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So I Bought A Pair Of Ear Plugs Today...

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I bought flents quiet please plugs for $2.50 for 2 pairs...these things work great...i blasted my car stero beyond belief and the sound didnot bother my ears...after they are in your ear you gotta adjust them a bit to get the desireed sound...i also went to see an audioologist today and im gonna make an appoitment for a custom pair..the custom pair allows your ears not to lose any sound whatsoever...they are about $140 for the pair...i think its worth it...i wish i would have gone sooner...

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Originally posted by vision

where you afraid of losin you're hearing??

i'm kinda concerned but don't really know if i should be

Bro take it from me....ive been blasting music for years before i even knew what a club was...no matter what i listened to i had to feel the music so normal volume wasnt good enough....after all these years i can hear the difference espicially in my right ear..i have a slight ring and my ears cant tolerate all those hours with the nonstop noise....the ringing in your ears after you go out damages your ears...eventurally the ringing will not stop....
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Originally posted by trancend

i bet i can poke a hole in em and sneak pills in..........ahh leave it to me to turn anything into a drug smuggling device


on a serious note, my dad actually has lost his hearing in one ear and it losing it in the other....the thing is, he has been to doctor after doctor and no one knows what the problem is....so hes always on my case about my hearing.....i should listen, but im stupid....between my DJing and clubbing, im sure i will be deaf by 25 at least


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i knew there was a problem when my right ear stareted hurting pretty bad after going out. i tried the foam ones but it kills the highs too much so i went out and bought these . Dont block out the tremble but they also let more sound in overall for a little less protection. Its a good stopgap til i get of my lazy ass and get professional ones (which are well worth it).

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surprisingly u can, at least when your in a room with loud music. i guess people yell so damn loud over the music to begin with u can still hear them fine. if your in a quiet room you will have to take them out. and make sure u put them in before you go into a club, more then once have i almost been kicked out because the bouncers thought they were pills.

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Originally posted by Raman

i knew there was a problem when my right ear stareted hurting pretty bad after going out. i tried the foam ones but it kills the highs too much so i went out and bought these . Dont block out the tremble but they also let more sound in overall for a little less protection. Its a good stopgap til i get of my lazy ass and get professional ones (which are well worth it).

i hear what youre saying about the highs...i had my bros system cranking and i put the plugs in to try them out.....i adjusted them in my ear until i had the desired sound...they worked great....i reccommend them and yes you can hear the conversations...people yelling in the ear is just as bad to,,,,,im def gonna get the professional ones withing the next 2 weeks
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did someone say something?

losing our hearing ain't no joke kids.

i have something like 5 to 10% hearing

loss in my left ear from a perforated ear drum

caused by a car accident in 8th grade...

more than 10 years later it's still the same

and all my productions are precisely

5 to 10% left-heavy because of it...

long story short - you ain't know whatcha got until it's gone.

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if anyone is suffering hearing pain, I URGE YOU TO GO SEE AN AUDIOLOGIST IMMEDIATLEY... if you have physical pain in your ear, not a ring, but I mean slight pain, sharp pains, or any discomfort pain in any of your ears, go to an AUDIOLOGIST immediatley.... please....

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Thanks for the heads up. I don't experience any pain of any sort but my ears to ring VERY easily. After an hour in a loud bar my ears will ring for a little while. AFter a long night at a club my ears will ring for about two days or so. I do try to avoid standing next to speakers or in the louds spots. I'm going to pick up a pair of cheap ear plugs for tommorow night and see how they work. PVD is spinning at Space in Miami and since i'm down here on vacation I definetely can't miss out. If they work well i'll definetely think about investing in a custom pair. Hearing is very important to me and everyone else. Too bad our night lifestyles conflict with our long term hearing. Good luck to all.

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thanks for all the info

i'm gonna make an appointment next week

few questions for those that have either the over the counter or doctor ordered plugs..has the ringin stoppped??do you wear them all day or only at the clubs??are they very visible??do they have the ones that double as glow sticks available yet??joking...

in all seriousness my ears ring allot..i can tolerate it but it sucks and i can't stay off the speakers..

lemme kno

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you guys are scaring me now. my right hear does physically hurt when i dont wear plugs anymore now, and sometimes even when i crank my car stereo too loud. it feels like i have something stuck deep in my ear but i know its just pressure. How much does a consultaion cost?

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anyone looking for serious ear plugs I highly recommend going to:

Park Avenue Acoustics, Inc.

432 Park Ave South

Suite: 1509

Ask for Melissa and tell her that Cassandra sent you... you will be fitted for a PRO custom set of sound attenuator ER-25's...

which will protect your hearing from dangerous HI & Mid Frequencies without giving up the clarity of the sound... the price ranges from $75 - $500...

if you are experiencing pain in your ear, please go see an AUDIOLOGIST asap to have your ears checked out, and a cat scan done on your nervous system... Hearing pain will cause you to become deaf, and also will give you side effects, such as twitching, vomiting & in some cases will cause' problems with your brain & nervous system to where it is IRREVERSABLE...

my tip for you, cause' I love ya's....!!!

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