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Salvador Dali.....nIcE! :D

This isnt my favorite though. I think Im partial to the "toreador". I also love "Cannibalism in Autumn".

Dali is one of the most exquisite artists. His imagination surpasses that of any other in my mind. Simply brilliant artistry...and I wonder what he was on when putting them down with paint. ;)

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yeah im a big Dali fan... Im a subscriber to the Dali News, and the Dali Newsletter... i get all the time these guys trying to pitch me to buy his work... i think im going to since some of his paintings are undervalued, and art is a great investment at the time being... since art only goes up, and the market seems to be only going down... oh well... outside of that, his paintings are great to just stare off into, you look at one and like an hour later you realise that youve been just standing there gazing into it...

some of my fav's are His manhattan skyline, les fleurs et les fruits, cosmic rays, bullfight (the second one)... but you know who i really love as well Toulouse-Loutrec, outside of the classic painters as well...

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Originally posted by misskittie

...and I wonder what he was on when putting them down with paint. ;)

This is another guy who is out of his bird!

I think this is just my opinion that he was a bit autistic... i dont think he was wacked on drugs... but i dont know much about him... i havent really read up on him... just like to look at his paintings...

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Hell yeah!!! just need to get ahold of some free time... but definatley its been so long since I've been to any museum none the less an art museum... the last art exhibit i went to was about a year and half ago... it was one of my friends showings... so Im long overdue for a visit...

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