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3 Sucide Bombings In Isreal This Weekend

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is this shit ever gonna stop....sometimes i feel like the end of the world could be any day....espically with all this talk on takin the war elsewhere espicially to iraq which would be a bad idea becasue then the coalition that bush built will be torn apart......

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it never ends. my cuz is in the israeli infantry, he patrolls along the ramalah border, and he tells me a lot of interesting stories from the 'holy land'. the problem isnt the palestinians, its their leadership, which is headed by an imbesol, a total and complete coldblooded liar and a known terrorist. the bigger problem is that if israelis take out arafat, things will get from bad to worse, because his replacement will be a radical leader of a terror group, this is much worse off for both sides, but the palestinians will suffer even more. in the 30 years arafat has been the plo chairman, he has been kicked out of jordan, beirut, west bank and tripoli without alleviating the suffering of palestinians. this piece of shit was never interested in a peace settlement, he walked out on at least 3 occasions already, where he could have ended the conflict and started building a nation. he doesnt give two shits about his people. sad part is, as much as sharon is a brilliant general, he simply views the palestinians as subhuman, which will never achieve any peace, so there is very little prospect for any resolution. A NY Times journalist Thomas Friedman, wrote a great book, From Beirut to Jerusalem, where he explains very clearly what the root of the problems are, i suggest that anyone interested in Mid East read this book, very very intersting.

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This is all too much. Now i'm worried about my friends who are going to Israel over winter break on the Birthright trip. I got accepted to go but passed because of the danger factor. Hopefully I will get to go this summer. Seriously.. when will the be peace? One of the terrorist attacks took place in a club... does anyone know which one?

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Originally posted by teklord310

This is all too much. Now i'm worried about my friends who are going to Israel over winter break on the Birthright trip. I got accepted to go but passed because of the danger factor. Hopefully I will get to go this summer. Seriously.. when will the be peace? One of the terrorist attacks took place in a club... does anyone know which one?

dont know which one but the sad thing is eveyone who died was under the age of 25.
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Me and the folks here in israel are horrified by the recent attacks of terror.. can you imagine 3 terrorists attacks in less than 24 hours? so many dead and wounded.. the situation is indeed very bad :(

We are all depressed and wondering if we should go to the big after party soon to take place, with danny howells & kenny hawkes, in the Jerusalem club Haoman 17. When will this vicious circle of terror end.. no ones knows the answer unfortunatley. Luckily for me I will be travelling to NYC in the following week, to maybe forget about all our problems just for a little while...

Anyway guys, thanks for your support and appriciation!

-- magey

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You know, I really feel for the people who have died. This is horrible..and every day, as I hear more and more about the violence in Israel and realizing how close it is to where my grandmother and aunts live, it's really scary to think that I won't be able to go home and see them again because of bullshit like this. But what I don't understand is why Palestinian youth don't get as much sympathy from people when they die, but when Israeli teenagers get killed, the whole world is in an uproar? We talk about wanting peace and solidarity for all, but is it really what we want because it's the "right" thing to say, or is it because we are bullshitting ourselves about world peace ever happening? This world is fucked up, sometimes I wish I never had to experience it. But oh well, I guess that's life..take it or leave it...but WHY couldn't it be a nicer place?For everyone? :(

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ahhh working nightshift sucks, at least some people like sassa are up early. anyway, about the issue of palestinians not getting attention, they do get attention. i hear everyday how a palestinian kid is killed by israelis. but then i read what the situation was, and its a completely different picture. many of the palestinian kids who go out and get shot were attacking israeli soldiers with rocks, molotov cocktails and assault rifles. they deliberately go out, and try to kill or injure israeli troops. yes, i think the troops should not be there, but the palestinians attack them, and in turn get killed. how can you compare that to the terror victims who were buying ice cream when they were blown up? the PLO is directly responsible for this tragic event. it should immediately stop airing its daily anti israeli propaganda, which brainwashes the palestinian youth into attacking israelis and they should arrest the Hamas and Jihad militants. this is fucked up, there is no end in sight. i really really hate religion sometimes..

