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Originally posted by tottallyoff

Joe. I can totally feel you on this. I have a court appearance on the 31st for a speeding ticket. 89 in a 50. Nice. It was fucking 2 in the morning, no other cars on the road and this cop need to fill the quota.

yeah :( i got a tickets for 92 in a 55...same thing, it was 1 am and there was no one else on the road, who cares?

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Originally posted by tottallyoff

yeah, but the cop was standing in the parking lot of Sears and told me he clocked me. FROM 5 MILES AWAY? Give me a fucking break!

yeah the cop said he paced me for "6 miles" but there wasnt a cop behind me....

i had to go to court for it too, blegh

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Originally posted by trancend

oh, cuz whenever im at my ex's we always stop at ding dong.....im not sure how they make their coffee though cuz coffee sucks

Ahhh, yes, the Ding Dong Deli.... its on the other side of town but, yeah, its kind of popular amongs the local kids. I remember many nights where the Ding Dong would be the place to meetup with everyone before going to a party or whatnot. That and the A&P parkinglot. I am so glad I don't live there anymore... Jefferson Twp sucks.

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I hate to be a bitch here, but I will anyway. You guys are all complaining about cops pulling you over when you nearly doubled the speed limit. 92 in a 55? 90 in a 50? I mean cmon people. Ill be the first to admit I speed. And if I get caught its gonna suck, but I have no one to blame but myself. Regardless of if its 2am or 2pm, you are still a danger to yourself and others going that fast.

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Originally posted by joeg

the cop's a real dick, one of those questioning everything on the car types... "radar detector wasn't workin, was it?"

actually, why didnt your radar detector go off?

and i told you to shove it under the seat when you got pulled over

and didnt you say the radar detector company will pay your ticket or something like that?

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Originally posted by jennEfer

Ahhh, yes, the Ding Dong Deli.... its on the other side of town but, yeah, its kind of popular amongs the local kids. I remember many nights where the Ding Dong would be the place to meetup with everyone before going to a party or whatnot. That and the A&P parkinglot. I am so glad I don't live there anymore... Jefferson Twp sucks.

whats with jefferson twp and hanging out in parking lots? kayla always tells me theyd go to like dunkin donuts parking lot and shit, i dont get it:confused:

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Jen: you live around us???

Justin: Yeah, It went off, but too late, he was like in the back of a parking lot, I know he didn't get an accurate number with the radar, he was like "I followed you from back there" he pulled me over about 20 ft from where I saw him waiting. As for them paying for the ticket, i THINK so, I have to go through the warranty thing and get the details, but thats what they said. (gotta love v1). Radar detectors don't work when cops just make stuff up.

Deb: well if you had told me ahead of time you were free... :) What'rya up to tonight? (get on aim!!! or call?)

Claire: yeah, but when theres NO ONE else on the road, you just want to get home before you fall asleep at the wheel. The most boring thing in the world is staring at empty pavement at 2am going slow for no reason. I don't think your being a bitch, your just being the counterview, someones gotta do that. Personally, I think the cops should start worrying about REAL crime and REAL dangerous drivers, and stop picking on the ricers (lol).

ok, so my next question, is how do I go about fighting this, do I need a lawyer or something, am I wasting my time? hows this work. I have 2 cars, I can't afford an ass reeming on my insurance.

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Originally posted by trancend

whats with jefferson twp and hanging out in parking lots? kayla always tells me theyd go to like dunkin donuts parking lot and shit, i dont get it:confused:

Its because people in jefferson have nothing better to do, and for some reason they all have a fear of doing something different than smoking pot and drinking cheap beer at someones house. You try to get people to go to the city, and they are like "the city sux, clubbing sux", but then they complain about being bored and haveing nothing to do on weekends. Sorry... venting about my aweful town.

Yes, Joe, I live by you guys. Right in Lk Hopatcong.... about 15 minutes from Denville.

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Guest tilly
Originally posted by joeg

Deb: well if you had told me ahead of time you were free... :) What'rya up to tonight? (get on aim!!! or call?)

I never said that I was free...I am NEVER free...;)

:laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by crystelbella21

joe.... don't u have any "get outta jail free cards" or any PBA supplies???

unfortunately no...

