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Firm says it created human embryo through cloning

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Looks like they finally

did it!

what do you guys think?

Read the entire article on:



WASHINGTON (CNN) -- In a move certain to raise new questions of science and ethics, doctors have created human embryos through cloning, scientists announced Sunday.

The cloning was performed by Advanced Cell Technology Inc. of Worcester, Massachusetts. The company said the experiment was aimed not at creating a human being but at mining the embryo for stem cells used to treat disease, Reuters reported. Stem cells are a kind of master cell that can grow into any kind of cell in the body.

"I'm just trying to help people who are sick, and really that's our focus," said Dr. Michael West, the company's president and CEO. He called the development "the first, halting steps" toward a new area of medicine.

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it appears that one aspect of what they did is create such basic early development cells that they can be placed into a damaged heart, lung, etc and they will become cells of that organ. claning in the full for m is obviously disgusting, but this can be a major medical breakthroughs in medicine. either way, its better than building bombs

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Originally posted by momadance

it appears that one aspect of what they did is create such basic early development cells that they can be placed into a damaged heart, lung, etc and they will become cells of that organ. claning in the full for m is obviously disgusting, but this can be a major medical breakthroughs in medicine. either way, its better than building bombs


and Bush condemns such research..

He wants it banned!


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Planet Mugwumpia...... Atleast the music would be decent. You know what.....the world wouldnt be a bad place if there were millions of mugwumps around for the most part....not all....but...there would be some funky ass pahtyies,

Everywhere you look there would be cartoon animation and women that you could watch on the screen at the angelica....pour some serum on and take them home..... there would be lots of candy.....friendly faces......and huge cuddling fests....and never ending poetry and absinthe drinking,,, Anyone else want to add to this fantasy?

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It is wrong from some aspects, cloning a human being to me is disgusting and against nature. We are born with flaws, whether we like it or not and to play God with this will only bring trouble.

On the other hand, it is good...we can discover causes of certain diseases early on and learn how to treat them..but still..something smells fishy...

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. . Guns or Butter kids, which one do you want? . . .

This is a very interesting precipice that we stand at right now as a race. . We recently aquired the power to permenantly alter and destroy nature (nuclear weapons), and now we have the power to change the very funademental system by which we are created. .

I do believe that stem cell research will one day allow us to cure many people who are afflicted with genetic/degenerative diseases . .however cloning, not biomedical engineering, is what will potentially get us into a world of trouble . .

Engineering human cells to help people who cannot is one thing, creating duplicates of human beings is another . . I've thought about this issue for quite some time, and the only viable (from a completely objective standpoint) uses for full human cloning that I can come up with are:

1) Slave Labor

2) The Perfect Soldier (completely disposable)

3) Immortality (only accessable to those who can pay . .)

Number 3 is the dirty little secret that sooo many of these private firms lust for, but will never admit. . They get up on the TV set and defend their research as furthering genetic cures for common and not so common diseases . . .but every innovator has an angel . .and this angel always comes with a large wallet . . .

Think about it for a sec. . if you could buy anything that money could buy, wouldn't that be the ultimate prize?

. . Just a thought . .


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Originally posted by joeg

phew.... i'm releaved.... i was pretty scared for a moment that we'd run out of people... atleast now i can rest knowing when we get tired of breeding people ourselves, we can just crank them out of a lab....

Bwhahahaha! That's classic, very funny.

Mugs: I'm just a fan... and we went through it hearing about the themes and stuff in film class, damn I even wrote a paper on it awhile back... a long while back =)

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