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to whom ever said that, Centro Fly is falling off...

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I think electric is the wrong word...though it was pretty good, it wasnt electric:rolleyes:.....now anyone that saw Oakie last night...that's electric.:D Lawler was definately good and Morillo was ok...I'm not into the type or stuff the wre playing so that my be one reason i wasn't feeling electrocuted:laugh:

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Originally posted by teklord310

But the crowd varies from time to time and their lighting and sound system could definetely use some work.

Definately...well said. There were people literally wearing adidas sweats and a wife beater and then there were some people dressed nice, the lighting system was almost non existent and the sound system wasn't bangin enough

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I wasn't too impressed last nite.. Lawler did OK but not his usual self, and I just wasnt feeling Morillo's vibe. I like my coffee dark with a bit more progression please, thank you. :D

And what was up with that little skit they did in between sets with the queen? Was pretty funny but strange.

Maybe it was just me, but I was pretty dissapointed. :(

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I had a blast night...

Didnt think I could do it after S&D wed, but I didnt stop dancin all night...

Lawler was Sick as expected...and Morillo just blew me away, everytime i see him he impresses me more and more

Overall one of mybest nights at Centro ever(and Im usually there every Thursday)...

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Originally posted by az-tec

I had a blast night...

Didnt think I could do it after S&D wed, but I didnt stop dancin all night...

Lawler was Sick as expected...and Morillo just blew me away, everytime i see him he impresses me more and more

Overall one of mybest nights at Centro ever(and Im usually there every Thursday)...


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Guest saleen351

My problem with centro wasn't the music the last time I went, but the ppl running the place try to make the place like its only for the "pretty" ppl. WTF, I went with 2 very hot chicks and a buddy of mine and they gave us a hard time,,, We had slacks on, dress shoes, nice shirts and whole 9 yards....and they gave us a problem, then the assholes in the big organge suits were just being assholes the whole night.....I bounced for 3 years and these motherfuckers were trying to find a fight or throw someone out....Thats freaking Gay.....Then for the so called "upscale" "trendy" place I couldn't even buy a real corona or Hinny, they only had that fake shit...WTF, so only 2 fake beers are being served.......fuck that...........I'll stick my hand in a blender before I go back there............I don't care if god is djing...

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Lawler was sick but Morillo was ONNNNNNNNNNN! Def new found respect for him, he held his own against Lawler. Long live HOUSE music baby! As for the bouncers being dicks, I have never, ever had a problem there. I guess trouble only follows people that look for it.:D

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by dznyc

Lawler was sick but Morillo was ONNNNNNNNNNN! Def new found respect for him, he held his own against Lawler. Long live HOUSE music baby! As for the bouncers being dicks, I have never, ever had a problem there. I guess trouble only follows people that look for it.:D

READ what I wrote asshole, I didn't have trouble but I saw what they were doing. They werer looking for problems and looking to throw someone out, they harrased everyone, even me, I brushed it off, my fighting days are over but on a wrong night one of orange geeks will mess with the wrong guy.....Now go cry on the music board, you fucking loser!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

You animal.........:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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maybe they will have good DJ on some nioghts and it is still possible to have a good night there, but when a club goes from being one one the hottest places in town, with awsome perfectly diverse crowds, and a staff that always seeamed to take care of you.....to a place where 90 percent of the staff looks to be an asshole to you, where there are 10000 kiddies running around, and where they make you buy a drink to sit anywhere, its official, its safe to say that it is falling off.

if you have been going to centro for the 2 years and that it has been open and you dont see a compleatly different club, you are taking to much e, and you probobly blend in there quite nicely.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by dznyc

Nice response, apparently you still have nothing intelligent to say. Name calling, bwahahahahahahahaha, you are pathetic. Go cruise in your stang tough guy.

1. I am a tough guy..

2. I will cruise in my saleen s351 sc speedster...can't drive 5 feet without someone stopping you and asking about the car....

Loser! bwahahahahahahahaha:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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I hope you realize how much of an idiot you make yourself look like bro. Keep on coming with the idiotic statements, nobody takes you seriously anymore. I didn't want to comment on why they gave you such a hard time getting into Centro, but since you insist could it possibly be that guido trash like you is not appreciated there???? Or could it be that you don't dress as well as you think and your chicks are cheesy and busted???? Hmmmmmmm, I think thats the ticket.

Long live guido tough guys from Jersey!!!!!!!!

Rock your stang and you tapered jeans Saleen!!!!!!!!!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Woot woot!

Peace out commercial boy.


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