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It's time for the thunda, from down unda!


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Awwwww, yeaaaaaaaah! I'm jetlagged. I'm hungover. I just lost $500 at the casino last night in Melbourne. And now I gotta go to work. :(

So whuddup, everyone? I see we now are under a monocratic dictatorship ruled by the evil egg. God help us all. I will be organizing Le Resistance when I get back. Punch and pie will be served. :D

I still can't tell which way the toilets flush down here. It seems that Australia has cornered the market on explosive toilets. They just seem to flush straight down. It must've been a plot by the government to remove the swirl from all toilets. Probably cause American tourists were wasting so much water trying to determine which way the water swirls. Those sneaky bastards.

I have yet to see a kangaroo. If I don't see one by tomorrow, I'm asking for my money back.

I did manage to find a record store here. Seems that Australia is even more behind than the US in new releases. But, I HAVE been seeing flyers for Gatecrasher Summer Sound System in Melbourne everywhere. Of course, it's the week after I leave. :(

Allrighty. I'm gonna venture out to the outback to see if I can find a hippety hoppity kangaroo.

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No kangaroos mate? How 'bout some koala's at least?

Or at least the damn kangaroo from Qantas :D

I need something to train.

Damn shame on the toilet situation down there, might have something to do with the fact that Australia was a penal colony while it was under British rule they didnt want their convicts escaping through any means.

A small tidbit: the macademia nut is actually originally from Australia, shady can you double confirm this?

Sux about G'crasher.

Holy shit! Gotta go, have a meeting in 5 minutes! :mad: Damn outlook just popped in front of me.

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I think I figured the whole toilet thing out! I filled up the bathroom sink with water, then I pulled the plug real quick. I saw a slight swirl. I think it's counter clockwise! I'm gonna need to do more experiments to be sure, though.

Still no kangaroos. :(

No koalas either. :(

Ooh, toilet just finished recharging. Gotta go flush again... :D

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A wallaby is what we want, so much better, plus smaller. It'll fit right in a backpack, just give it some food, they love grass, no not that kind shady, but feed him and throw him through the scanner at the airport they'll never know, considering some idiot can get 7 knives and a stun gun pass them I'm sure you can get one little wallaby. Your the man for this job shady!


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Originally posted by pgiddy

A wallaby is what we want, so much better, plus smaller. It'll fit right in a backpack, just give it some food, they love grass, no not that kind shady, but feed him and throw him through the scanner at the airport they'll never know, considering some idiot can get 7 knives and a stun gun pass them I'm sure you can get one little wallaby. Your the man for this job shady!

http://www.ozramp.net.au/~senani/wallaby.htm [/quote

OK, so let me see if I got this straight. Find a kangaroo. Put a wallaby in its pouch. Flush them down the toilet. See which way they swirl. Got it. I think.

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