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OT: Calling All Troops:

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Attention: Urgent Update

Operation "Find Saigray An Apartment" has been shifted to High Priority by HQ. It is now essential that Saisha find a suitable alternative living situation by the first week in January. Due to extenuating circumstances (such as poverty), the help of a vast network of ppl keeping their eyes and ears alert for possible miracle apartments is key to a successful mission.

This is were you come in. If you should hear of anything that you think might be valuable, please contact mission HQ immediately so we may act swiftly. Together WE CAN SUCCEED!!

The Stats: the most basic criteria is a $600 max for rent. More than $500, and you won't see me out very often, but I'll probably post a whole lot ;-). I am very happy to share in almost any situation, though I'd like to find a place where I do not feel like I must tip-toe whenever I'm home. Ideally I would also like to be within 30 min of work (4th and Broadway) so Downtown is choice, up to early 100s and nearby Brooklyn/Queens is fine, but further than that becomes a bit of a hassle.

Other than that, I will figure it out on a case by case basis. Feel free to pass this on to anyone you might think would be well positioned to help too.

I appreciate any help or ideas anyone may have. Thank you sooo much guys!

PM or email me at saigray@hotmail.com or AIM at saigray1

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Originally posted by loch

my sofa costs $0.99 a night. that's with 'favors'.

without favors, it's 20 bucks a night. either way you look at it, it's still below your 600 threshhold, no? ;)

But for numerous months that would put me at $620 a month!!! Are you trying to turn me into a pauper??

Hmm. but then again I dooooo make very special brownies, so maybe I can put your "flour on flesh" fetish to work for me. :-)

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Originally posted by saigray

But for numerous months that would put me at $620 a month!!! Are you trying to turn me into a pauper??

Hmm. but then again I dooooo make very special brownies, so maybe I can put your "flour on flesh" fetish to work for me. :-)

if you were wise, you'd take the 99 cents option, no money down, 0% apr 'favored' rate. ;)

alright. let's put YOUR libido aside, and assume you take the 20 bucks/night option. given the fact that you play musical beds on any given night, you're not going to be spending 31 days on my sofa ANYWAY, so that would not put a $620 dent in your pocket.

better yet, here's my final deal. 20 bucks a night with a $400 cap maximum a month. you're guaranteed not to ever have to pay more than $400/mo. hey, what are friends for? (especially friends with 'favors'.) cwm35.gif

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Originally posted by loch

given the fact that you play musical beds on any given night, you're not going to be spending 31 days on my sofa ANYWAY, so that would not put a $620 dent in your pocket.

better yet, here's my final deal. 20 bucks a night with a $400 cap maximum a month. you're guaranteed not to ever have to pay more than $400/mo. hey, what are friends for? (especially friends with 'favors'.) cwm35.gif

First of all, I play musical COUCHES, not musical beds....

trying to give me a bad rep, are you?

Second of all, you're da bomb, I love my friends!

Third of all, call me sometime today or give me your work # again. I wanna hang.

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Guest tilly

I'll give you 4 slots in my tiny ass NYC studio...but that's about all I can stomach of another person in my space...and it even comes with coffee in the am:D

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A little advice...getting your own space in say harlem, would be a good idea.

Sharing a small apartment with someone is not that good of an idea. The last couple times I did it it was too smothering.

I had one experience where I was living with a girl....I payed half the rent, and she threw me out with only a few days notice, not to mention she didn't want me to be in the apartment when she was out of town. We were dating too. I suppose that is a commitment issue.

People change too much too, you are better off alone....In my last situation, the person changed themselves from the person I fell in love with to someone different. She cut her hair, changed her dress, started going out a lot acting silly, when we hardly ever went out before, chasing what is left of the ny scene desparately trying to come back. I hope she doesn't go back to her college days of emptyness. The awkward thing is she is hanging out with people who have less focus than me which I do not get.

The funny thing is she will never know how much I cared for her. She thinks I was in love with the idea of her. I accept and care for her for who she is no matter what she does. I know I am the greatest man that has ever touched her life. I regret that she is left angry with nowhere to channel it. I do not believe for a second that she didnt love/care for me a lot, because she cannot even be around me.

