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possible terrorist scenarios


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these are possible terrrorist scenarios:

1.the police check only trucks at nyc bridges and tunnels, the terrorists may carry bombs in a passenger car.

2.they can poison contact lenses solutions to make contact lenses users fully or partially blind.

3.they can drive a large bus or a truck and crash it into crowded and/or flammable area

4.many arabs work in hospitals, they might temper with the blood supply.

5.the yankee stadium isn't that safe. they can mess with the upper deck easily so it will crash when it's filled with people.

6.subway poisoning like they did in Japan few yrs back.

7.nyc remains the biggest target because of its symbolism, skyscrapers, highest population density.

These are possible scenarios and i hope you guys as well as the authority uses these tips. remember the arabs are like the mafia, they are well connected and rich. many american companies are owned by arabs.

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I was in Vegas few weeks ago and I think that it is a PRIME target ..they hate our lifestyle in usa .where else is our decadence more on display than Vegas...i could see them stage a timed attack with like 10 suicidal fanatics enter 10 different casinos at the same time and just open fire with ak47s:(

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Originally posted by usa

these are possible terrrorist scenarios:

1.the police check only trucks at nyc bridges and tunnels, the terrorists may carry bombs in a passenger car.

2.they can poison contact lenses solutions to make contact lenses users fully or partially blind.

3.they can drive a large bus or a truck and crash it into crowded and/or flammable area

4.many arabs work in hospitals, they might temper with the blood supply.

5.the yankee stadium isn't that safe. they can mess with the upper deck easily so it will crash when it's filled with people.

6.subway poisoning like they did in Japan few yrs back.

7.nyc remains the biggest target because of its symbolism, skyscrapers, highest population density.

These are possible scenarios and i hope you guys as well as the authority uses these tips. remember the arabs are like the mafia, they are well connected and rich. many american companies are owned by arabs.

YOU FUCKING IGNORANT MORON!How dare you accuse Arabs of being potential terrorists!!!You are wrong in your comments, and ignorance like this should be kept out of here! You need to stop writing such bullshit, and stop accusing people of things that they are not justified in. Frankly, these situations you are talking about are highly unlikely. If you're paranoid about shit like this, no need in making it worse by stereotyping a whole race for being potential "terrorists". You, sir, are a complete ignorant asshole.

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Originally posted by sassa

YOU FUCKING IGNORANT MORON!How dare you accuse Arabs of being potential terrorists!!!You are wrong in your comments, and ignorance like this should be kept out of here! You need to stop writing such bullshit, and stop accusing people of things that they are not justified in. Frankly, these situations you are talking about are highly unlikely. If you're paranoid about shit like this, no need in making it worse by stereotyping a whole race for being potential "terrorists". You, sir, are a complete ignorant asshole.

sassa, i replied to this knuclehead a few days ago when he wrote muslims are evil and we should ship them out...i suggested to him to pick up a history book before posting anything so ignorant...maybe he doesn't know where the library is...i wonder if he has ever heard of ireland???they've got protestants n catholics fighting since forever...yes even terrorism in ireland...so lets pack up all the irish folk n family n ship them out also because they can be potential terrorists...i have very very good freinds that are arabic and i would trust them take care for my son if i were to die

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Originally posted by vision

sassa, i replied to this knuclehead a few days ago when he wrote muslims are evil and we should ship them out...i suggested to him to pick up a history book before posting anything so ignorant...maybe he doesn't know where the library is...i wonder if he has ever heard of ireland???they've got protestants n catholics fighting since forever...yes even terrorism in ireland...so lets pack up all the irish folk n family n ship them out also because they can be potential terrorists...i have very very good freinds that are arabic and i would trust them take care for my son if i were to die

Vision, you are so right. Terrorism is not limited to only Islamic fundementalists. It exists in every form all over the world. USA, educate yourself about these things before you talk shit.

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Give it up already sassa i just read your other tirade/thread. I hardly think he stereotyped a whole race ,and guess what the ethnic makeup of all the terrorists on 9/11 were... ARABS, so stfu you birkenstock wearin hairy armpit liberal

Originally posted by sassa

YOU FUCKING IGNORANT MORON!How dare you accuse Arabs of being potential terrorists!!!You are wrong in your comments, and ignorance like this should be kept out of here! You need to stop writing such bullshit, and stop accusing people of things that they are not justified in. Frankly, these situations you are talking about are highly unlikely. If you're paranoid about shit like this, no need in making it worse by stereotyping a whole race for being potential "terrorists". You, sir, are a complete ignorant asshole.

