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OK it official I've run off and joined the circus (DUMBO REVIEW)

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Man oh man..

I just got back from the Lunaterium and

I am now officially running away to join

blakkat's carny..

I will be traveling along with the sideshow

in a cage as "THE MUGWUMP"..

People can poke and prod me and point

in horror..





But it's all good as long as they can enjoy

what I (along with all you

CP headz that made it out to the party

in DUMBO last night) can enjoy...


Hope you enjoyed

the night and the ummm..

slab of muck that use to be a cake..

(Glad you got to chat with your fiance' REID

about her sets..)

*Nice meeting your brother too..

Tell him the echanecha kicked my absinth

buzz back up..



~Carnival rides that spun you upside down,

~A real life Freak show,

~Fire eaters and fire twirlers,

~Carny games like;

"Throw the hooop on the penis",

~Merry go rounds,

~Artsy Hotties..



Drum and bass,


classics like GROOVE IS IN THE HEART

and Herbie Hancock

~Absynth booths

~Projection art that made your eyes pop out

~Orgy tents

~break dancers..

~men with huge breasts

~woman with no breasts

~ LIVE Drum circles


(mugwump approved of coarse)


Pics to come!

*great seeing all of you that

made it out and all of you that I met for the first time!.

I love you all..

(even the grumpy ones)







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Just took the pics to get developed..



shout outs:

Cynderella: Great to finaly meet you..

Papasmurf (cookie): Great to chill with you..

Phuturefunk:Glad to have you out among the DUMBOTROOPERS

Loch: grow some hair man..

(what's up with the bald shit?)

tilly:Hope yo feel better




Quoth: always a pleasure..How was Vynil?

(you nut!)

saigray: Did I see you?


LM: sorry bout what you told me with the wake..

Hope you are in better spirits and bouncing again soon.


Xpander: Do you ever stop moving?

nice to see you out as always..

HACKER: Broootha~

Happy B-day for

the millionth time..

(Hope that turd with candles didn't give you

stomach cancer!)



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yeah that was definitely an awesome night....it was my first time there, im gonna have to go back soon

just the whole vibe was so nice and there was so much stuff to look at and do

and the view....jesus, nothing was cooler than looking across the river at the sun rising over the manhattan skyline

grr i was upset cuz i got there late and missed reid speed, but there was a lot of good jungle and shit

i guess around 5 they started playing some weirdo hip hop music, i dont think it was english....but occasionaly she'd throw in some sort of a drum and bass beat, it was interesting to say the least

so lets see....i hope i dont leave anyone out

mugwump - it was really cool finally seeing you again, it seemed like we never would hahaha

hacker - hope you had a fun birthday! hope you enjoyed dissapearing for hours too!

phuturephunk - no one is as hardcore as us! it was a pleasure meeting you

joe - thats funny how you made it....i NEVER EVER wouldve got there alone

lavendermenace - its always a pleasure and you know it (mom)

xpander - thanks for leading me around brooklyn over the phone or i never wouldve found it!

pappasmurf - youre one crazy character, thats all i gotta say

quoth - i finally danced to drum and bass! but not fast enough....

tilly and loch - it was cool meeting you two, too bad you had to leave so early! feel better!

synderella - cool meeting you, hope you had a good time!

im sorry if i left anyone out! all my seratonin ran away last night so my memory might be a little shot!! :D

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Originally posted by mugwump

(Hope that turd with candles didn't give you

stomach cancer!)

no way man...

it proved to be a conversation piece as i walked out onto the dancefloor with it, scooping it with my index and middle finger and into my mouth in front of some very confused individuals including one femme brave enough to ask me what it was and to wish me a happy birthday upon hearing what it once was.

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Originally posted by thehacker

no way man...

it proved to be a conversation piece as i walked out onto the dancefloor with it, scooping it with my index and middle finger and into my mouth in front of some very confused individuals including one femme brave enough to ask me what it was and to wish me a happy birthday upon hearing what it once was.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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wow, dumbo was fucking great....

Justin: Yeah, seriously, wtf... lol

Loch: Sup, nice meeting you.

Tilly: We didn't really get to meet, you were leaving as I was just getting in... but we'll meet next time.

Mugz: Nice to finally meet the guy behind the character, lol.

