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I need advice, can someone help?


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Alright I have to warn you this may get long but I'll try to keep it concise. Here's the deal:

I have been sort of seeing the res. DJ at a club I work for (as in, go out for breakfast after closing, hang out for a while, yada), and we had some physical and sexual relations over the past weeks. But I can't figure him out 'cause one minute he's cool and we can hang out and have fun but the next he's so wrapped up in making sure the guest DJ's are doing okay that he practically forgets I exist. This drives me nuts but I have been told by others that he really is busy (as he says).

Well at any rate, I know how I feel about him. I started liking his personality at first and I thought of him as a good friend more than anything else, and I didn't even consider anything more than that until he brought it to the physical level himself. Then I realized that I like him as more than a friend and I think there's potential for things to work out really well between us. However if he's changed his mind that's fine 'cause I started out liking his personality first so I lose nothing in that transaction.

A mutual friend of ours said that I should just tell him how I feel and this would put an end to the confusing "I like you, I am paying attention to the guest DJ" syndrome. What am not sure about is... what do I say and do I have to do it in person? is phone or email acceptable? I know he'll be occupied with a lot of crap this week but I need to know what's up so I can either settle in or move on, and the next time I see him could be the next night he's spinning and that won't help.


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it think you should be straight up with the brother, tell him exactly how you feel, tell him that you enjoy his personality, and

you are starting to feel more towards him.

Say that you want to see if you both can make something of it. YOu feel good about the potential between you 2, so just give it a shot, imo

Hey, the worst he can say is no. And since you guys started off as friends, nothing to break a sweat at. As far as settling in or move on, you should tell him this too, not to the degree where you come off seeming obsessed, but you know what i mean.

btw... do this in person; email and phone aren't good ideas.

hope i've been some help

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