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Fucking LOSERS!!!!


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OK I'm not usually the one to start shit, unless it's with Saleen, but I just got back from my Christmas party and I'm waiting for a company car home and I'm drunk as fuck. So to make a long story short I was reading the sex board and there was this thread about some guy crying that his ClubPlanet girlfreiond cheated on him. I don't know, maybe it's just me and my drunk ass, butwho the fuck would start a seriouse relationship with someone from a sex board and then air their dirty laundry on said board . That has tyo be the most fucking juvenile thing I have seen on this or any other bord. To the two unnamed Cpers I have to say get a FUCKING LIFE. If you romantic life revolves around peeps you meet on a sex board your problems are far greater than that person cheating on you. My advice sek professional help, you obviously have a problem interacting with individuals from the opossite sex. GET HELP!!!

ps. never drink more than 8 or 9 Jack and Cokes on an empty stomach.

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Originally posted by nabuc1

. To the two unnamed Cpers I have to say get a FUCKING LIFE. If you romantic life revolves around peeps you meet on a sex board your problems are far greater than that person cheating on you. My advice sek professional help, you obviously have a problem interacting with individuals from the opossite sex. GET HELP!!!

LINABINA and XTGSPOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

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