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Bush Entron Scandal - what do you think!!

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Before I start, I would like to state that I am an independent voter!!

I would like to know if Washington is going to pursue this whole entron scandal the same way they did white water & Monica!! I find it ridiculous that it cost all that money to come up with trying to impeach the former president for lying about having a blow job. Entron went under, but before this tremendous company collapsed - it had several meetings at the white house and Mr. Cheney also flew down for several meetings in Texas. They were major contributors to the Bush campaign and there is a lot of speculation about the way entron dealt with its' investing. Many people have lost their jobs and savings!! I find it disgusting that people aren't up in arms the way they were several years ago. Several years ago I heard the hypocrites crying that they didn't know what to tell their children, because all the children were asking if it was okay to lie because the president lied!!

Well children, it's not only okay to lie - you should collect money from classmates and then embezzle it to some bank on a nice sunny island, then contribute to your teachers election fund so you don't get in trouble!!

By the way, for everyone who thinks social security should be done away with, think of those people who worked for entron and were about to retire!!

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I'm also an independent voter. Obviously it should be investigated vigorously. This is the biggest collapse in corporate history. On the surface, a few meetings between companies and members of political parties is nothing new. It's not even new that politicians have relationship with members of the board of directors of a company. I don't think we should jump to conclusions just because such relaionships exist. Let's wait for all the facts to come out. People jumped the gun about Hillary and Whitewater, and now they have egg on their face. Frankly, I'm not sure this will be convincingly resolved under an Ashcroft Justice Department. I mean, it's like Janet Reno investigating Clinton--a sham!!!

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I don't think that Cheney was getting blow jobs from the CEO of Enron.

I am certain that Cheney and Bush had not knowledge of the off-ledger financing that Enron was doing to prop up thier SEC reports.

Other that the Senior Management making some very bad financial decisions, the business model that they had working for them was highly effective in the market. What you would be saying here is that if Bush and Cheney met with the head of Yahoo when it was at $250 a share and it is now at $2 that they were directly involved in the losses to the share value.

Enron did in fact make large contributions, but to what end? Was there some direct result of policy that allowed them to function in the market when bankrupt? Did the government step in to bail out the company? I think that the SEC is the proper invetigative arm, due to the fraud that the management perpetrated, but that the CEO of energy companies met with Cheney, who was a recently retired Energy Services Company CEO.

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