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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Merry Christmas Shady


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Twas the night before Christmas

And all through the house

Everybody felt shitty

Even the mouse,

Mom at the Whorehouse

Dad Smoking Grass

I'd just settled down

For a nice piece of ass,

When out on the lawn

I heard such a clatter

I sprung from my piece

To see what was the matter,

Then out on the lawn

I saw a big dick

I knew in a moment

It must be Saint Nick,

He came down the chimney

Like a bat out of hell

I knew in a moment

The fucker had fell,

He filled all our stockings

With pretzels and beer

And a big Rubber Dick

For my brother the queer,

He rose up the chimney

With a thunderous Fart

The Son of a Bitch

Blew the chimney apart,

He swore and he cursed

As he rode out of sight

Piss on you all

And Have a Hell of a Night.

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Originally posted by chynado11

down boys down..ill send pics of the party if u wanna see me...but i shall not reveal the santa HO pic lol



See you can't tease us like that, it's just not fair, but anyways yes I GUESS those pics will do...bring them on...we'll start with those ones then work our way to the santa HO;)

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