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Dave these ppl should be banned from posting on the NJ board!

Guest saleen351

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Don't forget to add me to your stupid list. As Sergio said if they remove all those names from CP, well they are losing a lot of members. It will never happen so I will continue to do what I am paid to do and that is put the word out about upcoming parties. Why don't you worry about watching your back because of all your stupid racial comments, I think you should be removed from the board!!!

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Originally posted by saleen351

I have a Econ degree and ran a club for 3 years with my roomates in college, so I know how the world turns....But one would have to admit that the promoting is out of hand. CP makes money by promoting, eveyone knows this and accepts it, I don't think ppl have a problem with it. With out it no message board. But that BS with Denny at world and shit like that is gotta go, or else the credibility of these guys will fall and ppl will move on to vip or other boards...And the comment about the 300 bucks is arogant and insensitive...I was there with 3 other kids. Out of the group, 3 of us were layed off! So we went out to spend little money based on the promoting and we spend WAY to much, cause of greed and fucking promoters....Remember who your customers are, 300 bucks to your 500SL driving ass may not be alot, but a college grad that is layed off is a lot of money. Don't be high brow on the board, its not right, I use to drive a very, very expensive car, till shit hit the fan! Plus you pissed me off with no Whitney at the surf!!!!!!! LOL, but even you had to dodge complaints about the vip cards at surf doing nothing.....If you are such good friends with Dave and give a shit about cp then you know more then us. Remove the excessive posts and the mutiple screenames....

If you want to play--you have to pay--Simple enough--And if you dont have the cash dont go out--

Stigs--Dont let this jackass fu-k with you--You run a top notch operation--

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Originally posted by johnnyblackroc

I disagree......As a person in the industry, SOME promoters go way overboard but you rarely see bartenders who CONSTANTLY give info on their parties every weekend......


I was just making a point. I agree with Saleen, the shit with Denny and the world was nonsense as is when say, Temptskid or whoever, bash someone for saying that they didn't have fun at tempts and thought denny's music selection was terrible. Everyone has different taste in music. I think my taste changes once a month.....but it is still no need to bash the person.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by jarmenio


Don't forget to add me to your stupid list. As Sergio said if they remove all those names from CP, well they are losing a lot of members. It will never happen so I will continue to do what I am paid to do and that is put the word out about upcoming parties. Why don't you worry about watching your back because of all your stupid racial comments, I think you should be removed from the board!!!

I never put you on the list, because I percieved you as being straight up..But I guess all you promoters have to stick with each other. I guess I was wrong about you, just another asshole that promotes......You don't see the ideaology behind the post. Its too open up ppls eyes to the BS that promoters are throwing around on this board.....Do you really think someone would remove all these ppl, or any of them??? If you did then you have a screw loose. I never watch watch my back, I don't have to. I love the racist label on me, its funny to me.....Jarmenio I thought you were cool, but I guess I was wrong, I even stood up for you as a promoter! Well I guess birds or a feather flock together...

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Some of the people you had on that list happen to be very good friends of mine and also people whom I work with. Our job as a promoter is to put the word out, do you ever see me or some of my co workers from abyss bullshit on the board? Granted yes sometimes an act may cancel but that is out of our control as promoters. Yes maybe some people do lie to promote there parties on this board, however I have dealt with some of the screen names you listed and I have always been taken care of if I have gone to there club.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by jarmenio

Some of the people you had on that list happen to be very good friends of mine and also people whom I work with. Our job as a promoter is to put the word out, do you ever see me or some of my co workers from abyss bullshit on the board? Granted yes sometimes an act may cancel but that is out of our control as promoters. Yes maybe some people do lie to promote there parties on this board, however I have dealt with some of the screen names you listed and I have always been taken care of if I have gone to there club.



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Originally posted by unclebuc


I was just making a point. I agree with Saleen, the shit with Denny and the world was nonsense as is when say, Temptskid or whoever, bash someone for saying that they didn't have fun at tempts and thought denny's music selection was terrible. Everyone has different taste in music. I think my taste changes once a month.....but it is still no need to bash the person.


I know you were making a point, as was I. All I was trying to add to the post was that SOME, not all, promoters go overboard and the worst ones are the ones that SUCK!!!!!! Maybe that's why they do. Case in point, how many times have we read about the FREE party in JC??? Has anyone EVER gone to see these clowns or atleast listen to them? No but yet the crackhead keeps posting every fucking weekend about some free party and how whacked it was. PUHLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

I only know a few promoters personally and they, time and time again, have bent over backwards to make sure I and my crew had a good time.

P.S. SALEEN, it's "birds of a feather flock together!!!";)

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by johnnyblackroc

P.S. SALEEN, it's "birds of a feather flock together!!!";)

I put or istead of, of, its a typo, does this mean I fail the course proffesor JBR?

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by johnnyblackroc

You have much to learn my young squaw~~~~

Are you gonna teach me : Sand da floor, wax on wax off and paint da fence????????? Mr. Miogy!

I forgot to ask, do u really belive the Jints have a shot at the playoffs,,,,,you need a miracle....

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Originally posted by saleen351

I forgot to ask, do u really belive the Jints have a shot at the playoffs,,,,,you need a miracle....

Daniel san, you must first meet the enemy B4 you can beat them!!!!!

Not a miracle, actually. If we tie Washington or the Saints or both we go. the only definites are the Packers and the Rams/49'ers

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Originally posted by saleen351

Difference is you fucking white trash, inbreed, jewbagel, nigger, spic, mic, wop, gook, is that we debate Temps, WE DON'T HAVE ANY FIANCIAL INFLUENCE IN OUR REMARKS!!!!!!!!!! IDIOT..........

Isn't wop a deragatory remark toward Italians. So in fact by trying to offend others you have offended yourself in the process.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by nabuc1

Isn't wop a deragatory remark toward Italians. So in fact by trying to offend others you have offended yourself in the process.

In very few instances I get offened by it. And it has to do with context......Where have you been.....I was worried sick. You don't call, or write or send me a xmas card......:(

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Originally posted by nabuc1

Isn't wop a deragatory remark toward Italians. So in fact by trying to offend others you have offended yourself in the process.

Actually, B, it started when immigrants started coming to America from Italy that did not have transfer papers. Hence the statement came about Without Papers. From this, the term W.O.P. originated.....;)

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Originally posted by johnnyblackroc

Actually, B, it started when immigrants started coming to America from Italy that did not have transfer papers. Hence the statement came about Without Papers. From this, the term W.O.P. originated.....;)

thanks for the history lesson..........lol

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Originally posted by johnnyblackroc

Going great....I can hear all the peeps yelling now cause I just found out that we (cosmic, ceeotter, me, etc.) are coming up to Joey's next Friday not this Friday.....


You know you're catching shit for that.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by BRIAN1500

What about your BS that you are throwing around this board?

My bs has nothing to do with ppls money, time, weekend plans and nye plans.

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