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bad guys?


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why is it that (most of the time) good girls dont go for good guys..its always the "bad guy" they are after...whats up witth that?.....but it seems now im goin for a "bad girl" and im a good guy but i dont understand why i want her so much knowing shes a "bad girl"....why do we do this?

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Entertainment... good guys typically are synonmous with boring...

I know for a fact that when i was younger and a "bad ass" getting into all sorts of trouble,and just being a dick to women and I just had that im better then though/dont give a fuck atitude i used to get laid more then carpet... Now the tables have turned... Im all caring and sensitive and focus on my career and Bam, go figure girls go for me less...

Fucking Weird... :confused:

(the worst thing is they go after these guys then after all said and done and they broke up with them or got hurt by them us nice guys have to deal with it... and then they fuck us over and go back to a bad guy... then to a good guy.. then ... you see the pattern...:confused:

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The bad boy attraction would have to be that they have an edge to them...that mysteriuos exciting feeling...but I love the idea of being that one girl who makes the "bad boy" want to be good.

But mostly I've passed tht lttle stage and now the good boys are the most attractive. Someone who is close with there family, respectful, and sweet. I think finding this is much harder than finding a bad boy.

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I think That the whole " bad boy-Bad-girl) status depends on what your looking at! Bad Girls arent Necasarily all as bad as people make them out! Like wise with the boys! But of the magority the "good girls" like the " bad boys" bc they have that edge... That im tough, Im rough and im ready to take on whatever peeople dare to bring( half the time thats not true but... thats the image the presnt)

Therefore these GOOD girls like that edge that they've never experienced and they want another image other then the quiet-innocent-prisy-goody goody!

yah sorta understand?


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I think they are right. I am a good guy, in High school girls looked the other way.

After realizing girls were a waste of time they started to open there eyes a lil. I think after being young and dating the assholes , they decide "hey. maybe it would be kinda nice to be treated well."

Now the only problem is meeting the one that is worth your time. A LOT of these girls aren't.

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Girls/Women are not really looking for a "bad boy" type character it just so happens that its the most common character. Their really looking for a 007 character "a man of mystery." Find that type of person is hard becuase they really dont exist and if they do, their very limited, so the next best thing is the bad boy character. What i find ironic is that after girls recieve that bad boy character all they do is bitch and complain how they would kill for a "nice guy." The reality is girls/women only want the bad boy impression a few times, after that you gotta be mr. romantic because sooner or later the whole bad boy shit gets annoying aswell as the good boy shit...

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Originally posted by legend38

I think they are right. I am a good guy, in High school girls looked the other way.

After realizing girls were a waste of time they started to open there eyes a lil. I think after being young and dating the assholes , they decide "hey. maybe it would be kinda nice to be treated well."

Now the only problem is meeting the one that is worth your time. A LOT of these girls aren't.

I soooo Agree...

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Originally posted by ReginaP

The bad boy thing....is normally just a phase women go through before they grow up & realize what they want in a person & in a relationship...

Exactly my thoughts on that subject. Girls go for the "bad and tough guys" when they are younger. It's the mistery and maybe the guy your parents would approve the least... so it's also a kind of teen rebellion. Once they are more mature and have figured out themselves they usually tend to go for the guy that completes them the most and treats them right (unless of course you're kind of screwed up and thrive on being treated like shit...than it's a whole different story)

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i agree with a lot of what everyone is saying..personally have done and still sometimes do the bad boy thing!! and the whole wanting to be treated like shit and drama thing..sad but true!! LOL i wish it wasn't but i realized that i am think i bring the drama on myself!!!!! hopefully it's a phase.....:puke:

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The case for me is every guy I meet either is out of work, has no goals in life or is just a fucking psychopath!

It would be nice to meet a guy who has a career like me!!!

So he can keep up with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


For the psychopaths get off that fucking trip you are trapped in!!!!!!!! Get the f*** ova it already!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by xtotaleclipsex

Someone who is close with there family, respectful, and sweet. I think finding this is much harder than finding a bad boy.

that sounds too much like me. Damn, too bad i fucked up royally with the things i said to you :(

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ok thats it...im gonna vent here and smoke a cig *even though i dont smoke*....alright so its obvious and established that girls really do have this fucked up pattern of datin the bad, using the good. In using the good, all the fellow good guys on this board can relate to me in the fact of...HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES HAVE YOU BEEN ON THAT PHONE WITH THAT GIRL WHO YOU KNOW U COULD TREAT BETTER AND YET SHE CALLS YOU CAUSE SHE IS HAVING PROBLEMS WITH SO AND SO? well for me...TOO MANY TIMES(by the way download that song by Kai Tracid called TOO MANY TIMES, its hard energy trance and way cool). But gettin back to the story...What really is my problem?? am i too nice? do girls look down upon as weak cause im nice? i hope not..cause i do not let people run across me, u bet yer ass that if there is trouble im not gonna be meak and walk away from it...im gonna try to settle it. I think a lotta times my personality conflicts with many others cause people cant keep up with my style of humor and sarcasm that i live daily. There is a serious and soft side to me as well as funny and hilarious, but i think, them girls who go out with men that they know aint for them, know that they are lying to themselves and are so trapped in a relationship that they become intimadated to break out of it cause of the fact the guy is a bad boy. Which is the part where US GOOD GUYS COME IN for the "shoulder to cry on aspect". But dont get me wrong, i wouldnt turn a girl down if she needed my shoulder to cry on no matter WHO SHE IS. But i do have a problem with the fact that yer only good for when they have a problem. I dont know if i sound hard-headed but i kinda like a girl who wouldnt do some shit like that and who is personable and already found out who they are. but until then....

as one older chic told me....."Your young so keep dating the wrong girls, this way when the right one comes along, you will know"

sorry for the ramble.

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Originally posted by quoth

....."Your young so keep dating the wrong girls, this way when the right one comes along, you will know"

I like that...

btw did you take a class at the Dgmodel school of posting??? seems your posts have gotten a lil longer than norm...

And btw I can relate to what youre saying and Im sure many of us on here can as well... and it vice versa for the women...

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I think it has something to do with acceptance... like on any level... Like when kids at school are disliked by a certain other group of kids... all they want to do is be down... or when you find out a girl doesn like you, for some reason you try harder to kick it to her etc... its just something in our nature that forces us to go after the ones that dont love us... and the ones that do love us or like us or even help us in life we use as a stepping stone to get closer to the ones that dont... its a fucked up cycle but it seems to be true... (im not exactly sure if im wording this correctly however if i was in person i could explain it better i think... who knows. life weird... )

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