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**offical Roxy Cp Crazy Bug Out Review**

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Originally posted by fierydesire

Babe, don't make me grab you by your spikey hair and give you a hard core spanking...BTW, don't roll your eyes at me bitch:rolleyes:

Yo, don't fuck with the hair... shit takes me a while to do biatch... and as for you spankin me... puhleeeeeees... u spank like a sissy!:rolleyes: <-- yes i rolled my eyes at you again

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Originally posted by roninmess

Yo, don't fuck with the hair... shit takes me a while to do biatch... and as for you spankin me... puhleeeeeees... u spank like a sissy!:rolleyes: <-- yes i rolled my eyes at you again

Eh, i can do as a I please you scary lookin mofo with spikes...

I spank like a sissy, that's not what you told me the other night, when I had you bent over like a bitch and you were begging me to stop:rolleyes: :tongue:

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ROXY WAS JUST SICK...i was so freaking hammered and i had such a great time.....just an all out blast.....YO us clubnyc kids are the coolest mother clubbers in NYC:cool: :cool: .....EVERYONE is always mad chill and i love running into all you guys through out the night....makes the night so much better....espicially when we start talking about the joints that were being layed down.....all my partners in crime i had a sick assssssssssss time.......NEXT WEEK will be in full stride once again.....:D :D :D

AS FOR FIERYDESIRE and SEXYBABYD.....you guys challenge the tag team champions of clubplanet, myself and robin...........WHAT!!!!!!

hey fierydesire didnt you learn your lesson at vinyl when i danced circles around you:D :cool: ..........

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Originally posted by fierydesire

Eh, i can do as a I please you scary lookin mofo with spikes...

I spank like a sissy, that's not what you told me the other night, when I had you bent over like a bitch and you were begging me to stop:rolleyes: :tongue:

Scary mofo eh.... you didnt think I was scary when you had me tie you to the bed posts with bum in the air as I spanked it to hell then ... ok lets go to the sex board....


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Originally posted by msoprano13

AS FOR FIERYDESIRE and SEXYBABYD.....you guys challenge the tag team champions of clubplanet, myself and robin...........WHAT!!!!!!

hey fierydesire didnt you learn your lesson at vinyl when i danced circles around you:D :cool: ..........

What...CP tag team champions...shit you guys need to retire...Cause there are two chicas that will destoy you both Puhleaze...:rolleyes: Like I told your boy...Bring it!!!..You guys are nothing but a bunch of trash talking pussies;

As for Vinyl, Shut your hole...:blown: What circles biatch? All you were doing was your happy dance and bouncing like this :bounce: :bounce: You didn't even know what you were doing at Vinyl, so don't get me started:rolleyes: :tongue:

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Originally posted by roninmess

Scary mofo eh.... you didnt think I was scary when you had me tie you to the bed posts with bum in the air as I spanked it to hell then ... ok lets go to the sex board....


Well thats cause I put a bag on your head..so I couldn't look at your face...haha But I must say I enjoyed the spanking very much;)

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd


good lord that was one hell of a meetup

First I have to thank CottenCandyDream :) hehehe mama luv u

ok onward to the night

got there early to help set up the cp table

hung out and put up ballons with Boreesee and CCD

*Shake that ass do the Britney Dance*


CP peeps started showing up....Tag team champions FIREY DESIRE n SEXXYBABYD!!! SMACCCCCCCCCCCKING ASS!! *damn that really hurt when u spanked me hun hehe* Mad Hoes showed up and "the brothers" lol Quoth *WOOOOOO HOOOPPPP*...Fav part the "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS" when we were takin our pictures we all basicly ruled that fawkin area. Missbina lol u know why im laughin....Trancend DO THE RAVER STOMP!!! "there will be no stomping in sweater".....Spragga...NIPPPPPPPPPLLEEEEEE....OrigSkeemer hehehe muahz hun it will be ok..did u meet ppl? :)...Lavender it was good seeing u feeling better :)...It was great seeing everyone, that must have been the best meetup we have had.

Onto Johnny..First off Happy Birthday Your The Best!!!

We all signed a huge card for him and had ice cream cake *Leave it me to to turn eating ice cream cake out of a cup into a sexul thing* lol anyway after that holy shit he tooooooore it up, cant get enough of the mix of children its mind blowing, needle destruction WOW...just amazing! It was great chillin wit everyone...I had a great night...from last week and this week should be up soon. :)

See everyone again this friday



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Originally posted by gabo

wtf... was I not there!?? did I dream the whole night??

I guess nobody remembers me... you can all suck it!!

I REMEMBER U GABO!!!!! u spanked the shiiiiiat outta me lol... ill have handprints for a week... so im gonna keep bein reminded that u were there ;)hehe anyways..... suuuuuch a phat fuckin night!!!!!!

wow so many shoutouts... i dunno where to begin... so im just gonna start by shoutin out all the regular cp'ers i see all the time... u guys r the besssttttt *mwah* u make it worth comin out lol... everywhere i went i was sayin whats up to someone from cp lol it was great...

to the new people... great meeting u!!! rachel, brooklynkid, aphelion, romy20, uhhhhhh... mind blank...... siceone, princesslolita... ummm... omg i dunno lol... whoever i cant remember~ it was so great meeting u too.. ur names will come to me i promise...

specific shoutouts...

