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Anyone heard that new radio station???


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Our old classical station was bought out (I guess) and had their format totally changed around. It's now Party 93.1 and, DAMN, does it suck!!!! :puke: You'd think that someone who thought of starting a dance only radio station would include a bit more variety in their play list but... NOPE. It's another Power 96 minus the hip hop. So far I've only heard really shitty trance and some really bad jungle. Anyone have a number for these guys so we can start requesting some REAL DANCE MUSIC? :idea:

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That's why I bring a lot of CDs on the road with me.

FM radio sucks. The barriers to entry are too high to permit a genuine dance station to legitimately broadcast. Grooveradio was the only decent station in town till it got axed by the SS troopers over at the FCC.

I'm kinda riding my hopes on XM radio. I checked out the samples of their dance station, and it seems alright.

Of course, soon wireless broadband will be a reality and I can just tune in Proton.

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I think they are going to need to diversify, if they are going to survive in the long run. I think it's better than Power 96! Which is not saying much, but still......even if it is just P96 minus the hip-hop, that's gotta be a HUGE improvement! I wish all of that show off-y hip hop would just die as a commercially viable genre here.....say what you will but I'd rather listen to Castles In The Sky 100 times over than all of the H to the Izzo bullshit even once. Sure, it's not what any of us would ask for out of a dance station - but what do we expect? You and I are *vastly* outnumbered in this town by the 37-year old Latin paralegal chick who wants something with upfront vocals she can hum and shake her oversized hips to while she types up briefs for some stuffy attorney. People want things they already know, can sing along to simple upfront melodies.........so you get handbag Euro dance. Just goes to show how totally far away from the mainstream the stuff we listen to *truly* is. If there was a station that played the stuff we wanted to hear.....we'd be the only ones listening and the station would go off the air in one month.

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H to the PUKE-O :puke: !!!!!!!!!

Did anyone hear about a little thing called "Market Research"?????

Someone got fired from Power96 and brought their version of dance music with them!!! Half of the "Power-Mixers" are like 16 and have only seen the inside of Baja and Club Deep!!! Doesn't Power96 realize the only clubs that play that kind of crappy "dance" music are the ones that are soooo cheezy that they need crap-ass stations (like Power) to do live remotes to beg people to come listen to them...(like Baja, Voodoo, Deep and the cheese{and wine} list goes on!!!

If they were smart.... ah never mind...

It's bad enough that half of this board is a bunch of sheep anyway! Better keep my master plan(s) to myself!!! Hehe! :horns:

PatrickL does have a VERY good point though!

Power96 plays what the "general public" likes. They get paid for getting as many people to listen, not to get the 100 coolest! And the funny part is that I bet $2,000,000 that each and everyone of you that dirt Power96 has them programmed into their car stereo's!!! Ouch! :flame:

We really are at the top 1% of the general public! We rant on and on about DJ Big Dog coming to Such-And-Such "Snob Club" this saturday and we(all 25 of us) get so pumped up, and in the meantime, the other 1,568 people that can't wait to go, are going simply because they were belittled at the door last week by some dude from Hobeken with a name that sounds like he's French or Italian!!! Not to mention they "waited in line for an hour and finally knew so-and so"! People love to go where they can't! Hence... the creation of "The VIP Room" Raise the rope and raise the price... THEY"LL ALL WANT IN AND WILL PAY ANYTHING TO BE THERE!!! (Why do I do it???) Well that's a whole new post!!!

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Originally posted by bbflux

Anyone have a number for these guys so we can start requesting some REAL DANCE MUSIC? :idea:

Great Idea.. A HORRIBLE RESULT (possibly).

We could definitely do that but it will have the same affect that Power96 has on anything "cool". They will play it to death and next thing you know.. you'll HATE the song you requested because you'll hear it MORE than "Castles In The Sky" :puke

We are our own worst enemy! We bitch because we don't get the respect we deserve and the very second we do, we cry "sell-out"!!!!!

It's weird!!! :confused:

I say keep it Real or keep it Underground! Do it because you love it, not because they do!


