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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Dont Forget!

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Yesterday I met a stranger...

Today this stranger is my friend.

Had I not taken the time to say Hello,

or return a smile,

or shake a hand,

or listen,

I would not have known this person.

Yesterday would have turned into today

and our chance meeting would be gone. :(

Yesterday I hugged someone very dear to me.

Today they are gone... and tomorrow will not bring them back.

Wouldn't it be nice if we all knew tomorrow would be here? :confused: But this is not to be, so take the time TODAY to give a hug, a smile, an "I LOVE YOU." Just thought that some people need inspiration on this Tuesday morning. :D We all know I do! HAVE A GREAT DAY! GUYS....:D

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umm i just missed on what had just occured, i am assuming it is a break up? can someone clue me in? well, here's my two cents, i went thru a break up over the summer with the ex fiance, i was in a rut for months but i knew if i let it get to me it would destroy me... so u know what, from what i learnde in my past relationships, i went out, hung out with my friends that i know would be there and take care and watch over me, i didnt let her get the better of me. i had fun, i was drunk i partied, i was out of the club scene for over a year until last summer when i started out again. i missed sooo many of my friends and lost all my contacts in the industry. but i am out again and happy and enjoying life and for the first time i am VERY HAPPY with my new gf ( i love you cymantha). so if she had not broke up with me, in retrospect, i think it would have been a miserable relationship and the marriage would have been a disaster. but i am glad it happened cos i never would have met cymantha and i wouldn't be here today happy and better in life.... so that's my two cents, SO THERE!

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well BLAH BLAH BLAH to that! I'm sorry if I sound RUDE but yes you can say I am somewhat going through a BREAK-UP, I wasnt really with him but I do care about him so much, and well I fucked things up! Aaanyway, I do go out and try and have fun but I just cant seem to get him out of my head no matter who I'm with or how drunk I may be!:mad:

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even with me?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

damn your ass should have come to VINYL with us......you forget everything there!?!?!?!?!?

I am in the same boat with you......and you know what I mean!!!!

BUT WHO CARES!!! we are too young and you are too pretty go have some fun damn it..........

can't wait for the summer

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