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My 11 day review of Ft. Liquordale/Miami/Sobe

Guest saleen351

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Originally posted by saleen351

First off I don't want to sound like some stud that knows everything to pick up women, but I know this, the way you post is a totaly reflection of your personality, Your obviously older then me, I'm 24 but age don't matter, BE AN ASSHOLE, try it, insult a hot broad and watch what she does, control her, run the conversation, its soooooooo easy it should be illegal. South florida women ain't that smart, and really easy to approach, that is a perfect combination, throw some hot gear on and be a fucking asshole and watch what happens, Don't worry about offending them, they like it, Hot broads hear the same shit every day by guy after guy, you have to be different, get her attention, comment on her fucking shoes, tell her you don't like her outfit, make some statement (suttle though) about her weight and she will remember you forever. DON'T TELL HER HOW GOOD SHE LOOKS, NO GOOD COMMENTS AT ALL. Now at this point your laying the ground work, find out where her and her friends usually hang, then a week later show up and be such a gentlemen that she is shocked!!! She can't figure you out now, she can't tell if your an asshole or just misunderstood, then close the deal....Thats how I do it, I ain't good looking enough or suave enough to pull ass right there right now, but I know over time I can wear them down. Like I said I ain't tom cruise but I know women are SICK of the same shit, espcially the hot ones...If you have any wall street brokers or friends that are brokers then go out drinking with them, brokers are trained to close deals, its who has the biggest balls on wall street, thats where I was trained, remember if you don't close the deal with the girl the next guy will....You got nothing to loose.... I'm sure I gonna get some BS for this post, but remeber this is how I DO IT, I NOT saying I pull ass every night, but I aint bad at it either...dont' think i'm a expert this is what works for me, so if you got a different way then go with it.

After working in "normal jobs", nightclubs, go go...djaying, emceeing..etc in the "NY/NJ attitude part of the country" I hate to say it...but have to agree with the guy. The "hot" girls get compliments and hear the same thing all the time. Or u always see a pack of guys whistling and yelling and not going directly up to her one on one and saying something of value. Not to go into details (don't want to reveal too much of my club history...lookin' over the shoulder) but that's how it works. Ask any guy who has a good success rate(success rate meaning getting who you want, not quantity - though if that's what u want...). ;)

PS.... and don't talk about yourself too much...ask questions. Everyone loves talkin' about themselves!

Disclaimer...The above has been....just an opinion!:D


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