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After beating myself up for way too long I came to


We have been brought up in a world which tells us 'we

will be ok if or we will be ok when...and so we

begin to list

all of the different things we think we need to be

ok.......such as:

a certain relationship,a certain person,a certain

amount of money,a certain title,a certain persons

approval or recognition,etc etc

Try now to think that these thoughts burden us and

weigh us down, not promoting our good certainly

keeping it at bay....

In this New year as whack as it is tending to be try

to remember that there is within us all,a being so

great and so abundant and so complete

that there is nothing that this world could give which

can in any way augment this being within.

Recognize that this being within is who we are ......

Recognize that there is nothing that can possibly make

us better

Understand that there is nothing which can happen in

this world that can make us less

There is no mistake we can make there is no anything

that can happen outside of us that can take

anything away from the glory that we already are.

When you open your eyes try to see the world

differently...not from a perspective of "lack" but

from a perception of abundance

Look to others not for what they can give to us but

for all we can give to them.

Let go our clutching,grasping our clinging to anyone

or anything and ask instead

for the joy of a pure and relaxed and peaceful

acceptance of who we are and

what we are right now.

For years I let the mundane hold me down to their

level,possibly in their fear of true grace- true


while seeking my personal state of grace, which is my

destiny .This destiny is within everyone of us

You just have to believe and not let the

fear,loathing,jealousness,misery loving company type


un-evolved people hold you back because ultimatly your

grace is within already.

I share this because basically I am a teacher at

heart.I have let many "know it alls" retard my growth

as an artist and sojourner.my hope is to save at least

one soul from the pain and self doubt that has

plagued my world up to this point.

Never again to be anything but what I am and hopeing

and most especially not needing anyones

blessing while I blossom in full,only to share it

with the world.

and yes i am a DJ.

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