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This nation has millions of things to be fearful of.

All you have to do is think with a terrorists mind to see all the evil possibilities. There are limitless threats posed to America and humanity as an entirety.

Very few people know the truth behind all of these happenings. Some have claimed Jewish individuals staged this entire thing, providing 'proof' behind their statements. Our government says we are 'winning' the fight against terrorism. Osama states US soldiers invading their territory are 'infidels'. Who really knows the truth behind any of these things, the answers to existence, or anything else? Shit, truth is but a perception...isn't it?

I'm sure even the terrorists themselves did not know the full details of what and why things were going down.

All I know is this: I do not want to hurt anybody. I do not like homelessness, depression, pain, murder, larceny, deceit, treachery, politicians. I do not like the twist of 'truth', if any were to exist. I like weed. I love 'making love'...friends, family, the piggity-pump I get when working out. I love music, the coordination of ass shaking down a city street, the scent of anything pleasing to me. I dislike credit card payments, rent payments...I love testing my coordination with high levels of alcohol. I love getting goosepimplies on my balls when a girl frolicks her tongue on my nutcrack. I love maturity, and one's ability to flee from maturity while appearing mature doing it.

You, usa, are entitled to your beliefs as anyone else. You are not an asshole. You are a single human being trapped in a cosmos of universal chaos; A person that has swayed from the prescious gift of 'fucking' and being 'fucked', having done assimilated useless debris into the caverns of your genitals. My friend, anything is possible in life. A person can make a tiny hole in a subway cave directly under a river, and the city would be destroyed within minutes. Everyone, to an extent, knows these things in the back of their mind. Where does your happiness lay? I'd say, as long as it doesn't fuck with my ability to enjoy life, then persue it with tenacity, for some day, your tenacious possibility, can be taken away from you...Saint!!!

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Originally posted by sassa

YOU FUCKING IGNORANT MORON!How dare you accuse Arabs of being potential terrorists!!!You are wrong in your comments, and ignorance like this should be kept out of here! You need to stop writing such bullshit, and stop accusing people of things that they are not justified in. Frankly, these situations you are talking about are highly unlikely. If you're paranoid about shit like this, no need in making it worse by stereotyping a whole race for being potential "terrorists". You, sir, are a complete ignorant asshole.

nicely said ;)

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yo saint, that was beautiful man! especially the part with the nuts and licking! haha, seriously, saint is vividly right. usa, what the fuck are you trying to accomplish? yes these things can happen, so what? a million other things can happen as well, will you post about them? take it easy bro, have a glass of merlot, smoke up a cigarette, make love to your woman, tell her you love her. because you know what, you may not have a chance to do that in the future. this is how israelis live, i lived there in '95, and i learned to take life for what it really is, a gift, an opportunity.

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Usa, I agree with a lot of what you said. I also disagree with some of it. Note, i'm not calling you an ignorant asshole because you are entitled to your beliefs and your points about possible attacks are well taken.

I think to call you an ignorant asshole for being closed-minded would be ironic... after all wouldn't i have to be closed minded to say such a thing?

Arabs or not, there are a lot of people out there who are willing to do harm to others. The ones that are most prominent at this time are the muslim fundamentalist/extremist groups, which happen to be composed of ARABS.

During World War II we did a similar thing, calling the Japs "slant eyes" and "yellow bastards". Was it right? No. But then again remember that Hindsight is 20/20. For those of us who feel we are in the middle of the issue, we say and do things that are not necessarily 'proper' to others who take time out and view t hings from an outside perspective.

Saint, well said. I think you hit it all on the head. I'm not going to say that arabs as a whole are bad, because that is not true. I do however blame a good amount of them because of what is happening. I personally think that their fucked up way of life over in the middle east, the violence they constantly create and do NOTHING to stop, and their whiny childish rants that we are now feeling their pain (keep it in your own fucking backyard, fellas), are all to blame for what is happening. I think that AS A WHOLE (individuals may vary), they are a very intolerant, tempermental and prejudiced people. Their way of life tends to exclude many of those who are not of their religion, and creates friction between t hem and their neighbors. That is my opinion. Does that apply to all of them? no. But i think there is a certain group of them that fit into that "mold", who also happen to be creating many of the problems we're seeing today.

But these are all my personal beliefs and opinions. I don't think i'm ignorant, nor an asshole. I believe i'm well informed and have done a lot of reading and research on this topic and i'm entitled to view things in the way I wish.

To call me ignorant would mean that you are yourself, ignorant.