Hey, can you get me one of those enourmous gold shields they can see from a mile away so they know not to fuck with me, please!!! :)

btw, pm me after you talk to "that guy at work" :D

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Guest tilly
Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . Thats not what you said this weekend when you wanted me to drive from white plains to buy you coffee . . :tongue: . . . tee hee hee . . .

the sad part is is that I wasn't joking either.:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by joeg

unfortunately no...

Hey, can you get me one of those enourmous gold shields they can see from a mile away so they know not to fuck with me, please!!! :)

btw, pm me after you talk to "that guy at work" :D

i can't get u that gold sheild.. u have to order them before they make them for the year.. but i can get u some other fun stuff that definitely do work i got pulled over a awhiles ago.. i had no insurance no registration.. and i was let go.. with my car :) so heheh

the guy at work yayayayayyayayayayya i'll pm ya later later later.. so when u get back from leps make sure u check ur pmz :) LOL...... oh i found another way to get this stuff too :) ......

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Originally posted by crystelbella21

i can't get u that gold sheild.. u have to order them before they make them for the year.. but i can get u some other fun stuff that definitely do work i got pulled over a awhiles ago.. i had no insurance no registration.. and i was let go.. with my car :) so heheh

the guy at work yayayayayyayayayayya i'll pm ya later later later.. so when u get back from leps make sure u check ur pmz :) LOL...... oh i found another way to get this stuff too :) ......


Anything you can do is GREATLY appreciated. At this rate i'll be forced to move to the city because I won't be able to insure a car.

I'm not 100% on leps yet, but i'm leaning towards it.

Trying to find out what other people *cough* people i've been trying to get together with for 2 weeks *cough* *cough* are doing tonight.....

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Originally posted by joeg


Anything you can do is GREATLY appreciated. At this rate i'll be forced to move to the city because I won't be able to insure a car.

I'm not 100% on leps yet, but i'm leaning towards it.

Trying to find out what other people *cough* people i've been trying to get together with for 2 weeks *cough* *cough* are doing tonight.....

*elbows Joe*


*smacks Joe over the head with a large trunk*

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Originally posted by joeg

Ok, so i'm on my way to Kristy's (snoozi8) house tonight, and I fuckin get pulled over. the cop's a real dick, one of those questioning everything on the car types... "radar detector wasn't workin, was it?" what a chucklefuck. Anyway, $200 ticket, and 39454385689325 points on my liscense later, I continue on my way... I pass about 2 more cops, luckily they weren't feeling frisky.

Anywho, watched requim for a dream (sick movie) and chilled, then headed back home.

now this is the really absurd part.

On my way back, I get pulled over AGAIN (this time I wasn't even fucking speeding). Cop critiques every fucking thing on the car, so i'm like "look, I just got a $200 ticket like 3 hours ago... can you cut me a break here??" so hes pretty nice, he goes to his car for a while, comes back with his fuckbuddy on the other side of my car... at this point i'm expecting "sir please step out of the car so we can beat you like rodney" but hes like... ok, get some of that shit fixed, and heres a ticket for blah blah blah (no points, just $50)

so I continue... I passed about 3 more cops, and i'm about 2 miles from my house, 1 of them starts to tail me... At this point, i'm like "I wonder if I can outrun one..." but anyway, hes riding on my bumper for like a mile, meanwhile i'm doing like 5 miles under the speedlimit this whole time because of my previous incidents. So after a few minutes, he realizes i'm not having this, and he pulls a 180 in the middle of the street... what a fuckrag.


So to conclude, 35235 cops, 2 pulled me over, 1 tried, all in all, a $250 night with kristy watching a movie...... what the FUCK.

I have to say, Requim for a dream was a sick movie, check it out.

I'm Tired, i'm going to sleep humming NWA's "Fuck the police" Tonight.

Can't they just send me a bill for like a few hundred a month... Its the wasting my time and pulling me over game I hate more. Oh, and it should be funny to see how many points that $200 ticket turns out to be.


:laugh: :laugh: sorry babe that does suck, but I had to chuckle..

damn jersey cops really do suck :blown::biggun:

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