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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Idea - Need everyone's input


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OK, it seems like the board is split into two halves where people have met within their half, but not outside it. I have an idea - how about organizing a little meet-up (dinner or just a lounge) on a weekday just so we get a chance to meet everyone. This will also give us a chance to talk to each other without having to scream into each others' ears. I know I tried this a while back with limited success, but there do seem to be more people frequenting this board now.

What does everyone think, and what do you think are good days? I could potentially do any weeknight.

Ideas, thoughts, concerns, gripes, suggestions?

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Originally posted by pgiddy

sounds good, the idea that is, not the waffle house, unless this meetup is gonna be at 5 in the morning after the clubs? I'm assuming there will be some kind of drinking involved?

A meet up after the clubs? I cant guarantee under what condition I'd show up if that's the case. :D:shake:

I'd be very disapointed if there isnt any drinking involved.

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Hmmm...yeah, lets make this one while we're not totally cracked out! I know MadamMillie will be gone next weekend (not this coming one) onward, so maybe early next week? And yes, Malanee, you ARE invited this time (you're gonna give me shit for that forever, huh ;))!

I'd suggest dinner first and then heading over to a bar, just because some of us are under 21.

Cool, so there's some interest!

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Hey, I couldn't agree more! I'd totally be down for that, but here are some really bad dates:

Thursday Nov. 15th (dancing in New York)

Friday Nov. 16th (dancing for the Hoyas) <--also will be dead tired from an NYC all-nighter

How about mmmm.... would a Sunday be really whack? Did I just whack? Wow, I'm in Kris Kross.:worry: If not maybe a wednesday and I'll ditch practice. Are we talking really soon or after thanksgiving?

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OK, how about this Sunday the 11th ...we can do a relatively inexpensive dinner (I know some of us are strapped for cash, including me), and then maybe heading over to Modern to hear Buster spin.

We can eat, either downtown and head over to G-twon, or just eat in G-town itself. ANy suggestions for restaurants (other than IHOP :D)?

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Actually, I brought up dinner so we can actually have a normal conversation without having to raise our voices over the noise of the speakers.

I guess people who want to do dinner can, and then the rest can meet at Modern.

Yeah, we should probably decide by Thursday or so to get on the guestlist, right?

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10pm would be a bit late for me, I would prefer dinner or drinks and then who ever wants to head over to Modern afterwards could do so, but raver_mania mentioned meeting someplace other than a club or that sorta thing so we wouldnt have to shout and scream :D :D

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I agree...there will be a dinner and then Modern. People can pick and choose whatever they want.

I'm not that familiar with G-town...can anyone suggest reasonably priced places to eat? What sort of cuisine would be prefered? Maybe something like Olive Garden, Pizzeria Uno, etc?

I think we should meet for dinner around 8pm.

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OK, since no-one really has any suggestions for restaurants, I'm going to suggest Pizzeria Uno, at 8pm, this Sunday, the 11th.

So far, I have Scratch, vicman, and myself. C'mon, people, who else is in for dinner?

After dinner, whoever wants to can head over to Modern, and we can meet up with the rest of the CP heads.

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Im not all that familiar with all the restaurants in G'town, but Pizzeria Uno sounds fine to me. It would be 8pm and then over to Modern, right?

Maybe we can make and **Oficial Sunday Meetup Thread** in case all of this has gotten lost all the way in the bottom of the thread.

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