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Any guys ever have sex with a woman...


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Who's like, bigger then they are?

Thought came to... 3 weeks ago my friend and I were chilling at this lounge, real ill d/l sorta place, and I met Mariah Carey...

So, damn that is one big ass woman! She'd crush me!

I'm 5'9, 175-180... she was like 5'11 in her heels and maybe the same weight if not more! She loooked huge!

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i was upstate a while back snowboarding, and i got really wacked and went back with this townie and she was kinda big, well bigger then me at least, and fuckin shit the more i sobered up the more i wanted to get out of there, and it all came to me when i was eating her out, i was sobering up and i wa slike what the fuck was i doing, i felt like a beaver building a damn... a lil and hsit working away on this big project... so i started laughing and stopped and went to bed... woke up in the morn and went back to the slopes... bam... fucked up but funny to me...

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