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By the way, I just want to say that I know my posts can sometimes be a little scathing and snotty, and I hope people aren't insulted by some of the stuff I say. Those of you who I have met, I think you're all great....just want to say that! I am in a good coffee mood......hehe

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Originally posted by vaughanz

We really are at the top 1% of the general public! We rant on and on about DJ Big Dog coming to Such-And-Such "Snob Club" this saturday and we(all 25 of us) get so pumped up

LOL either that, or we are simply the 25 or so people unwilling to tolerate utter mainstream bullshit. This is not to say I don't like anything that is mainstream, I just don't like it shoved down my throat 10 times per hour. By contrast, 99% of the people in the world are of this mentality.

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I wake up in the middle of the night, dripping with sweat, awakened by a terrible nightmare that has Kosheen's "Hide You", "Castles In The Sky", "H to the Izzo" and "Holla Back Youngen" as the only 4 songs in rotation!!!

It's bloody horrible! I'd rather get a paper cut on my eyeball and accidentally pour rubbing alcohol and anthrax on the cut!

My poor girlfriend... She LOVE'S that stuff! She pretends she is the biggest househead I know, but she loves her hip-hop and Power96 crap (god love her for at least trying!) Actually she "Has just made the switch" to some all Hip-Hop and R&B station that is all Power96 minus the dance... Hmmmmmmm... something fishy going on! Did the Babaloo Bad Boys get fired from Power96 AND split up???? One Babaloo to the new dancee station and one to the Hip-Hop station.....

VAUGHAN's CONSPIRACY THEORY :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by vaughanz

Who have you offended??? In case my post was unclear.. I was agreeing with you 100%

Well, I probably offended any Latin girl reading who thinks she has big hips.......LOL I was apologizing for that little bit of gender/racial profiling. I don't mean to offend :cool:

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Originally posted by vaughanz

Great Idea.. A HORRIBLE RESULT (possibly).

We could definitely do that but it will have the same affect that Power96 has on anything "cool". They will play it to death and next thing you know.. you'll HATE the song you requested because you'll hear it MORE than "Castles In The Sky" :puke

I've already heard iio - Rapture on 93.1!! lol

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Originally posted by vaughanz

My poor girlfriend... She LOVE'S that stuff! She pretends she is the biggest househead I know, but she loves her hip-hop and Power96 crap (god love her for at least trying!) Actually she "Has just made the switch" to some all Hip-Hop and R&B station that is all Power96 minus the dance... Hmmmmmmm... something fishy going on! Did the Babaloo Bad Boys get fired from Power96 AND split up???? One Babaloo to the new dancee station and one to the Hip-Hop station.....

VAUGHAN's CONSPIRACY THEORY :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Oh God......another reason why 93.1 is 1,000 times better than Power 96.......the HORRIBLE Power 96 DJs who are always trying to talk like they are all ghetto street or something. Can someone please tell me why DJ LAZ still has a job???

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Originally posted by patrickl

Well, I probably offended any Latin girl reading who thinks she has big hips.......LOL I was apologizing for that little bit of gender/racial profiling. I don't mean to offend :cool:

Lemme help you...

It could easily be some sorry-ass White Girl with absolutely no rhythm AT ALL working at McDonalds wanting to hear anything with upfront vocals she can hum and shake her oversized hips to, while she serves up 99¢ Chicken McNuggets for some other fat white-trash city worker with A LOT of dirt under his nails!!!

That should help! :laugh:

And just to "post-pend" my statement, just in case of racial tensions...


Even though Power96's crowd does seem to draw that horrible image of that paralegal in my head! :laugh::o O.K. Mang... You don't even want me to go their senorita cosa!

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Originally posted by vaughanz

That should help! :laugh:

And just to "post-pend" my statement, just in case of racial tensions...


Even though Power96's crowd does seem to draw that horrible image of that paralegal in my head! :laugh::o O.K. Mang... You don't even want me to go their senorita cosa!

Thanks! More eloquently put than I can possibly muster on this caffeine-induced euphoria. hehe

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...... right before getting into a brain storming session in my car,

I tune to my classical station only to hear that another radio station

has taken over. The format this so called "party station" has, sucks rhino dicks (xcuze the french). I hope they can manage to pile up all those played out wacky tracks aside & have an open mind approach to who there listeners exactly are. Open minded Individuals that are tired of hearing the norm/ commercial muzic everyone else dishes/plays out.

