by forcefeading us Political Correctness through the media.

PC has crippled our vital government agencies such as the CIA and the NSA, by forcing diversification instead of hiring the right people for the job. These agencies, despite they way most people feel about them due to their silver screen notoriorism and certain outlandish conspiracy theories, are the American peoples' last line of defense, which is a characteristic that has been made evident to the public after 9-11.

I have to get back to work so I'll wrap it up with this...Basically, we've been giving the world Pussy for 8 years with Clinton, but now with the Bush Administration we're gonna start giving the world Dick again!!!

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hey dinky,

i don't see you over there in afganistan. you believe in the war so much why don't YOU go fight it?

oh no wait its much easier to bitch and moan about how the commies and liberals are ruining america from your cubicle then it is to risk your life on the front line.

I would want to be there - ergo i couldn't possibly see asking anyone else to go in my place.

you are on the same level as the socialists. sit around and give your armchair opinion about how the world should work. run along, little boy, and go read noam chomsky.

have your opinon - its a right that was fought for by people much braver then you or i. but just understand that its an opinion - not a lisence from god to spread drama.


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Well when Clinton was president he did a lot of good things for the country's economy and domestic front. We all were making tons of money, the economy was doing very well, profit was up, everythng was up.

Was he a genius at handling the international situation? no.

Did he screw up some foreign policy and conflicts? In my opinion, yes.

Hell nobody's perfect, and what he did for us is what is HELPING US get through the immense spending and mobilization that our government is going through now. Look at how much cash has been allotted by our government in the past two months after these terrorists attacks. Look at what we've spent. We're able to do that because of the strong economy we had going into this thing.

And as for the rhetoric - everyone is entitled to their way of thinking, however obscene and insulting it may be to someone else. Like it or hate it, that's why this country is what it is.

One thing is for sure. There is one thing that none of us in here should accuse the US of, and that is of restricting our voice.

Feel blessed that you can wake up every morning and say your piece about how much you do or don't like what's going on with the country, and not have to worry about police or anybody else breaking down your door and throwing you in jail for conspiring against the state. None of us live in fear that someday the government will come for us unless we stay in line and don't make noise.

That is our blessing.

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Originally posted by dialectics

hey dinky,

i don't see you over there in afganistan. you believe in the war so much why don't YOU go fight it?

oh no wait its much easier to bitch and moan about how the commies and liberals are ruining america from your cubicle then it is to risk your life on the front line.

I would want to be there - ergo i couldn't possibly see asking anyone else to go in my place.

you are on the same level as the socialists. sit around and give your armchair opinion about how the world should work. run along, little boy, and go read noam chomsky.

have your opinon - its a right that was fought for by people much braver then you or i. but just understand that its an opinion - not a lisence from god to spread drama.


First of all guy...I'm not the little pussy clubkid, or rich mommies boy, or stuck-up typical coffee-shop new yorker...I'ld go in a second and for you to assume that I'm some all bark and no bite kind of guy, that just shows how arrogant you are. Who the fuck do you think you're talking to bro...You don't know me!!!!! Fucking socialist huh...I hate kid like you.

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Guest saleen351

Clinton was handcuffed on the cia issues, since my senator had a bill that passed called the toricelli principle, which in turn hand cuffed the cia...

And for all the ppl who are sooooo PC and want to stop bombing, I ask you what The factor asks all the guests every night "what else would work instead of bombing" well none have answered the question and Oreilly ripped some gay religious guy last night!

Oh and Fuck Barbra Lee, I hate her and Berkley

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There's some funny ass stuff here...

Even the liberal Boston Globe recognized this. Breaking from the P.C. crowd, it reported that Clinton's sexcapades and scandals detracted from his ability to focus on hunting down Osama bin Laden. That story got almost zero national press coverage.

Anti-Political Correctness eh? Leftists suck eh? Who were the stupid idiots who were chasing Clinton around with a stick instead of leaving him alone for getting head?

I'm sure those blowjobs bothered his ability to make governing decisions, as opposed to the resulting worthless waste of a witch hunt.

Forgive me, but doesn't common sense dictate that when 19 Arab men, all in a certain age bracket, just hijacked four jet planes and just killed around 7,000 people, that it would be reasonable to check people who fit that profile a bit more carefully? Wouldn't patriotic Arab-Americans be glad for such a policy because it assures their safety as well? If I was an Arab, I would be happy I was being checked.

Just like how blacks are statistically more like to commit crimes than whites...maybe we should round us up some niggas next time we see a few hanging out on the street corner eh?

I didn't see anyone probing white boys when Timothy McVeigh blew up the Federal Building...And OH, right, cuz before WTC, that WAS THE worst terrorist attack in U.S. history. I'd be glad to stop them arabs, as long as every white person gets searched first for being possible white supremacists/terrorists.

It's so easy to say shit like that when you're not the person that's going to be stopped everywhere you go.

This person was qualified because she was black, a female, and had graduated from an Ivy League college with a high GPA. The CIA was not concerned that the young woman did not speak the language of the country she was to analyze, nor had she ever visited the country.

