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thoughts on beyondo


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While I'm new to this board it is very obvious to me that there is a great virus running rampant on this board.Now Beyondo being the inane choclodyke that he so obviously is must suffer from massive childhood repression syndrome.Now I don't know if it was from being straped to the chair and being made to finish his untouched portion of brussel sprouts or maybe it was his feeling of short comings while showering in the boys locker room in high school.I'm sure the local therapist could fire off a rolodex full of reason's for his childish behavior on this site.None the less it is a true testament to what a good trailer park upbringing can do for an individual.YeeHaw Beyondo:bigfinger

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well said mimiD ....just notice the people i leash out at and why...and why i get along and compliment others with others.

as for soundgasm....neither of the above happend sorry to dissapoint jack off.

"im beyondo i say it like it is. Deal with it":horns: :finger::flame::laugh:

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Beyondo called down the thunder, now he's getting it. He sat silent until one day he decided to slander me with some obtuse insults about my career choice and lifestyle. We didn't actively seek out to destroy him, we're merely responding in kind.

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Like most of the people on this board I welcome a low class loser like yourself trying to match wits with me.It will inable me to really show how un-intelligent you really are.And to be completely honest with you,I can't wait to actually bump into your no good trailer packin ass.Try a little kindness with others before you run yourself right into a few people who know just how to treat a no good bottom feeder like yourself.Think before you try this one on Mr Beyondo.:mad:

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Tell me about it. He apparently knows what I look like, unless he's gone off and sputtered off at some other photographer on accident, he's never approached me. He's supposedly out all the time...plus he's undoubtedly seen your image, and some of the others, as well.

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....just look at what he posted about me spinning at Space.......when have I fucked with him to deserve that shit? Even if he didn't like the set, why come on here and say all that shit especially if it's not true? The only reason why it's not damaging is because everyone knows he's an asshole and obviously the only complaints about my set posted here have been by him and only him.......why doesn't he come up and say what's up if he knows who you are and what you look like? I bet he saw me in the VIP room at Space. There was some guy I brushed by in there who kinda looked at me in shock.....what was that all about?

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I wouldn't worry about it Sean,I didn't hear your set but I do know if the set sucked these people on this board would let you know respectfully.The fact that Byeondo fag told you it sucked should send you rejoicing all over town,That's really the best review you could ask for.I mean think about it,If a jerk off like Beyondo fag liked your music then everyone else would think you sucked.Rock on Brother:cool:

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I think beyondo is cool and funny. I just think his sense of humor is really insensitive. I happen to like that sense of humor in addition to alot other types of humor. Unfortunately alot of the people on the board are really sensitive and take his comments the wrong way and also take them way to serious. He's just eating shit! That's the way he jokes people. I'm not defending what he did to meng or alot of the comments that he makes. He stuck his foot in his mouth but me, shroomy, dgat, johnny13 and beyondo have the same sense of humor and we also have very thic skin. When I started on the board alot of people hated me. I stuck around long enough for everyone to realize I was just eating shit!

Beyondo, try to be a little more sensitive. I think you like the board and the people on the board or you wouldn't be posting as often as you post.

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Atleast he know's how everyone one feels about him now.Me personally,I don't care if he's eating shit or not,I think he's an asshole.Once an asshole always an asshole.The only way you wake up a prick like him is with a good swift kick in the teeth.Beyondo,do yourself a favor,Retire that stupid name and that wak-ass persona that comes with it and sign on as a different user and create a new identity for yourself.There are alot of very kool people on this site and I know that's a foriegn subject for you,(being kool) But being such an asshole has got to be alot of work

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