DeE~ "this is my girl right here... and no im not rolling" lol...hug.gif

CcD~ FINALLY!!! my damn cards lol... ive been waitin much too long for those things:tongue: thanks for gettin us in the dj booth too... hehe

trancEnd~ "TAKE IT OFFFFFF UR SWEATING!!!!" lol aww i felt so badddd u were seriously about to pass out hehe... glad i got u to take ur clothes off:D

TrancErxn112~ thanks for noticing my highlights in the dark lol... perfect 10:)

FiEry and gLowdancer~ i promise... ull get bare ass next time :tongue:

Spragga~ ok ok u win.. u found me.. im the schmuck haha...

Quoth~ 4am baby.. lol... :grin:

RoninmEss~ "resurrection"...... yum.....

randAll16 & xTcgSpOt~ i love u guys so much... luxlove.gif

::KiSsEs:: to everyone and HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHNNY!!!!!


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OK my quick review:

I felt like Vicious was good, the club was nice, but what put the party OVER THE TOP was all of Clubplanet! Nice to meet all of you, Snoozi, Rachel1997, Roninmess, djjonstephen, melichacha, Romy20, Ron whose sn I forget lol, cottoncandydream, LAraver, xtcgspot, Gabo, Spragga!!!, Siceone, Highmay, apotheosis, rdancer, ggfella, PFloyd, saw SexyD MSoprano Quoth Trancend Joeg and Lina again, hmmm and anybody else I didn't list here my baaaaaaaad it's just there were so many faces!!! and two names each! lol my blonde brain can't take it! (that was for you siceone!!)

laraver - thanks so much for the advice, when i finally get turntables you're giving me more :D

cotoncandydream - hey where's my shoutout? lol great job with the meetup and esp. that cake woooohooooo!!!!

Highmay - way to ditch me ;) jk you heard my review already

Spragga - I can't believe you coatchecked the wheelchair! I wanted to take a spin!

SexxyBabyD - my friend absolutely has to know where you got your shirt from lol

Trancend - hahahhahahaha you're $60 poorer!! nyah nyah!

Gabo - I remember meeting you so there! And you said you weren't gonna come, I was all upset about that 'cause you know I can't be here for shagfest, good idea showing up :)

Thanks to everyone for a super fun night. Next time I'm wearing a shirt that won't give me issues when I'm dancing (thanks to Snoozi for damage control! LoLoLoL) and I better SEE ALL OF YOU on Friday for Pappa cause my ass is road trippin back to NY!!!! :bounce:

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Originally posted by court877

I haven't been posting or going out b/c i'm kinda broke but I took advantage of the free night and oh man it was great to get out again...I had so much fun and it was great seeing everyone that i've met in the past meetups and a few new people. I liked everythign about roxy but one thing, is it just me or were a lot of the guys really rude? I musta got walked into like 30 times and not one guy apologized and just barged on by, that really pissed me off, but other than that it was a good ass night. Hopefully i'll be makin it to more meetups especially to hear jv

Posting is free :D. I dont know what guys bumped into you, but when you were on stage we had your back :D

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Originally posted by linabina

trancEnd~ "TAKE IT OFFFFFF UR SWEATING!!!!" lol aww i felt so badddd u were seriously about to pass out hehe... glad i got u to take ur clothes off:D


yeah im glad too....but next time dress in layers cuz youre the one taking off clothes ;)

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:laugh: :laugh:

Even this dinosaur will admit that CP is loaded with Mad hotties!

And you fit the role of "SEXXXY Bitch" to a tee! ;)

Even though you were fallin outta your top and didn't wear open-toed shoes and there were no stalkers in the vicinity of NYC and didn't play the nipple game! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Ragga is "officially" in retirement! :D


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Originally posted by rdancer

Posting is free :D. I dont know what guys bumped into you, but when you were on stage we had your back :D

There was nothing but love when I was on the stage or by cp peeps...:) thats why i have to get my ass to more meetups and start to post more

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Guest gabo

That was soo much fun! *cough cough* I know I said that I wasnt gonna go, but I crawled out of my bed took a shower and went. And boy am I hurting *cough* I met so many cool people too many to list( cause I am very lazy right now).

vixenfoxxy nice to meet you sorry it was so quick, I went back to talk to you and you were gone.

moonie I cant believe you left without saying goodbye... and clubkat I told you not to bring your phone!! Didnt I say I had a bad feeling about you losing it early on in the night.

To all the girls I groped ... I couldnt help it you just all looked sooo good, spragga isnt the only dirty old man on this board!

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Did everyone miss me?? I was busy being sick (yuk). I mean, I only had a cold... but I still felt really blah. The last time I went out with "just a cold" I wound up with no voice, a fever of 102, and on antibiotics (thanks Teklord, lol jk). But, until next time!!!

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Originally posted by jennEfer

Did everyone miss me?? I was busy being sick (yuk). I mean, I only had a cold... but I still felt really blah. The last time I went out with "just a cold" I wound up with no voice, a fever of 102, and on antibiotics (thanks Teklord, lol jk). But, until next time!!!

Yeah I was wondering where you were jennEfer.. I thought you would have been there with teklord and ibclubbin and them..

Sorry to hear you were sick.. hope to see you this week.. :D

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