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Sex W/the Ex........


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I just can't help it. I keep going back for more. I have sex with others since but, the chemistry is just unbelievable between us. No-one can fuck me or has ever fucked me like he does. Problem is, I don't want to get back, and I don't think he does either. I can't help getting jealous though knowing that hes probably fucking other people. I know its so selfish, but it bothers me!!!!! Thats the first issue. It just kills me to even think of that thought that what hes saying and doing with me hes doing with other people. I have about 3 other partners currently, but he just blows them out of the water. Call it being comfortable and feeling like I can do just about anything with him. I have to break out of this cycle.......and I have to stop going back for more. Its like a drug I can't get enough....

So any suggestions of how to prevent myself to go back for more??? I can't take the jealousy, and also even though I try not to, I catch feelings. But I know WE CAN'T be together its just not gonna happen.......

Mind you we have been broken up for 2 years have had other b/fs and g/fs that didn't work....

We just keep going back to each other.....

Is this fate????? WTF to do??????????????? :(

I need some advice peeps........

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The only thing that I can think of is that maybe you have some subconcious resentment towards him which you release in the bedroom. I have found that sex is so much better when you are angry - call it twisted, but hate sex is great. The comfort level is great too because you are completely uninhibited and not ashamed to do ANYTHING. My advice would be to just cut him off. There are bigger and better things out there and you will find them - TRUST ME. It is hard to compare someone new to someone that you have years worth of experience with - it is just not possible or fair to these other people. You know that you can come back whenever you want so it is easy not to try harder with other people. Maybe you should focus on the sex with someone else - after time it always gets better because you get more used to each other and what the other one likes...

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the reason he's so good at fucking you, is because you guys have had so much experience with one another, the fact that there are still feelings obviously has something to do with it and makes it more intense and therefore enjoyable.

if as you say you believe, that there is no future between the two of you, you need to stop fucking him. you will NOT be able to move on until you do, your not giving yourself the ability to close out this part of your life. you're also probably not giving another person the chance to become a part of your life and get good a fucking you, because of your relationship with this ex.

finding another comparable relationship doesn't happen overnight, sometimes you have to wait awhile before finding another person that means as much to you, give it time, be patient and it will happen. good luck.

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You better be careful - you might catch a disease instead of feelings if both you and your x are both sleeping w/ other people. Once in a while it's nice to rekindle w/ your x, but why not get over it and get back together if you're seeing him again on a regular basis?

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