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Sick Story-entertainment

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once upon a time

there was


he had ADD

he was an unusual boy

his name was bob

bob lived in the forest over the mountains

and he was always ashamed of this

so he created his own friends

he called them

skitso and cracked

he loved them very much

and one day cracked died and was gone forever

this plagued bob

he couldn't fathom what he would do

then he rembered skitzo

had more friends than anyone

and dicided to meet all of them

one was named insanity and he was well he was fuckin crazy

insanity introduced his friend skitzo to his friend e

extacy that is

he fell in love

: at first sight

it was magic they made love to one another day and night

bob was jelous

: so he confronted the two

they told him

you were there too

: he said

no i wasn't

they said u skitzo freakinsanity ridden extacy head what the fuck r u talking about bob aka


: turned away from the mirror

and said damm

that was some good shit


:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

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there was a group of friends named acid,extacy , shrooms and cokeand ofcourse his evil twin K

: they all had

a different story and tale

to their existence that is

acid he manipulated the mind like his cousine mesc

ofcourse mesc was alittle more

well... incourageable

he was harder to keep under controll

so we ll get to him another time

extacy was a smooth talker he loved to dazzle the senses with

: unspeakable pleasures

especially if your with your significant other

: if you no what i mean wooo!

well anyway

shrooms was the coolest cat of all

he always showed u truth in your self

and nature

ofcourse one and the same

but he was


by everyones fascination

with aci ex and coke

oh yeh and his evil brother K

he wondered if he

could show all the truth ever desired

by nature and the language of song

why oh why did they stray from his richous path

dont mind the spelling

you can obviosly see

i'v done all of the above

: at once even but thats not the point

bach to shrooms

he never under stood

if i can show them the

visuals they love so much

why do they cheat on me

for pleasure strength

i'v got all that good shit

you take one

hell i remember and so does the mind

assimulate people

if you felt it once

u can remember and have it again

find the right mood or thought

u had at the time

: try it

u'll see the power of the shroom

i mean the power of me

well i smell some fresh

cow shit gotta go

coke wanted to say

: something


K bitched him out of the room

for any one who doesn't

no what K stands for

it stands for straight up kill

because if it doesn't kill you its bound to


someone else


or use u to do it's dirty work you would have to drop 400 viles of acid a year to amount to the damage the average K user does to his brain

: yearly

but hey it fells great doesn't it

shut up K

stop corrupting my flock

i shrooms am the real way ;)

after all

u have to dive into insanity to find yourself

down the rabbit whole everyone



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