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Hey all DCCP stop in here for me...


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As we all know, the streets of DC scare us sometimes...and there is constant fighting between the gun people and the people who don't like guns...so I tought up some ideas that maybe they will look at me and say, "you know, he's not just a 19 year old clubhead that pops pills and spins at his house...he's a smart 19 year old clubhead that pops pills and spins at his house."

1. What about allowing guns but banning bullets?

2. What about allwoing bullets but banning guns?

3. Ok, so what about allowing guns but banning bullets...no wait I already did that one.

Hmm..so what about allowing guns but having bullets that don't fit the guns?:tongue:

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I'm not into banning anything because it justs makes people want the thing more. The key is in the wallet. Tax ammunition, heavily. Then only rich people will have guns! j/k. If you can price ammunition out of the range of most people who seem to enjoy using guns for nefarious purposes, then all they can do with their guns is throw them at you (well, I guess you could still be pistol-whipped). Of course, a black market will develop for cheap over-seas ammunition and this is where the low-lifes will buy their bullets, thus negating any positive effect of the tax except for placing a higher financial burden on the responsible gun owners. Though, you could hope that the cheap over-seas ammo will be of sub-standard quality and will blow up in the face of the user. Now that would be fun.

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Well I like your taxation idea in theory but you already pointed out the holes. I mean regardless, thugs will always find ways to be thugs, and hey, it keeps the police employed doesn't it? They also keep the hospitals and doctors supplied with shooting victims to treat and they keep the insurance companies on their toes investigating claims about robberies and whatnot... thugs stimulate the economy! Long live thugs!! :laugh2:

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its like drugs, even though drugs are essentially illegal they are ways to obtain the regardless. alot of this will not be resolved by taxation or any more legal mumbo-jumbo, rather you have to see what is at the real corfe of the problem.

with guns, alot of petty crimes are commited by people desperate by their financial situation taht leaves them no other resource than to mug other people or break into their homes. low socio-economic status has been linked with higher crime rates and also higher drug use.

here in dc, venture off to Anacostia and areas of PG county and see how fucked up those areas are and the higher crime rates. in nyc, areas like bed-sty, crown heights (brooklyn) harlem (manh), motts haven and in general the whole south bronx you will observe similar patterns.

unfortunatly is lack of oportunities, lack of proper education, and having kids at a young age from those areas realize that they can get out of the ghetto and make something out of themselves. finally, things are even worse on other areas in the US and even worse in other countries.

now, the dealers, guerillas, etc., they will always have ways to get their guns regardless of whatever you do.

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I did some work on determining whether gun laws decrease gun violence. Guess what I found? On average, there was zero effect. In some places, there was a slight decrease in crime, but in other places there was actually a slight increase! So, our money and time would be better spent trying to decrease violence through other means, in my opinion!

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Originally posted by vicman

Jimi, whats your infatuation of taking pictures of yourself? Now each time I read one of your posts I have to see a pic of you. ewwwww....:mad: :mad: :mad:

LOL ...haha, don't get insecure...just cause I'm uglier than you. lol, wait that didn't make sense...shit. lol:laugh:

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