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A conversation about drugs (for you to read)


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copied from IM: (only removing names)

Person AAA: sup how was nye

Person BBB: had the best new years ever

Person AAA: nice

Person AAA: why is that

Person BBB: It was also great closure with the drugs

Person AAA: what do u mean

Person AAA: ur done with drugs

Person BBB: yep, I'm done

Person BBB: its time has come and passed

Person BBB: oh and I helped out a few peeps as well that night

Person BBB: also made a few’s night

Person AAA: cool

Person AAA: how did u help them

Person BBB: various ways: direction, opening their minds, bringing up people when they needed it physically and mentally

Person AAA: well then ur set for the new yr aren't ya

Person AAA: how many pills did u do??

Person BBB: 3 :-(

Person BBB: wasn’t gonna do any but gf wanted and it was gonna be last for both of us

Person BBB: so i said ok

Person BBB: actually I just wanted 1 but there was NO k in the house

Person BBB: which actually worked for the benefit

Person BBB: when there’s only e and no k EVERYONES talkative and friendly

Person AAA: lol

Person AAA: yep

Person AAA: what kind of pills?

Person BBB: happy face and stars, like it really matters hahah

Person BBB: what about you?

Person AAA: lol

Person AAA: nah i don't take pills anymore

Person AAA: but i did sniff some k

Person AAA: which i don't do normally either but it was there

Person AAA: and i didn't want to drink

Person AAA: i heard those smile faces are good huh

Person BBB: the e for the most part is mind controlled

Person AAA: what do u mean by that

Person BBB: I dont get what i used to anymore because its all been done before in my mind

Person AAA: hmmm

Person AAA: yeah

Person AAA: i guess i'd have to agree

Person BBB: I adapt and master pretty most every thing and I learned how to master e and k and schrooms and weed ect

Person AAA: because that's y i don't drop anymore

Person BBB: how long has it been?

Person BBB: oh and the things people say : now its like “oh your rollingâ€

Person BBB: before it was wow this person really likes me

Person AAA: i dropped 1 at XXX about a month ago but b4 that i had not dropped in a yr and a half

Person BBB: no shit and how long have you done it

Person AAA: i was dropping when i was 19 to 23

Person AAA: i'm 25 now

Person AAA: i was heavy into it 21 to 23

Person BBB: hmmm 4 years, I've noticed 2 years is at the point where it becomes the norm

Person BBB: with people

Person AAA: i always dropped a lot of bombs

Person AAA: they stopped working the same so i started sniffing mad k with it

Person BBB: at first it was "special occasion"

Person AAA: and when that stopped working i stopped taking drugs all together

Person BBB: then a monthly thing

Person BBB: then a weekly

Person AAA: same story

Person BBB: and then fri and Saturday

Person BBB: THEN,,, well you know

Person AAA: at one point it was every other for me

Person AAA: lol

Person BBB: what about "alone?"

Person AAA: yep

Person AAA: sure did

Person BBB: thats when i knew it was getting bad

Person BBB: the WORST thing i ever did was Crystal

Person AAA: one time i took 6 by myself and sniffed 2 jars

Person BBB: GOD that is a drug designed by Satin himself

Person AAA: lol

Person AAA: super crack

Person BBB: but the question is: did it make you feel good?

Person AAA: i never touched it myself

Person AAA: the 6 pills and 2 jars

Person AAA: not so much good but fucked up

Person BBB: ahh yes

Person BBB: the I wanna just get FUCKED UP part

Person AAA: i think when i was doing all those pills i was getting very depressed

Person BBB: yep

Person BBB: the more you do the more it takes out of you

Person BBB: then you feel worse

Person AAA: i think when i was doing all those drugs it was almost a suicide attempt do to the xtc abuse

Person BBB: the whole "chasing"

Person AAA: yep

Person BBB: ever take more to punish yourself?

Person AAA: yeah

Person AAA: i've dropped 9 bombs b4

Person AAA: sniffed coc

Person AAA: taken shrooms

Person AAA: drank

Person AAA: and sniffed k

Person AAA: all in one day

Person AAA: i think it was punishment

Person AAA: i thought i might die

Person AAA: for a time

Person AAA: but i'm done with that portion of my life

Person AAA: i mean i still smoke weed

Person AAA: and take a bump now and then

Person AAA: but i know what my limits r

Person AAA: peeps ask me to go out every week end

Person BBB: oh god lets see: I did a few e's, k, crystal schrooms AND weed in 2 days in an ongoing thing to take my mind somewhere

