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How do you know when it's time to start talking to your ex again?>


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Ok.. here's the thing.

We started off as good friends, meeting in yoga class, going out for dinner while i was still at school. Then when my senior year rolled around, we just started getting together, and remember her saying "ok, but i want to take it slow..."

Wel, it's hard to put the breaks on a relationship when you're still learning about yourself and how to handle time, so we kinda over-suffocated each other. BUT, we DID get along fantastically, being able to chill anywhere and making a good time out of it.

We were together for 1 year, being friends long b4 that. Now we hardly talk anymore (since our breakup in October)

Now out of respect, I give her her space. I don't call her, haven't even seen her since November. But it really hurts how she can move along so easily and i'm here to pick up the pieces.

I realize now that we should never have gotten involved for the fact that she's not ready to commit with anyone, UUGGHHHH the power of hindsight! So at least we're both not jumping into new relationships right away. She told me herself she wants to feel free to date:rolleyes:

But I do miss her, and wonder if she misses me. I'd like to call her, but i don't want to overdo it.....So Please Advise my ass on what to do:) :(:):(

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Originally posted by siceone

you are probably going to ignore me but Im gonna say it anyway


let her come to you

Yo man, i'm FINALLY doing that. I haven't talked to her since B4 Christmas, and I only called her last week thursday, and it was iight.

At the end, she said it was nice talking to me, and wished me a good 2002. So the fact that i'm laying off the phone and writing is DEF a point in my field.

Thanks for the advice, and are u coming to Pseudo this thurs?/?

I WILL bring Belgian Beer ;)

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Ok.. here's the thing.

We started off as good friends, meeting in yoga class, going out for dinner while i was still at school. Then when my senior year rolled around, we just started getting together, and remember her saying "ok, but i want to take it slow..."

Wel, it's hard to put the breaks on a relationship when you're still learning about yourself and how to handle time, so we kinda over-suffocated each other. BUT, we DID get along fantastically, being able to chill anywhere and making a good time out of it.

We were together for 1 year, being friends long b4 that. Now we hardly talk anymore (since our breakup in October)

Now out of respect, I give her her space. I don't call her, haven't even seen her since November. But it really hurts how she can move along so easily and i'm here to pick up the pieces.

I realize now that we should never have gotten involved for the fact that she's not ready to commit with anyone, UUGGHHHH the power of hindsight! So at least we're both not jumping into new relationships right away. She told me herself she wants to feel free to date:rolleyes:

But I do miss her, and wonder if she misses me. I'd like to call her, but i don't want to overdo it.....So Please Advise my ass on what to do:) :(:):(

first of all, was she a bitch to you when you all broke up or was it mutual, i dont see anything wrong with you calling her to see how she is doing and thats it, dont call to try to rehash shit, if you dont have the willpower to keep it cool and be ready for rejection (if present) stay away, its only going to bring you down and cause you more unneccessary stress, and hun if its so easy for her to do that, why be involved with someone that doesnt care about you the same way, its just gonna cause heartache and pain, and you probably dont need her in your life anyway, live learn and move on...



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George, I suggest you try not to think about her...if she said that, then she might have a good reason for it. Just remember that there are tons of fish in the sea, and as hurtful as things are, life goes on...I know it's hard to believe at times,and it's easier to wallow in hurt and grief, but just let time pass and I'm sure she won't even cross your mind as often as she probably does now. Finally, DON'T look for love. It will never come to you if you look for it, but rather, it will hit you when you least expect it. Be patient. Enjoy life. Immerse yourself with your career/school/work/whatever. And surround yourself with good friends who will support and love you through the whole thing. Good luck. You can talk to me also anytime, I hope you know. :)


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Originally posted by gmccookny

Yo man, i'm FINALLY doing that. I haven't talked to her since B4 Christmas, and I only called her last week thursday, and it was iight.

At the end, she said it was nice talking to me, and wished me a good 2002. So the fact that i'm laying off the phone and writing is DEF a point in my field.

Thanks for the advice, and are u coming to Pseudo this thurs?/?

I WILL bring Belgian Beer ;)

Hell yeah I will be there for real man

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Thanks guys...

It's just hard b/c we were an item (like in the Singular sense of the word) for a year, but I should have seen the signs! TWICE, she asked for some time off, insisting she wasn't ready. But me and my persistent ass was always saying "we could make it work"

I just hope we can somehow stay friends. It seems like she doesn't even want that, and that's hard for me to stomach.

chynado11--you're right...why be with someone who doesn't feel the same for me? Well, i guess i'm still understanding that-it's so easy for her to move on to other things, yet for me i hold so much near and dear to me. I gotta realize she's superficial like that:(

I'm afraid the only thing that will REALLY make me better is to find someone else, just to prove that (true) love can happen more than once...even though she said she just wants to date, i can't control what may happen in my life like that! My feelings are Fo Real...she's like an actress, playing the part of being in love, but not actually feeling it.

GAwD life is so confusing. But i WILL lay off the phone, that can only help me get over her for now.

Thanks once again :)

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