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Originally posted by fierydesire

just take a breather sweetie...use some relaxation techniques adn don't work to hard....well as for play (sexual I'm thinkin) what anxiety? enjoy it;)

by play i meant partying... 12 hour partying sprees, drinking, sniffing, smoking, so forth... I think it all caught up to me now...

and as for the stress of the market from the past when i was really really working hard, the hours, the situation with the ex...

I went through some crazy shit, id wake up in the middle of the night with hot flashes and vomiting fits... eeeew...

Now with school, and bills, and everything catching up to me its fuckin crazy... I think im worn out, or burnt...

who knows. just need to know what to do? lysine?5htp?Paxil?St.JonsWort? Sam-E? anything I cant go one like this... I havent been me latley, Grumpy, Quiet, on the edge, Its like one morning I woke up and I wasnt me... I want to go to bed and wake up back in my body, back with my brain, im done visiting this clown... I wont out...

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hopefully its just a phase... but thanks for your support...

"Serenity Now" nope not working... the search continues...

I tried smoking a doob and it made me more anxious, I wacked off, i had sex, i ate pasta, i took some herbal shit... whats next???

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Originally posted by dgmodel

I think i developed a small case of anxiety from working and playing to hard... fuck... what do i do now??? is it irreversible???

How about valiums??? Or what about stop partying so hard. I know when I party that hard, I am one grumpy bitch for the next few days. Your body needs rest, so get rest. And if that doesn't work go get yourself some muscle relaxers!!! HAHA...

No really though I am there with you every other week, its not fun!!! Feel better!!!!

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Sometimes anxiety is your body's way of telling you things ARE out-of-hand.

Take a break for awhile. Try to eat better, work-out and get fit. MAke a budget and a long-term plan about how things are going. Take stock of everything so you knowjust how fucked and behind the eight ball things are. It will feel betterto know for sure no matterhow bad it is. When you can see that you are living at a sustainable pace and that there is a path out of the abyss of bills and debt and fucked-up relationships with people and all that shit you will become yourself again - hopefully. If you don't, then you might want to see a doctor. But I always found it was important to get one's house in order first and see if that works b4 moving on to chemicals.

Anyways, been there and it sucks. Best of luck.

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i was going to say smoke some good herb........cuz thats ALWAYS relaxing IMO...

but i went thru a rough time last year (mom moved out, dad moved a psychotic lady in our house, mom got a brain tumor/ eye tumor, bf broke up with me)......i was a MESS!!!

im not sure who said it earlier , but working out totally helped . i went 5 days a week, started to physcially look better and feel better.......got in my routine and just took control of at least ONE thing in my life and it helped me deal with the other issues one at a time.......

keep ur head up sweetie..........and always remember...if u cant do it on your own.......get help and possibly some good drugs :D

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Originally posted by dgmodel

by play i meant partying... 12 hour partying sprees, drinking, sniffing, smoking, so forth... I think it all caught up to me now...

and as for the stress of the market from the past when i was really really working hard, the hours, the situation with the ex...

I went through some crazy shit, id wake up in the middle of the night with hot flashes and vomiting fits... eeeew...

Now with school, and bills, and everything catching up to me its fuckin crazy... I think im worn out, or burnt...

who knows. just need to know what to do? lysine?5htp?Paxil?St.JonsWort? Sam-E? anything I cant go one like this... I havent been me latley, Grumpy, Quiet, on the edge, Its like one morning I woke up and I wasnt me... I want to go to bed and wake up back in my body, back with my brain, im done visiting this clown... I wont out...

ummm... pls dont play doctor. the last thing you need is more drugs! sure u can take paxil and valium to help keep you from being so sketchy from all the E and C. yep, you can take viagra to overcome the impotence caused by all the pills. whatever.

however, you really need to take the healthy route for a while. plan 12 weeks of working out, hiking, biking, fucking, and drinking nothing but water, protien shakes, and the occasional fruit juice. LAY OFF THE FUCKING DRUGS, MAN. your anixety can develop into more serious mental illness if you dont take care ASAP!!

you have to decide. what do you want more... good party drugs ...or good health? from what you describe, it sounds like your body and mind are both trying to tell you something. sounds like your spirit needs some serious picking up. drugs alone do *not* lift the spirit and will bring you down if the rest of your life feels like it is going down.

i highly recommend the gym-- especially since there are usually hot girls there. get into a routine, everyday and give up all the chemicals for at least 3 months.


your witch doctor,


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