Person AAA: hell if i did i could get in for free do drugs for free

Person AAA: it's not worth it in the end

Person BBB: I was in a laughing suicidal state

Person AAA: lol

Person AAA: yep

Person BBB: hmmm kinda like the joker i guess

Person AAA: xtc is a fucked up drug to man

Person BBB: ALTHO-

Person AAA: it's up there along side crystal crack and heroin

Person BBB: it taugh me so much, I've written hundreds of pages

Person AAA: yeah i agree

Person AAA: it made me more sensitive i think

Person BBB: I've answered theories of life with that stuff

Person BBB: I shall share:

Person AAA: opened my heart a little more then my pre e days

Person BBB: MDR theory of Life #1: Every single person on this earth basically wants these 3 things: 1. to love, 2. to be loved, and 3, to exert control. It all comes down to that.

Person AAA: hmmm

Person AAA: i don't know if i agree

Person AAA: some peeps could give a shit less about being loved or loving

Person AAA: some peeps only give a shit about one thing

Person AAA: money

Person AAA: that's all they want

Person AAA: that's all they need

Person AAA: and i'd say that's a good portion of today's society

Person AAA: i mean people like urself and i

Person AAA: i'd say ur correct

Person BBB: deeper down inside it comes down to love

Person AAA: hmmm

Person AAA: or hate

Person BBB: I've had lots o money but when you feel people dont like you , it takes over any monetary values

Person AAA: love easily turns to hate my man

Person BBB: only when there is lack of love

Person BBB: example:

Person BBB: in a club, as long as there are equal or more women, men never have a problem with each other because everyone has "something", when there is a shortage, men become aggresive and competitive

Person AAA: this true

Person AAA: so women equal us out

Person AAA: that's why they're there

Person AAA: is what ur saying

Person AAA: i don't know tho

Person AAA: i mean i was with jenn for almost 7 yrs

Person BBB: you were with Jenn? hmmm

Person BBB: oh thats right, thats how we talkin

Person AAA: yep

Person AAA: and i haven't been with a girl in a while

Person AAA: but i don't think there's any lack of love with me

Person AAA: i mean i really don't want a girl at all

Person AAA: jenn was alot to handle

Person AAA: i was too i'm sure

Person BBB: thast how you learn tho isnt it?

Person AAA: but some people just hate

Person AAA: even with love

Person AAA: my boy everyone loved him

Person BBB: hate isnt natural, its teh lack of love that causes those behaviours

Person AAA: i mean everyone

Person AAA: but he was filled with hate and self loathing

Person AAA: all he cared about was money

Person AAA: and it killed him

Person AAA: literally

Person BBB: people usually like what they see visually and percieve mentally

Person BBB: about a person

Person BBB: his desire for money may have been out of lack of love

Person AAA: love is a chemical reaction in the brain

Person BBB: I felt that way years ago

Person AAA: some people lack those chemicals

Person BBB: I coun'nt attain love, so i attained money and was proud of myself in that fashion

Person BBB: everything is a chemical reaction in the brain

Person AAA: but this kid could obtain love

Person AAA: anywhere

Person AAA: any time

Person AAA: he had a a family

Person AAA: friends

Person AAA: lovers

Person AAA: everything

Person BBB: love is different for some people

Person AAA: but the luster of gold

Person AAA: blinded him

Person AAA signed off at 9:30:50 PM.

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Originally posted by godfatherbam

what the hell was that all about????:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

That was a just simple conversation about drugs that says alot. Like about how total strangers have gone through the same exact things.

Towards the end of the messege, the content started going in another direction, but I didn't want to "edit" anything.

I guess either people understand it because your "at" that point, or you dont because you havent reached "that" point yet.

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Originally posted by apotheosis

That was a just simple conversation about drugs that says alot. Like about how total strangers have gone through the same exact things.

Towards the end of the messege, the content started going in another direction, but I didn't want to "edit" anything.

I guess either people understand it because your "at" that point, or you dont because you havent reached "that" point yet.

word to that..partied for almost 10 years and did more then my fair share of drugs and other things...im past that phase in my life now but i look back at it and have a lot of 'what if's.

what if i went to college right after HS instead of slingin ills..would i be better off with that 'higher' education or in the long run am i better off with the 'street' education and the friends i have now...

think of what i could have spent all that loot on instead of this or that

youll make yourself go crazy with what if's and i should haves...fuck it..water under the bridge go forward...

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Its just weird how drugs seems to work in parallel with people. My shit was the same way with that, and I have mastered the art of rolling just like the convo explains.I can control my rolls, when you can do that its just a bad thing. I think im going to relax a bit with all the shit I do , I want my seratonin back I dont feel accomplishments....:mad:

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