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the greatest stoned expiriences

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I don't know if anyone else goes through this,but when I'm high I would think a lot about deep things and suddenly a lot of things would make sense to me,and I would think why didn't I think of this before??I really think weed has a way of provoking certain sensors or parts of your brain to think more creatively when you're high...I went to all my midterms this year so far high off my ass and I got A's and B's on all of them....

Best time getting high?There's some woods near my school,and one night two friends of mine and I were there high as fuck and laid down in the woods for 2 hours watching the stars..both of them were trying to hook up with me which made me uncomfortable because I didn't really want to get with either one of them...lol....but it felt good being massaged by two fucked-up guys ;) Everything looked so much brighter than night,I remember....the stars, the lights, the people's faces...it was cool.

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I was hungover the other morning so I got baked to into work, and not long after I'm there this 40-ish parking cop comes in and starts talking to me about the Grateful Dead, and the shows he saw and how he was into Zeppelin first, until his friend's older brother turned him onto the Dead. That was pretty fucking cool.

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i recently smoked the craziest weed i have ever tried. i mean, shit like this you rarely see. it was really weird, i couldnt stop twitching, and i was like shaking to the music. completely gone! so i bug out for a few hours, and go to sleep. wake up the next afternoon, and i'm still high out of my ass. lasted all the way until the next evening. it was like an 18 hour high. my friend came to my house evening after i smoked, and was asking what the hell was wrong with me.

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Shrooms story...

Ok i took the shrooms, and i went to take a shower.. and then i did not feel much but i started laughing and ging pop pop pop pop... a huge smile on my face...{I was with the Bf in the shower}

Then in the Room I was gettng dressed...Any given Sunday was on...all of a sudden this hooch Cameran Diaz started to repeat herself over and over and over and the scence kept on playing over and over..it was like play rewind play rewind..

I was about to break the T.V when I saw the Clock Flash and trhen it stopped..I turned off the T.V and I lay down on in bed with my boyfriend and we turned on Pnk Floyd....I was there in the music....

As i looked at the black light pics..there is one that has the man that see's the world and he was bugging me out..as well as the one with all the eyes..each eye was staring at me.

then i saw the Devil in the corner and he told me to look to the side and I saw a nightmare i had and this guy killed me...he was chocking me ..and he told me that ..that was how i wa sgoing to die....i was scared as what....

Somewhere in there I got on a plane and I was on the floor and i saw the whole world around me..i was on top of it...and then i went to the bathroom and i could hear the voices in my head going strong...it was my boyfriends voice in my head telling me that he loved me over and over and over...

and then in the room ..the voices went crazy...they were telling me that i was not myself that i was looking at myself from another angle and it told me that my bf was crazy..becaues of course he was talking me right through the high...because the voices were talling me to call Bellvue and tell them that i was not myself i was someone else nd i wanted to know where i was..and he told me not too..he told me that i was me..that it was the drug and i was giving it too much power...and then all of a sudden i was talking about how i wanted to feel normal again and i was sick of the shrooms i wanted reality again..and i was talking about how much i Loved X and how i felt ttally normal on it..and i never felt any high...but that the shrooms were sick...

Then he told me to think about the X and try to think i was on it and i remembered how i felt on it and i calmed down...we got on the bed and then...booommmm

I felt myself falling down the rabbit hole..i was following the white rabbit..my bf was the mad hatter...{he was wearing a hat}

and then we got off the plane.. and we touched down on this heavinly place where I could see into his soul and he coud see into mine and i saw myself through his eyes and he saw himself through mine..i was looking at myself when i looked at him..it was sick..

I saw our parents and them making love and our conceptions... we were connected...

then my boyfriend turned on house music and he started raving like SICK and i was ina corner petrified of the glowsticks....

Then he took me off the high by telling me drugs were no good..all the meanwhile he was on the same shit..and he was on weed too...i closed my eys and it was the next day...

there;s more but its too long

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I was stoned out of my gord when I found out i got into Columbia University Undergrad. YAY!!!

Im not gonna get into bad acid trips... just one, but it was the ultimate.... lets just say 10 geltabs, your car, a rainy night, and a bunch of suburban westchester cops MIGHT land you in Minnesota for 9 months.... to be continued

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HEre's just one of an infinite tales i can tell:::::

it's a beautiful sunny day at my old condo in long beach. I was all by myself (high, of course) when all of a sudden MY DOG started talking to me. Not with her lips moving, just like i could tell what she was saying by looking at her.

She (Lati) was advising me what to do and look out for, and that i should trust her since i knew her for so long (she was right, she was around 10 at the time).

For example, that i shouldn't get involved with this girl yet, that it;s not the time yet, that i should meet some more people around these parts, and that i should be nicer to my mom.

All this eventually came true, and although she''s passed away since, i'm trying to apply this interesting phenomenon to minnie, our new bundle of joy!

3 cheers for pot..... HIP HIP, HOOORAY!

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Originally posted by gmccookny

HEre's just one of an infinite tales i can tell:::::

it's a beautiful sunny day at my old condo in long beach. I was all by myself (high, of course) when all of a sudden MY DOG started talking to me. Not with her lips moving, just like i could tell what she was saying by looking at her.

She (Lati) was advising me what to do and look out for, and that i should trust her since i knew her for so long (she was right, she was around 10 at the time).

For example, that i shouldn't get involved with this girl yet, that it;s not the time yet, that i should meet some more people around these parts, and that i should be nicer to my mom.

All this eventually came true, and although she''s passed away since, i'm trying to apply this interesting phenomenon to minnie, our new bundle of joy!

3 cheers for pot..... HIP HIP, HOOORAY!

Dude that is some sick shit...what kind of pot was this...and where can i get some j'k...are you still smoking this same pot?

oh and good luck with your new dog talking...

I think that some drugs do sometimes show TRUTHS

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first time smokin' from a bong

no one else tokin' off of it

four bowls

just to myself

one hour

no one warned me of the accelerated effects

i attempted to play scattegories

the pencil seemed at the same time

40 feet away from my face, yet what

i was writing seemed too big to

even focus on

all my word definitions were like

deeply ridiculously descriptive...

it goes without saying i lost

the game in a big way

started getting panicky as i realized

how fucked i was, but laughing hysterically

and uncontrollably, which added to the paranoia

managed to ask for water between frenzied

laughs and somehow got two glasses down

my throat, again between frenzied laughs

sat back on a big dumpy frumpy bumpy lumpy couch

felt like clouds


kurt cobain poster seemed real

enough that he would rise from the

dead to step out of it and talk to me

blacklight poster on another wall

had true depth to it (blacklight

wasn't even on) and i imagined

walking through the scene it depicted

(forest leading to a castle)

more water

laid down and looked up

at the plaster on the ceiling

all contoured...

became like cloudwatching

as the pits and dips and cracks

in the plaster took shape


i saw cavemen carrying furs

and deer kills and cooking them

over open fires in communal

supper and others turning the fur

into clothing and preparing weapons

for the next hunt, and painting scenes

on their cave walls depicting the

details of their very good hunting season

and of their cosmic oneness with one another.

that was some really good shit.

and i realized something quite sad the next day.

i'd never be as high as i was that night.

it was a very true realization.

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