Papasmurf: Really cool meeting you, have fun in Belgium, stop by LL some friday night when you get back.

Nathan: Always a good time, I swear to god you move like something not of this earth on that floor...

Shannon: Nuff Said. :D

Quoth: Yeah, nice seein ya fuckrag, catch you around.

KRIS: Happy Fucking Birthday! And DAMN, you were right, that place is fucking great. "Dude, I KNOW" lol

PhuturePhunk: Great finally meeting you, we had a nice convo and managed not to wake the dead!

Synderella420: Nice meeting you, can't wait to see the pics...

gmccookny: I don't know how, but I think I missed you .... next time I guess....

Saigray: Nice seeing you again!

umm... I think thats everyone... jesus christ, so many ppl, such a good f'ing time!

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Originally posted by joeg

wow, dumbo was fucking great....

Mugz: Nice to finally meet the guy behind the character

shit bro..

good meeting you too..

I meant to say that also..

I always fuck up shout outs and miss someone..

great meeting you..

See ya at LL..

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yup. 'nuff said.

mugwump: conceptually, the idea was an attempt at self deprecating humor...a shot at MYSELF, but we both know how the "concept" and actual "product" can differ tremendously...sometimes "people just don't get it", and it gets lost in the translation. ;)

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Originally posted by mugwump

shit bro..

good meeting you too..

I meant to say that also..

I always fuck up shout outs and miss someone..

great meeting you..

See ya at LL..

Yeah, np, I usually have to edit my post 100 times before I get everyone...

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So sorry I didn't make it kidz. I really wanted to come out and play but my cold turned out to be a horrible sinus infection. I didn't want to go all the way out there and have a horrible time in the end. Just hope you all enjoyed yourselves. I'll do a meet up next time.

and Hacker: Happy Birthday!!!

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Originally posted by trancend

mugz where the hell are the pictures????

im getting impatient!!

I just took them to the 1 hour developer dudes round the corner..

check back round 2:00 for final scans etc..

(I think I might need an intern at the mugwumpian labs)

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Guest tilly

Sorry it took me until now to reply to you guys but...well no excuses necessary...

Hacker: Happy Birthday dude! you had a major perm-a-grin on all night...nice...mission accomplished..and sorry I left early.

Your brother was sooo much fun too...what a happy guy!

Trancend: Definitely a highlight meeting you..you are a nice looking young man! Your lil friend was sweet too (quiet yet sweet).

Quoth: DUDE...you are COOL... And much taller than I had anticipated.

GMC & SYN: Good to meet you both..I'm sure I'll see ya around.

JoeyG: It was good to at least see what you look like for the next time we meet and actually carry on a conversation.

I think that's all the new ppl I met???

See ya around soon. Try to check out pseudo if you haven't yet...

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Originally posted by tilly

Hacker: Happy Birthday dude! you had a major perm-a-grin on all night...nice...mission accomplished..and sorry I left early.

Your brother was sooo much fun too...what a happy guy!

yeah my brother pretty much kicks ass.

it took major arm-twisting to get him to come out to dumbo tho.

even tho he's my older brother, he's a scaredy cat when it comes to strange factory-building neighborhoods... :half:

in contrast, i'm a little Too explore-ative...

so i guess he's my balance in life.

yep, pretty much describes our relationship.

we is tight.

and yeah he's definately shiny happy given the right environment.

(and when he's finally able to get away from long nights of running around with errands and fixing his econobox of a car ;) )

glad y'all got to meet 'im.

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Originally posted by thehacker

yeah my brother pretty much kicks ass.

it took major arm-twisting to get him to come out to dumbo tho.

even tho he's my older brother, he's a scaredy cat when it comes to strange factory-building neighborhoods... :half:

in contrast, i'm a little Too explore-ative...

so i guess he's my balance in life.

yep, pretty much describes our relationship.

we is tight.

and yeah he's definately shiny happy given the right environment.

(and when he's finally able to get away from long nights of running around with errands and fixing his econobox of a car ;) )

glad y'all got to meet 'im.

very cool guy kris..

and Trancend:


you'll see them in the evening..

(Believe it or not I hop on here between

doing a million other things)


or I'll eat my beard..

(chews on goatee)

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