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Originally posted by xtcgspot

finding out someone u love hooked up with someone else......i think im sick.

When you hook up with the girl, do u think about boyfriend that she dumps for you?

When you hookup with a girl do you think about your g/f that you dump for that girl?

(And if you never done those things, i give maaaaaad props to you bro)

Only time you think about it, is when you find out your g/f hooked up with someone else....

And if you mean someone you loved and was hoping get hooked up with and was too late.... Well shit she aint married yet, you'll get your chance to be like a fuckin' knight in shiny armor. Hope dies last, thats why you feel sick maybe?

Originally posted by crashedfx

When you hook up with the girl, do u think about boyfriend that she dumps for you?

When you hookup with a girl do you think about your g/f that you dump for that girl?

(And if you never done those things, i give maaaaaad props to you bro)

Only time you think about it, is when you find out your g/f hooked up with someone else....

And if you mean someone you loved and was hoping get hooked up with and was too late.... Well shit she aint married yet, you'll get your chance to be like a fuckin' knight in shiny armor. Hope die last, thats why you feel sick maybe?

this fucker is good :D :D :D

Originally posted by xtcgspot

finding out someone u love hooked up with someone else......i think im sick.

hun but face it, its over..so don't be too upset..you just need to move on..sorry thats the truth and its hard reality:(


k well we talked about everything... and agreed that this is just something both of us are gonna have to get used to if we're not gonna be together. it sux. and as much as we dont wanna hear about each other hooking up with other people, its just the way it goes u know?. hes eventually gonna hook up with someone else and im gonna be sick to my stomach too. but how r we ever gonna make it on our own if we get like this every time something happens? i love him more than anyone else in this world. and he knows that. its just gonna be hard getting used to and getting over this. but lifes gotta run its course.... :(

Originally posted by trancend

get off clubplanet and write that damn paper!!!

lol... im trying im trying... 583 out of 1000 words done so far.. im gettin there... but i got 40 more minutes until i have to email it... :blown:i just keep comin back to see wut everyone is talkin bout :tongue:

Lina, What happened, I remember seeing posts not too long ago about u two being together and how good of a couple u guys made. Also that pic u posted everyone replying that xtcgspot was a lucky guy.. Things change quick...

Originally posted by xtcgspot

finding out someone u love hooked up with someone else......i think im sick.

Giving you a pound and a hug... been there never want to go there again... When i found out, I was in such a rollercoaster of emotions... first thing that happend is i started to shake, my stomach turned to knots and gurgles, my fists clenched... then 1000 diff. thoughts race through your head and then you get FUGGIN ANGRY as a MOTHER FUCKER!!! :mad: :horns: then you have to get back to who you normally are so I went through that in reverse then you have to evaluate your relationship... 1 of two things gets done... (we all know what they are and before doing either dont react on impulse/emotion always react on fact/knowledge... i know i know easier said then done, buts its easier to hold back words and forget them then it is to say them and then have to heal the wounds they created...)

Bro I really really feel for you... I hope things work out...

Originally posted by fierydesire

hun but face it, its over..so don't be too upset..you just need to move on..sorry thats the truth and its hard reality:(

Damn it may not feel like winter outside but it is fucking freezing on this post... damn!~

You're as cold as ice

You're willing to sacrifice our love

You never take advice

Someday you'll pay the price

I know

I've seen it before

It happens all the time

Closing the door

You leave the world behind

You're digging for gold

Yet throwing away

A fortune in feelings

But someday you'll pay

You're as cold as ice

You're willing to sacrifice our love

You want Paradise

Someday you'll pay the price

I know

I've seen it before

It happens all the time

Closing the door

You leave the world behind

You're digging for gold

Yet throwing away

A fortune in feelings

But someday you'll pay

Cold as Ice you know

that you are

Cold as ice

Ooh Ooh Ooh

Cold as cold as ice

Originally posted by linabina

k well we talked about everything... and agreed that this is just something both of us are gonna have to get used to if we're not gonna be together. it sux. and as much as we dont wanna hear about each other hooking up with other people, its just the way it goes u know?. hes eventually gonna hook up with someone else and im gonna be sick to my stomach too. but how r we ever gonna make it on our own if we get like this every time something happens? i love him more than anyone else in this world. and he knows that. its just gonna be hard getting used to and getting over this. but lifes gotta run its course.... :(

Look at this way... just my pt of view and up until this pt i thought you guys were still together... its not gonna work being friends, from going from lovers... nopes... its either going to make you guys get back together or tear you apart... IMO its better to just cut your losses and count your gains and walk away from the situation... if a ship is sinking no point being on it, jump on a lifeboat and sail back to port...

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