We're all entitled to our own opinions. We're entitled to disagree and share those opinions. I don't think any of us are entitled to belittle someone else for not sharing the same opinion. That itself is the REASON the terrorists are doing what they are doing.

Killing people because their opinions are different.

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1. Police only arrest tools that break the law. Tools that are just annoying are allowed to roam wild.

2. NYC is heavily populated in a small area so there is a greater chance that you'll encounter a higher percentage of tools.

3. Tools are not identified by race, religion or sex, so it is harder to identify them until after they have already done something tool-ish.

4. Many tools work at fast food joints where there is a possibilty that they'll do something vile to your meal.

These are possible scenarios for you to heed in case you might encounter a tool. It is hard to go after them because they generally have a well-protected safe haven (ie. their bedroom at their parents' house in the suburbs), and the fact that they have no life and still get an allowance from their parents means that they are well-funded and have the free time necessary to carry out their tool-ish tasks. You have been warned.

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Originally posted by tribal

yo saint, that was beautiful man! especially the part with the nuts and licking! haha, seriously, saint is vividly right. usa, what the fuck are you trying to accomplish? yes these things can happen, so what? a million other things can happen as well, will you post about them? take it easy bro, have a glass of merlot, smoke up a cigarette, make love to your woman, tell her you love her. because you know what, you may not have a chance to do that in the future. this is how israelis live, i lived there in '95, and i learned to take life for what it really is, a gift, an opportunity.

Yo I respect what you say bro, but what do you mean when you say " this is how the israelis live"? Are you israeli? If so I would think you sould say that but, do you think non of the palistineans live in fear? I do think both sides have there share of bad and good, it's not all one sided, bad fingers point at the palistineans.

Are media does not come even close in justfying what the palistineans go through. Has anybody seen the news this week with the israeli tanks entering 6 territories of the palistineans. Why? They said they want to bring to justice of the killers of an israeli leader, but how about the palistinian leader that was killed. The numbers are fact, nd in the past decade the death toll for the pals are way higher, so maybe they have fear too. Did are news care to tell us about the 11 year old girld that died from a bullet of an israel solider, or how the the israeli soliders prevented pals ambulance from entering the location of many injured, but if an israeli is killed we will hear about it all week in the news. How about those kids throwing rocks, do they do it because they are trained killers or maybe because they do it out of anger of all the death they suffered and homes being destroyed by tanks. What is wrong with those kids fighting for there freedom, this country did it some 200 years ago.

I do think both sides have there bad and it is really fucked up their, but I don't get bought by are biased one sided media like most of this country does.

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Originally posted by bxbomb

Give it up already sassa i just read your other tirade/thread. I hardly think he stereotyped a whole race ,and guess what the ethnic makeup of all the terrorists on 9/11 were... ARABS, so stfu you birkenstock wearin hairy armpit liberal

I am hardly the stereotype you portray me as, bxbomb.And there's no need to use personal attacks. Fuck you. Do you like it when I say that to you?I wouldn't think so,so don't do the same to me. You are right, they were Arabs, but that does not fucking mean all Arabs are terrorists, and if you believe that, you are one sad narrow minded individual. Grow up.

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Originally posted by sassa

I am hardly the stereotype you portray me as, bxbomb.And there's no need to use personal attacks. Fuck you. Do you like it when I say that to you?I wouldn't think so,so don't do the same to me. You are right, they were Arabs, but that does not fucking mean all Arabs are terrorists, and if you believe that, you are one sad narrow minded individual. Grow up.

sassa you friggin retarded treehugger. You state to me no need for personal attacks etc,yet your first response to USA was to call him a fucking ignorant asshole..hmmm that sounds like a personal attack .and all he was doing was giving his ideas where he thinks terror might strike next AND where the fuck in his post did he say all ARABS were terrorists?? I am hardly narrow minded i am anabsolute realist and in the immortal words of Flava Flav "i know what time it is"
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oh my god Sassafras did you read USA original post he mentioned the Mafia in the same breath as arabs ..when are you gonna rise up against the opression because he called out all italians.......poor misguided child ill speak with ya on monday Im out

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first to Sassa, you are an idiot, i wouldn't be surprised if you are a fat lonely woman with no hopes in life.

second I know about IRA and other terrorists in the world but if you look at recent History. All or most of the terrorist acts against Americans were done by arabs starting from the Carter era. It was arabs who bombed US embassy in Africa and crashed a US naval ship last year. It was the arabs who hijacked so many planes worldwide in the 80s. It was the arabs who took amercans hostages during the Carter era. Sadam Hussein is an Arab. And now this.

If you have a brain that should make you think.

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