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hey i was talking with my grandfather over the weekend, and he has been in ww2 and he knows alot, but he told me something over the weekend that had me think. he told me that the United States has called on Bin Laden in the past for fights against Russia. so we worked with this guy fighting other countrys and now he is doing all this shit to everyone else in the world, not just the US. i don't get that. there is just to much shit going on to make me understand half of it. all i know is we are the UNITED STATES and nobody fucks with us, or our friends. we are goin to hunt down bin laden and all his FRIENDS.

my prayers goes out to all the firefighters and everyone that has been called for in the war. thanks guys

thanks bro, can't wait to see you again!

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Originally posted by tribal

ahhh working nightshift sucks, at least some people like sassa are up early. anyway, about the issue of palestinians not getting attention, they do get attention. i hear everyday how a palestinian kid is killed by israelis. but then i read what the situation was, and its a completely different picture. many of the palestinian kids who go out and get shot were attacking israeli soldiers with rocks, molotov cocktails and assault rifles. they deliberately go out, and try to kill or injure israeli troops. yes, i think the troops should not be there, but the palestinians attack them, and in turn get killed. how can you compare that to the terror victims who were buying ice cream when they were blown up? the PLO is directly responsible for this tragic event. it should immediately stop airing its daily anti israeli propaganda, which brainwashes the palestinian youth into attacking israelis and they should arrest the Hamas and Jihad militants. this is fucked up, there is no end in sight. i really really hate religion sometimes..

I agree, but then again,I disagree. Palestinians are not getting the exposure that Israelis are getting...I hate that the US is supporting the Israelis with this and not the Palestinians..granted,Arafat is definitely not a good leader and he's bullshitting half the time when he says he wants this shit to stop....I'm just saying that favoritism is more for the Israelis in the White House...and this is why so many Palestinians are frustrated, they don't feel that they have the support of the US...and then, it's understandable that they resort to violence..when Israeli tanks are destroying homes and fields...how would anyone feel if they were in the Palestinians' position?

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obviously the Palestinians arent going to get much support here. Number 1: what the hell do they want?

number 2: the only diplomatic skills they've shown is being able to kill innocent people

the palestinians chose to lave the land after 1947 because they were scared what was going to happen. noone ever threatened them ora sked them to leave. and their fears proved to be completely unfounded. now, they want complete resettlement and more. and when they were offered their own state and more land, they turned it down. huh??? what the hell do they want? as long as they yearn for the destruction of Israel, i dont think any rational person can possibly take them seriously.

and how can anyone support a people who continuously perpetrate terrorist acts? i dont see a difference between the Palestinians and the Taliban, and i dont understand why Israel is not given full discretion to deal with their terrorist problem like the US is dealing with its problem.

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yo breakbeats, thats not true. Point #1: the palest. left because 6 arab armies decided to wipe out the jews on a day after israel declared independence in 1948. there were 2 things at play. militant jewish groups like Hagana were attacking palest. settlements and towns, and in many cases killing innocent palstinians. many palst. left because of these killings. many more left due to the request by arab generals for them to leave the area, so they would avoid getting caught in the crossfire between israelis and the arab Legion. they promised the palst. that they could come back once the 'zionist entity' is elimiinated. the arab legion got its ass kicked by israel, and the palst. were never allowed back, due to their support for the invading arab armies.

Point#2, about sassas statement on media recognition. the reason arabs dont have an equal representation of media here is due to their fundamental insignificance in the representation of constituents. think about it, there is no palst. industry, economy or educational merits like there is in israel. yes it sounds racist, but its true, israel is much more significant for US in terms of economy, education, policy and military. you dont hear much about Mongolia or Tunisia, why? because they are not significant players. also the fundamental fact remains, most palst. do not want to recognize israel's existence and have a Day of Tragedy (Catastrophe) commermorating israel's Independece day. up until 1993, the official palst. charter called for the destruction of israel. israelis on the other hand do recognize the right to a palestinian homeland and have on many times made extraordinary consessions in the name of peace. you saw the palst. response on saturday

Point#3, many arab countries explicitly blame israel for the poor conditions of palest. while countires like Jordan and Syria snatched the initial UN-recognized Palst. land during the '48 war. after the arab armies agreed to a cease fire, they took much of the palst. land and have redrawn their own borders to fit in this annexed land. i havent heard one anti-israeli critic mention these incursions yet.

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