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What do you do when someone close to you is hurting so bad, and all you can do is watch them fall into the abyss off despair. Lately, I've felt so bad that I can't help this person, and I want to help them so bad, but I don't think its enuff. Has anyone ever had a situation like this, and if so how do you go about helping that person realize that life is worth living. Im so nervous for this person that it gets me sick inside, and it hurts me even worse to watch them hurt. ANy suggestions on how to make someone turn these feelings of despair around????? :(

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but that is what friends are for, to be there for each other even when it is difficult to do so.

You can't make anyone feel anything, we all have total control of our own feelings. If the friend is heading to despair, one of the best things you can do is to be there for them and let them know you love them *unconditionally*. You will know how much confrontation your relationship with this person can take, and what topics you should bring up, but often it is best to ask questions, and let the other person do some thinking aloud by answering the questions, rather than telling the person how they "should" be. Also, you don't want to let what you think is their issue cloud what their real issue is.

IMPORTANT: If they are presenting with a "suicidal ideology", i. e. any talk of suicide, etc. do your best to get them to at least call a hotline and talk to someone, if not actually go in to see some kind of counselor. IF THEY WON'T, please call the hotline yourself and talk to someone there about how to help this person.

Hope this helps, if you need anything, don't hesitate to email at the same screenname on aol, or PM me.

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