I'm sorry, silly me...I didn't realize that there was only one black person in the U.S. qualified to work in the CIA

SEAN HANNITY: And this is important. I think a lot of intolerance comes from the left. I think intolerance - for example, you can't put "God Bless America" - you can't say the Pledge of Allegiance. These are recent debates that we've had. If you have a disagreement on affirmative action or...

Absolutely correct. However, how does this argue against being a moderate left?

Extremism in all forms are pretty bad. Leftist fascism is bad, rightist fascism is WORSE.

Next time, if you want to argue against left extremism, try doing that instead of bashing the left. These articles does nothing but try to balance a seesaw with a kid on one end by dropping an elephant on another...

I'm sure you can find something else more pertinent and credible.

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Originally posted by saleen351

Clinton was handcuffed on the cia issues, since my senator had a bill that passed called the toricelli principle, which in turn hand cuffed the cia...

And for all the ppl who are sooooo PC and want to stop bombing, I ask you what The factor asks all the guests every night "what else would work instead of bombing" well none have answered the question and Oreilly ripped some gay religious guy last night!

Oh and Fuck Barbra Lee, I hate her and Berkley

Yo good shit bro...no one has a solution just an ignorant opinion. O'reilly is the best...he is always right in what he says...

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All Clinton's fault, huh?

Lemme ask you a question-- who controlled congress during Bill Clinton's 2 terms in office.

As to the economy -- it's called the business cycle, moron, and it didn't go away, it was just on vacation.

This belongs in drama.

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Originally posted by bdinke01

Yo good shit bro...no one has a solution just an ignorant opinion. O'reilly is the best...he is always right in what he says...

Sorry that real, well-thought out solutions don't make easy, commercial-friendly soundbites,or fit neatly onto bumber-stickers, and I find it interesting that in this hyper-patriotic moment, my voicing of any opinion contrary to W.'s plan means I am required to lay out a fully drafted foreign policy agenda for the next decade, and while I can't possibly get to all the problems with your stance, I'm gonna throw a few "ignorant" points your way- too bad they happen to be indisputible facts instead of opinions-

Cause if your history went back before the Oreilly Factor and Ruch Limbaugh show you might know that if the US hadn't thrown uzzies at anyone who screamed "I hate Commies" the Taliban would still be a fringe -cult camped out in caves, rather than the well trained fighting force we made them.

If you paid attention to whiny leftist press, you might know that despite the Gulf War, and sanctions and constant bombing runs, we have been completely unsuccessful in our attempt to oust Saddam Hussein, while causing the deaths of thousands of civilians by blocking their hope of aid, food or medicine. The tactics of violence we are using have been tried before and FAILED in this part of the world because we are truly proving to be their enemy. This is an important lesson for Afghanistan, considering we are strengthening, rather than weakening the Taliban's support and increasinf hatred of America and potential for future terrorist attacks...

We are once again supporting a fringe element that has figured out that by shouting "I hate terrorists" (btw, none of them could define terrorists in an interview) they will recieve unlimited US suport. We have no idea what their agenda is, but don't seem to care, or notice that they represent a small violent minority that will in alllikelihood be just as viscious to their oppresors once empowered.

So solutions that mightwork as supposed to old ones that havent'?? Well they are long and boring but include increased diplomatic ties, shared intelligence, international cooperation on the defensive side.... pro-active PR within the Islamic world, "radio-free" Afghanistan in an attempt to counter state propoganda, and agitation towards an anti-fundamentalist movement within the country, and deal with terrorism as a crime against humanity in international court, rather than make it nation-verse-nation declaration of war - nothing could suit Osama bin Laden's plans better.

Well that will have to do for now...ignorance is bliss, but now its time to wake up

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Listen bdinke, or whatever the hell your name is, don't tell me to stop and don't tell me I'm killing the country. Whoever said YOU were the right one about all this? Are your opinions and views the only ones that count?I don't think so. Isn't it an Amendment in the Constitution that we are all allowed free speech?That's exactly what I and several other people are doing. So, I think the best thing for you to do is not post stupid shit like this and learn how to handle criticism in a mature way.

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Our freedoms and liberties have been achieved?

Try telling that to our black, brown, red, gay and lesbian brothers and sisters.

I agree that people focused on advocating for one issue or ideology can be limited whether it is on the Left, in the comfort of the middle class, or on the Right...as is your view.

Discussing your opinions with others is a step in the direction of broadening your perspective. But don't do it with hate and contempt behind your words.

Demonization of anyone: liberals, conservatives, or presidents is ridiculous and unacceptable.


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First off...Saijay...I totally agree that we require better intelligence, and International as well as domestic cooperation in preventing this from happening again...The problem is that these people will still be out there as well as amoung us. The only way to live our lives anywhere near the way we were before 9-11, we have to find these people and get rid of them...How can we try them if we can't get them...bin Laden has been indicted for several years...has he been convicted Noooooo. Why? He is in Afghanistan and the only way to get him is to go in forcefully and that is exactly what we are doing...Why are we still bombing? Well, we DON'T trust the N. Alliance and the Russians. The N. Alliance arn't very good people either...they deal drugs with the Russian Mafia! The government is preventing the uneccessary lose of US Soldiers, and watch, there just might be a few tactical nukes used.

