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To everyBoDY I met YestERDAY at I HAVE A DREAM 4....

All I wanna say is.....You are ALL AWESOME!!!! My FiRST CP meet-up was GREaT!!!

...but I have to say that one of the funniest things that happened last night was when thehacker pulled out a small piece of paper and a pen, and wrote down"..." then put it up in the air!!!Now that was CLASSiC!!!!

Can'T wait To See ALL of You AGAin...oh and by the way...how did I end up with a CP lighter?

...Trancend..watching you dance made me very HaPPy:)

"Hi Im EERL...and I'm on the BOARD"...why does that sound sooo FuNNY!!!! I enjoyed chilling with you:D

I will POST those PICTURES Up as soon AS PoSSIBLE!!!

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Originally posted by brooklynkid

was great to finally meet you...if not for only 2 minutes :)

i'm in one of the pics...i had the shirt on with the html BODY tags...

loved the motox shirts you guys were wearing...and you're a kick ass dancer too :D

thank you very much:) ....Weren't you were wearing a a knit hat....:) :) :)

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

...but I have to say that one of the funniest things that happened last night was when thehacker pulled out a small piece of paper and a pen, and wrote down"..." then put it up in the air!!!Now that was CLASSiC!!!!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


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Originally posted by brooklynkid

Thanks! I bring it everywhere I am allowed too...and some places I'm not :flame:

wish i would have brought it to IHAD4 but it would have broke from my excessive bouncing around :laugh:

you know how many times I have brought my CAMERA to parties...and by the end of the night I'm like...Oh,Uh..where's my camera:mad: :mad: And You WAnnA know what I even do to the DiSPOsABLe Camera BeFore I Get To THE PArty??? I write on it:

If anyone FiNDS this CAMERA please call this #: (I write my Phone #)


NOoooooooooooooooo:mad: :mad: PiSSEs me off...GreAT MoMenTS caPturED.... ToTALLY GoNE.....

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

you know how many times I have brought my CAMERA to parties...and by the end of the night I'm like...Oh,Uh..where's my camera:mad: :mad: And You WAnnA know what I even do to the DiSPOsABLe Camera BeFore I Get To THE PArty??? I write on it:

If anyone FiNDS this CAMERA please call this #: (I write my Phone #)


NOoooooooooooooooo:mad: :mad: PiSSEs me off...GreAT MoMenTS caPturED.... ToTALLY GoNE.....

i know wtf....this girl i met lost HER disposable camera, at least her friends got some pics

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

you know how many times I have brought my CAMERA to parties...and by the end of the night I'm like...Oh,Uh..where's my camera:mad: :mad: And You WAnnA know what I even do to the DiSPOsABLe Camera BeFore I Get To THE PArty??? I write on it:

If anyone FiNDS this CAMERA please call this #: (I write my Phone #)


NOoooooooooooooooo:mad: :mad: PiSSEs me off...GreAT MoMenTS caPturED.... ToTALLY GoNE.....

it would be *really* bad if I dropped my $800 digital camera :blown:

i have a wristwatch cam but it was too dark for it to work well. I really wish i would be able to bring my video cam...that would be HOTNESS...:D

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

...damn...yOu're Like ALL High-TeCh and sTuFF...Do HAve a LiTTLE SPy CAM that You HiDE in Your Hat?;):D

i think trancend can verify that i'm a high tech boy, after seeing all the toys i have at my house...

i don't have a hat cam but i *was* thinking of getting a pair of those glasses that send images out to your video cam...that's SWEET! :laugh:

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Originally posted by brooklynkid

i think trancend can verify that i'm a high tech boy, after seeing all the toys i have at my house...

i don't have a hat cam but i *was* thinking of getting a pair of those glasses that send images out to your video cam...that's SWEET! :laugh:

I wOULD be ALL ScaREd beiNG in YouR HoUSE...Like I Was BeiNG WatCHED...wherever I wAS...KinDA like that MoVie.....SLiVER...


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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

I wOULD be ALL ScaREd beiNG in YouR HoUSE...Like I Was BeiNG WatCHED...wherever I wAS...KinDA like that MoVie.....SLiVER...


that was a sick movie! unfortunately it starred Billy Baldwin :puke:

my place is more like a lounge than an apartment. everyone has their favorite spot...some peeps like the couches, some the decks, or the vidgames, or the computers (complete with "couch cam"!)...oh and the toilet flushes, the TP is well stocked, and the bathroom lock works! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

To everyBoDY I met YestERDAY at I HAVE A DREAM 4....

All I wanna say is.....You are ALL AWESOME!!!! My FiRST CP meet-up was GREaT!!!

...but I have to say that one of the funniest things that happened last night was when thehacker pulled out a small piece of paper and a pen, and wrote down"..." then put it up in the air!!!Now that was CLASSiC!!!!

Can'T wait To See ALL of You AGAin...oh and by the way...how did I end up with a CP lighter?

...Trancend..watching you dance made me very HaPPy:)

"Hi Im EERL...and I'm on the BOARD"...why does that sound sooo FuNNY!!!! I enjoyed chilling with you:D

I will POST those PICTURES Up as soon AS PoSSIBLE!!!


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Originally posted by xpander


I was MoStLy DanCing in The BeGinniNg of the Night...My Best Friend Got Very Very Sick (drank too MUCH) and was Puking for about 4 hours:( So I was taKiNg caRe of her...She ended up leaving at 12am...I reaLLy didnt daNce ThaT muCh...I was sittinG down A LOt AND JuSt EnJoYiNG the Music:)

Gmccookny and Xpander...You ARe boTH CuTieZ:)

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

I was MoStLy DanCing in The BeGinniNg of the Night...My Best Friend Got Very Very Sick (drank too MUCH) and was Puking for about 4 hours:( So I was taKiNg caRe of her...She ended up leaving at 12am...I reaLLy didnt daNce ThaT muCh...I was sittinG down A LOt AND JuSt EnJoYiNG the Music:)

Gmccookny and Xpander...You ARe boTH CuTieZ:)

I think I saw her.....she was with your other friend (short hair guy in white.......Andy?)....I offered some water but she was done.....

And yet another cute girl think I'm cute......

three in five months...... I'M HAVING A GOOD YEAR!!!!!!! :laugh:

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

I was MoStLy DanCing in The BeGinniNg of the Night...My Best Friend Got Very Very Sick (drank too MUCH) and was Puking for about 4 hours:( So I was taKiNg caRe of her...She ended up leaving at 12am...I reaLLy didnt daNce ThaT muCh...I was sittinG down A LOt AND JuSt EnJoYiNG the Music:)

Gmccookny and Xpander...You ARe boTH CuTieZ:)

Hehehe, why thank you, glow :)

Hahahah, once you get away from my pervasive sweatiness, i'm a warm, cuddly poochie :tongue:

::woof woof::

PS Nath.... What did you think of Labella :confused:

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Hehehe, why thank you, glow :)

Hahahah, once you get away from my pervasive sweatiness, i'm a warm, cuddly poochie :tongue:

::woof woof::

PS Nath.... What did you think of Labella :confused:

She's pretty cute......

Didn't exactly talk to her so I dunno how she is otherwise.....

Is she still TALKING to you?! :laugh:

I saw her walking around....but you weren't there.....If I was her, I wouldn't talk to you too much there G.......

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Originally posted by xpander

She's pretty cute......

Didn't exactly talk to her so I dunno how she is otherwise.....

Is she still TALKING to you?! :laugh:

I saw her walking around....but you weren't there.....If I was her, I wouldn't talk to you too much there G.......

:grin: :chainsaw:

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