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As our great President said last night...


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Originally posted by pgiddy

Either way you are in the minority that doesn't like our Pres. and he will be the pres. for awhile longer so I would recommend backing him. There are just too many topics, healthcare, economy, schools, military, etc.. Save the drama for another day, see ya..

My sentiments exactly. If you don't approve of what he's doing, then fine. But with so much shit going on in this country with the war and the bad economy, all I'm saying is don't resort to calling our President a numbskull. He's working his ass off. You can still support him, even if you don't approve of him. There's a difference. I won't blow up if you say you don't agree with what he's doing. Cause everyone's entitled to their own opinions. That's what makes this country so great. But don't belittle someone that's working hard and trying his best with silly namecalling.

And yes, Phuturephunk, I agree that Bush's policies may not trickle down to me in any significant way. But even the promise of a 1-2% cut in in the tax brackets to keep that little bit of my money in my greedy little hands and out of the hands of the ridiculously overgrown bureaucracy is enough to make him my hero. Even if it's an extra penny in my paychecks and insignificant, I'd rather have it in my hands than going to pay some unnecessary government agency that was put in place long ago by liberals looking to grow our "Big Daddy's gonna protect you" government. Yes, the amount of money I pay in taxes doesn't mean shit to the politicians, but I pay enough where any little bit I get back gives me a nice warm and fuzzy inside.

And Chynado, I'm sorry to hear you say that someone can be guilty even if they weren't indicted. Maybe you'd like to apply for a judgeship in Cuba. I hear they're looking for legal experts just like yourself. But I guess "Innocent until proven guilty" doesn't apply anymore in 21st Century Liberal America, where apparently, the media is a better forum for trial than the courtroom, so maybe you'd be successful in the legal field in America, as well.

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One last note. I keep hearing people say that "in times like this" we shouldn't criticize the President. That is simply ridiculous. It is precisely in times like these that we need to think critically about the ramifications of our President's actions - especially as they pertain to military force in other parts of the world. To blindly let ANY leader advocate war is a dangerous proposition. Don't let your greed and hero worship blind you and don't criticize others who are brave enough to disagree with President in a time when the masses will follow the leadership blindly like so many lost sheep.

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

And Chynado, I'm sorry to hear you say that someone can be guilty even if they weren't indicted. Maybe you'd like to apply for a judgeship in Cuba. I hear they're looking for legal experts just like yourself. But I guess "Innocent until proven guilty" doesn't apply anymore in 21st Century Liberal America, where apparently, the media is a better forum for trial than the courtroom, so maybe you'd be successful in the legal field in America, as well.

hmmmm lets see here, how many ppl have done things and not gotten in trouble for it, but it all came out at the end what happened...must we get technical and forget a little common sense?? :confused:

ahh im not wasting my time on this one anymore



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Originally posted by malanee

Don't let your greed and hero worship blind you and don't criticize others who are brave enough to disagree with President in a time when the masses will follow the leadership blindly like so many lost sheep.

*Sigh*. I have nothing against criticism. I'm just saying namecalling our leaders, actually, namecalling period is what infuriates me the most. It's no different than if someone were to say "Vic is a cocksucker". What does that solve? How is that bravery? Now, maybe Vic really does suck cock. And maybe that phrase is warranted. But calling someone a name, even if it's based in truth, really gets to some people. Now the phrase "Vic sucks cock". That, would be more appropriate to describing his actions, if in fact, he really did suck cock. I know, it may be silly to some. And maybe you can't understand what I'm getting at, but that kind of stuff really strikes a nerve in me sometimes.

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