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Problem w/ Technics -- please help!


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just thumbed through my manual for my technics sl-1200 m3d...

had some interesting comments with regards to the rubber mat and slipmat.

they do say you can leave the rubber mat out (but again still the extra vibration is bad for the longevity of your turntable!) and here's something really curious - the printed/logo side of the slipmatt is less slipery than the non-logo side - so there's something else to try.

so for maximum slip - no rubber mat, wax paper (or the plastic sheet that now ships with the technics slipmat that comes with a new table), and logo side down.

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they do say you can leave the rubber mat out (but again still the extra vibration is bad for the longevity of your turntable!) and here's something really curious - the printed/logo side of the slipmatt is less slipery than the non-logo side - so there's something else to try.

That is definitely interesting. I had already heard that slipmats with designs are not as slippy, but it hadn't occured to me to turn mine over. Sheesh <slapping forhead>. I did cut some waxpaper to the size of my mats, though, and that helps incredibly.

It's funny what you say about the rubber mats and the longevity of the table, though. Some people seem to think that the friction caused by the rubber mat is also bad for the table. So I wonder which is worse -- the friction or the vibrations? Do they mean the vibrations from placing your hands on the records? I mean, if it's external vibrations from bass, etc., won't the whole table be vibrating anyway, and the rubber mats only dampen the effect on the records? I'm not arguing, just curious about what they meant.

Basically, it seems like there are pros and cons for each option, and it seems to somewhat be just a matter of preference.

Thanks for the info, guys. Despite some frustrations, I'm having a lot of fun learning this new hobby of mine. :)

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basically the best way to view your $$$ investment is as a precise instrument - the better you treat it the longer it'll last ya.

vibrations coming down through the needle down through the record directly onto the platter (versus the rubber mat as a damper) could [perhaps theoretically but vibrations are vibrations after all] vibrate the inner drive system over time...

this is the same reason some club dj's say that despite the lack of extra volume and nicer groove tracking that styluses offer, that cartidges are the way to go... supposedly, similarly, the vibration of the needle from a stylus (which it attached directly to the tone arm) versus from a cartridge (whereas the vibrations get dampened by the headstock the cartridge locks into) wears into the tone arm and distorts it after a few years...

i'm all about the stylus tho - offers too many advantages to ignore. am using the rubber mat however - for the little that i do scratch-play i can deal with a little resistance...

another thing about the rubber mat and the resistance it offers - it can be seen as an advantage and not a weakness.

the vinyl sitting on wax paper sitting on aluminum won't keep pitch as long as with the rubber mat in there... it'll slip a little bit every second the vinyl goes 'round... so consistent long-term (2/3 minutes) beat matching could prove more difficult.

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Originally posted by hoke

That is definitely interesting. I had already heard that slipmats with designs are not as slippy, but it hadn't occured to me to turn mine over. Sheesh <slapping forhead>. I did cut some waxpaper to the size of my mats, though, and that helps incredibly.

It's funny what you say about the rubber mats and the longevity of the table, though. Some people seem to think that the friction caused by the rubber mat is also bad for the table. So I wonder which is worse -- the friction or the vibrations? Do they mean the vibrations from placing your hands on the records? I mean, if it's external vibrations from bass, etc., won't the whole table be vibrating anyway, and the rubber mats only dampen the effect on the records? I'm not arguing, just curious about what they meant.

Basically, it seems like there are pros and cons for each option, and it seems to somewhat be just a matter of preference.

Thanks for the info, guys. Despite some frustrations, I'm having a lot of fun learning this new hobby of mine. :)


For being relatively new to the board, your posts come across very objectively and without drama. I hope all goes well with your djin.!

P.S. Ditch the mat, they just get in the way. Technics last forever anyway!

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the vinyl sitting on wax paper sitting on aluminum won't keep pitch as long as with the rubber mat in there... it'll slip a little bit every second the vinyl goes 'round... so consistent long-term (2/3 minutes) beat matching could prove more difficult.

Good point... I have sometimes wondered if my records were losing their pitch. Is there any (inexpensive) way to find out?

I hope all goes well with your djin.!

Thanks! If I ever record a session that doesn't make me want to puke, I'll try to find a way to stream it for you all to hear (and ridicule as fit)!

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this post got way out of control....if i could just offer some advice, although i dont want to step on anyones toes here.

i have had technics for about 2 years now and i feel that i am fairly knowledgable aobut them and i also have friends that have had them for years aswell.

1200s and 1210s make no difference at all...just the 1210s are black...cuz my friends has 1210s and i have used them and they are exactly like mine.

i do not use the rubber mats, i personally dont like them, but im not saying its better or worse, but i think the slipmats i have are fuckin awesome, i have no problems with them at all....i bought them at rock n soul in the city....they are numark slipmats and they feel like a wetsuit...i dont know how to describe them other than that...dont even feel anythign close to felt technics mats or anything....they are soft and u can pretty much fold them up and put them in ur pocket, thats how flexable they are...i just think they are great slipmats and i would recommend anyone to get them....

i think thats all i gotta say for now...if i think of anythign else ill let u know

peace out


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