Why is it that girls do not respect guys that almost live for them, yet they seek the ones that threw them away?

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Originally posted by blowflyii

A little advice...getting your own space in say harlem, would be a good idea.

Sharing a small apartment with someone is not that good of an idea. The last couple times I did it it was too smothering.

I had one experience where I was living with a girl....I payed half the rent, and she threw me out with only a few days notice, not to mention she didn't want me to be in the apartment when she was out of town. We were dating too. I suppose that is a commitment issue.

...Why is it that girls do not respect guys that almost live for them, yet they seek the ones that threw them away?

A little advice, blowflii....get fucked! What the hell is your problem...or more specifically why do you think everyone else's problems relate directly to your pathetic obsession with your old relationship? I am looking for an APARTMENT with a ROOMMATE- not trying to loaf in a SIGNIFICANT OTHER's else's place. This bears absolutely no relation to the long, depressing, ridiculous diatribe about this OVER!! relationship that you seem bent on airing for the whole board- none of whom could give a shit about whether you had commitment issues with a girl who obviously saw you for the psychotic freak you are and asked you to get lost. And to frame it in some sort of passive-aggressive mode of giving me helpful advice, who the hell do you think you are fooling? Do you think for one iota of a second I believe you posted this for my benefit? The only thing beneficial you could do for this board is get the fuck off....

And to answer your last question, girls can respect guys and guys can respect girls, but nobody respects manipulative psychotic whiny babies like you.

oh, and thanks for the help! :D

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I appreciate the advice. You are ovbviously being so specific becuase you might know my ex. I am not psychotic. I wasn't a loaf at all. I payed for half of everything by the way. What does get fucked mean? That is not fullfilling. I must have meant a lot to her for her to not have a relationship currently that she can put her heart in. You know why i am here. A lot of the guys on the board are here just to try to get laid. So in the same vain, I am not looking to get laid. I have feelings and maybe I air them like a girl. I care about people and want them to understand my feelings and actions wether they care or not. I am also a very schooled person in music and it drives me like some sweet gravity leaving me cracked an empty. Without music, I couldn't breathe.

I will post on the board when I see fit like everyone else. All the facts have not been disclosed to you....you must know that because you have only heard one side. Come on I know you have a mind in between dancing up and down.

You know as well as I do that every person has their own problems. I am a happy person. If you ever met me you would probably think I was very nice.

On the other side thanks for kickin me in the ass I do hope you find a place. I was in the same situation for a time.

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saigray have you been mean to me since day one? You judge me without basis. Sure I want to see you find a place but it brought up a personal feeling that I felt like I had to say. We hurt each other really badly, so I think in a love situation people act irrational and temporarily insane. There is no rehab for broken hearts. We must have a chat soon.


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Originally posted by blowflyii

saigray have you been mean to me since day one? You judge me without basis. Sure I want to see you find a place but it brought up a personal feeling that I felt like I had to say. We hurt each other really bad, so I think in a love situation people act irrational and temporarily insane. There is no rehab for broken hearts. We must have a chat soon.

Stay the hell away from my friends!

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Originally posted by blowflyii

saigray have you been mean to me since day one? You judge me without basis. Sure I want to see you find a place but it brought up a personal feeling that I felt like I had to say. We hurt each other really bad, so I think in a love situation people act irrational and temporarily insane. There is no rehab for broken hearts. We must have a chat soon.


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"GET FUCKED" is an Australian phrase that roughly translated means,

"Would you please be so kind as to find a large ex-con who will fuck you up the ass without lubrication so you won't bother me and my friends any more."

Other than that bit of educating, I'm done sparing with you in public. If you need to "chat" with me, PM me- you obviously have trouble discerning what issues are matters of public importance and what issues are PRIVATE and should not be dealt with in a public forum like a messageboard.

(And it's obvious from the replies here and on every thread you've ever dropped your bullshit drama into that ppl don't need to know your ex or even you in person to tell that you are seriously messed up and need professional help....especially if you can't see how out of line and blatantly freaky you come across.)

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