What exactly is party muzic?

It's obvious they need help, maybe even check out this board.


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Originally posted by vaughanz

Great Idea.. A HORRIBLE RESULT (possibly).

We could definitely do that but it will have the same affect that Power96 has on anything "cool". They will play it to death and next thing you know.. you'll HATE the song you requested because you'll hear it MORE than "Castles In The Sky" :puke

We are our own worst enemy! We bitch because we don't get the respect we deserve and the very second we do, we cry "sell-out"!!!!!

It's weird!!! :confused:

I say keep it Real or keep it Underground! Do it because you love it, not because they do!


10 years ago I may have thought you had a valid point because I was really stuck on the idea that what I listened to was COOL because it wasn't mainstream. I really don't care about that shit anymore. Besides, you get just as sick of a track listening to it off of your CD player. I'd rather have the variety of listening to my faves on FM then pieced together in the same mix over and over. That's just MY opinion, however. :)

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Not that I'm approving of 96 cheeze..... :tongue:

But be very thankful of that crappy station.... in other states like Texas (or any other state in the south except Atlanta) there is ABSOLOUTLY NO DANCE MUSIC AT ALL !!!! NOT EVEN THE CHEEZE!!!! Just think if the radio station did not exist even more clubs would play that crap !?!?!

So when my Cass broke (in my old truck) I was so thankful I was no longer in TX........ I prob. would have killed my self:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by bbflux

10 years ago I may have thought you had a valid point because I was really stuck on the idea that what I listened to was COOL because it wasn't mainstream. I really don't care about that shit anymore. Besides, you get just as sick of a track listening to it off of your CD player. I'd rather have the variety of listening to my faves on FM then pieced together in the same mix over and over. That's just MY opinion, however. :)

I know what you are talking about - to me that kind of "indie elitism" is almost as annoying as the people who get all excited when Jay-Z - Izzo comes on Power 96 for the 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000th time.

It's true, though, you can pretty much get tired of anything if you hear it enough. I try my best not to play out any of my stuff. I have plenty of great CDs that I can't bear to listen to anymore, sadly enough. These are the CDs that had the misfortune of being in my collection when I didn't really have that many. Now, there is little reason for me to play something out.

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Originally posted by b-side

Not that I'm approving of 96 cheeze..... :tongue:

But be very thankful of that crappy station.... in other states like Texas (or any other state in the south except Atlanta) there is ABSOLOUTLY NO DANCE MUSIC AT ALL !!!! NOT EVEN THE CHEEZE!!!! Just think if the radio station did not exist even more clubs would play that crap !?!?!

This is also true! Go driving around the rest of the country, and fidget around the radio......it will really open your eyes. 95% of this country is a cultural wasteland. Do this, and you will find out the genre of music that *really* has the most clout nationwide......country music.

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True, radio sucks by pure definition - there's no way any innovation and open-mindedness can prevail when a small handful of large corporations controls the airwaves. Plus, the corporate idiots go to great lengths to ensure that the FASCIST FCC sees it their way....innovation doesn't have a chance. The FCC is all about making sure Clear Channel rakes in the dough.

Of course, on the other side of the spectrum you have college radio, best exemplified around here by WVUM......such a slip-shod mixed bag of stuff it's rarely worth a listen. VUM will turn you on to the odd brilliant new or obscure band you've never heard of.....if you can stomach sifting through hours of other stuff you have absolutely no interest in.

What are your conceptions of the ideal radio station? Mine would find a comfortable middle ground between the current mainstream and college radio ideologies. I would attempt to turn people on to new things and play a good variety of music.......but at the same time I would not try to be obscure just for the sheer sake of obscurity.

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Originally posted by patrickl

...VUM will turn you on to the odd brilliant new or obscure band you've never heard of.....if you can stomach sifting through hours of other stuff you have absolutely no interest in.

Glad to know that I'm not the only one that thinks VUM has gone off the deep end of obscurity. I used to think they were the most reliable radio station when I was in high school. They were always playing cool shit. Nowadays they just play some of the most drab and unmelodic noise I've ever heard.

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