The terrorist agenda is simple...they wan't to impose their views on Islam on all muslims...we saw the same thing with the Nazi's and Hitler...bottom line, they are the same breed. Brainwashed by a madman...and evil. Only we DON'T have a government to go after...we will go after a few b/c they will try and stand in our way by supporting the terrorist network, but there is no country to declare war on.

P.S. You still did not provide an effective alternate solution...just blabber.

Sassa....My name is actually Bryan...AND YOU'RE IN CALIFORNIA...the same state that the boycotted liberal city of Berserkly is in...AND YOU'RE 2700 MILES AWAY!!!! I live with the threat of this shit everyday on my way to work..."Am I gonna get anthraxed on the platform or is there gonna be a pipebomb in Penn Station today? Hmmm?" Don't talk about shit you don't know. With regards to freedoms...what do you say when God Bless America, flag waving, pro-war propaganda, etc...is banned by liberals for PC reasons...is that not restricting our "freedoms", is that not against the very backbone of your freedom of speech arguement...why is there a double-standard? You can advocate against the government, the flag, God, the military, etc... But you can't advocate for it? What is that shit?!

kjlive...Who have I demonized...NO ONE! And yes, I think we have obtained our civil liberties...Give me an instance where those people mentioned above are still oppressed...not where I am...here no one really gives a shit what you are, at least people I know. (excludes some cases with arabs....due to recent events)

Listen I would love to "share my views" with you people all day...but I have work to do! So, unless you have an actual alternative for what we are doing in the world (not just Afghanistan...well soon) Please don't issue statement without representative solutions, and don't issue general bullshit that won't accomplish anything!

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From the brilliant minds at MAxnews: " Correction: Attacking America is very P.C., in the eyes of the anti-choice, pro-censorship leftists who invented political correctness."

So what clubs do you and Max, and your other buddy Jerry Falwell hang out at? Cause I'd love to sit around and talk about how the abortionist, ACLU and feminism are directly responsible for the the lifting of God's protection form the liberally corrupted US. I;'m sure though we could all agree that hanging out till all hours of the morning, in a scene associated with heavy drinking, drug use, womanizing, and casual sex represents the moral salvation of the world.

U have another opinion, fine, but I have no respect for hypocracy combined with self-righteousness.

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Originally posted by saigray

From the brilliant minds at MAxnews: " Correction: Attacking America is very P.C., in the eyes of the anti-choice, pro-censorship leftists who invented political correctness."

So what clubs do you and Max, and your other buddy Jerry Falwell hang out at? Cause I'd love to sit around and talk about how the abortionist, ACLU and feminism are directly responsible for the the lifting of God's protection form the liberally corrupted US. I;'m sure though we could all agree that hanging out till all hours of the morning, in a scene associated with heavy drinking, drug use, womanizing, and casual sex represents the moral salvation of the world.

U have another opinion, fine, but I have no respect for hypocracy combined with self-righteousness.

Listen guy...I never said I was advocating these things OK...I was just pointing out the double-standard, and that the liberal left are hypocrites and condradict what they preach...In my opinion that whole issue is getting out of control...that's why I said it should be stopped...BOTH EXTREMES included. It's Newsmax...and it's not facist, or communist...check it out sometimes..it gives you news before CNN issues the censored version. I'm not trying to give you a right wing website...it's raw news.

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Originally posted by bdinke01

Yo good shit bro...no one has a solution just an ignorant opinion. O'reilly is the best...he is always right in what he says...

ok easy there saying he is always right,,,,i watch him whenever i can and being always right,,,,ummm no....anyway the way i see it is this is a war that cannot be won...after the second day of bombing rumsfield said we are running out of targets....it is now a month later after that statement and they are still bombing...what the hell are they hitting and dont tell me military targets casue there arent any......and all this talk about fighting for freedom is bull...this is not world war 1 o2 2 and this isnt the civil war....those wars were fought for freedom to protect this country from invasion and those are the true heros who let is live the life we do today.....there is way to much propoganda on tv and in the papers and the speeches.... the afghans are not coming to invade this country and take over thus the argument of fightning for freedom is not so....the other day in class i watched a speech truman made about the dropping of the atomic bomb....you know whats fucked up...his speech about the bomb was the same as bin ladens speech in how god will justify the killings..........just some things to think about
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Oh please. And you assume you're the only one who's worried about those things? No one has proven that the Anthrax was done by these "terrorists" as well. For all we know, it could be another Timothy McVeigh, or any of these several anti-government groups in this country. Another thing is that Anthrax is not lethal, except in rare cases. Those people you hear about dying are the rare cases. Anthrax is curable and treatable. Talk about the whining...and what the fuck does it matter that I'm in California?? My family lives in New York! Don't I have a reason to be afraid too?What is it with you people....if someone has a different view on things than you, do you set out to make them look like monsters? What the fuck is this?I would be worried to see how you people act in real life. I don't think I'd want to know.

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