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Roxy/Vicious (more Anaylsis than review)

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I've been a number of Roxy Friday Parties and this one was the best. There are alot of factors to contribute to this and I've listed what I can.

To be honest, usually the Roxy Friday parties never really made me (or alot of people) go WOW, sure they would have a good opening night, but the crowd just was'nt strong enough to carry week after week. The past few times I've been there the music was on, the system, lights, and yes the people were great, and always a good guy/girl ratio.

So lets talk JV's bday.

First: it was a special event, true. I'm curious to see what happens next week, the free before 12 was really smart, it got alot of people down there early, which sets the mood (lets face it, when you walk in, you WANNA see people in the place.

The Crowd: Part Factory fridays, part Exit, part other. Again, good guy/girl ratio, and overall a really good vibe.

Security/Staff: professional.

Sound/Lights: established.

Drugs: ??? Gotta say, I didnt see much going on, either it was discreet, limited or the vibe was just good on its own.

DJ's: The opening was good, altho more commerical than i liked, it did set up the crowd and vibe. Well Done. And if my memeory is correct and it IS Shawn Ink, where the hell was Funkytown?!?

JV: Nice. and a lot of BOOM! Honestly, It was the best I ever heard that system go.

(I couldn't make it to the end so I dont how it wrapped up)

As I said before, this was more of a special event, altho- Roxy is a great venue for weekly fun (I know they dont go as late) but from what I heard, even the hardcore Exit heads wanted something different.

*** And I cant leave without saying something about all the people I met last night at the (what felt like a 3 hour meetup):

names, what names?!? I had alot of fun meeting everyone, but I'll be dammed if i remember, altho heres a few:

*I got a mini Cd present from???

*someone was givin out lollipops

*someone from Vally Stream

*a $20 shot that I never got change back dammit

*ice cream! thanks Chris for the make shift spoon

*and someone whi I'm gonna do a mix with (i really should remember this)

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