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Olympic medalist from NJ

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Does anyone know this guy? (I figure there must be someone here who does)


He was part of the US medals sweep in the men's half-pipe event snowboarding

If you didn't see it on tv, the medals ceremony was just nuts - 20,000 people singing the Star Spangled Banner out loud and chanting "USA, USA"

I'm sure this will be one of the highlights of these Olympics, at least as far as the US is concerned.

I also read that over at the venue, some female spectator exposed her boobs to have them autographed.

Read about it here: http://www.msnbc.com/news/704674.asp?0dm=s12Ns

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You talkin about Dan i assume..

Danny Kass is one of the funniest guys I know.

If you can think of somone who is an all around fun guy to be with that just makes you laugh anf has a good time? that's him.

I rode with him a lot my soph year (he still lived in Jersey), and rode in Pro Am comp[eitions] with him--- he was fucking amazing. He did deserve Gold, and the judges were such bullshit artists, obviously the Japanese were pissed off at thier performance this year so they had tot ake it out on a nation that ACTUALLY KNOWS HOW TO SNOWBOARD! sorry-- just venting. but anyway, yeh Danny Kass is from Jersey, and I am gonna try to get Mtn. Creek to throw a little somethin somethin in his honor (SILVER BABY!)

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Originally posted by snoboardr2

..I am gonna try to get Mtn. Creek to throw a little somethin somethin in his honor (SILVER BABY!)

Look for me hikin the roller-coaster rail...I hit that thing a couple times and everyone flips out...Next I'm gonna try and hit it switch boardslide 360 out..:eek:..

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Originally posted by bmw4jay

Look for me hikin the roller-coaster rail...I hit that thing a couple times and everyone flips out...Next I'm gonna try and hit it switch boardslide 360 out..:eek:..

YO MAN! holy shit!

I can do all the rails (not the shittyn ones at the beg b/c no speed), but the kinked, then the reg, then the flat... i hit all three (sucks when people are in the way)-- we should meet next week one day and ride, i have off school all week. I took off lawt friday and practiced.... hard to do the 2 rainbow's but the 2nd's smaller.

THAT ROLLERCOASTER RAILS IS FUCKIN HARD! i havent seen anyone do the whole thing (or the C rail next to it).

lets ride bro

Exit sunday night

Roxy/ Exit friday night

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Originally posted by snoboardr2

I rode with him a lot my soph year (he still lived in Jersey), and rode in Pro Am comp[eitions] with him--- he was fucking amazing. He did deserve Gold, and the judges were such bullshit artists, obviously the Japanese were pissed off at thier performance this year (SILVER BABY!)

Uh, hello, did you see Ross Powers's run. His blew everyone else's away. I ain 't denying Danny's riding ability the kid kills it (I was on the mountain with him at Mammoth early this season and watched him tear the Super Pipe there up), and won the US Open last year, but Powers threw one of the biggest airs you'll ever see in competition, he was 18 ft. out on that Method and went close to that big through his whole run. He stomped every landing, never scrubbed speed and was super smooth on every trick, never bobbled or lost composure in any way.

What do the Japanese have anything to do with it, they judged it similarly to the way everyone else did. You are right that the Japanese have never produced any really solid riders, so what would they be pissed about when they do shitty, its not like its anything new, or that they had any expectations to win.

I will say that watching the medal ceremony was one of the more awe inspiring moments of the Olympics, the sweep was sweet. And having a Jersey boy up there made it that much sweeter.

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Def agree with you.

It was probably the most amazing time in snowboarding I have ever seen.

That first air he threw, parallel to the ground 18 ft up, on a 12-16 ft pipe. GOTT HAVE BALLZ!

sickest trick I have ever seen live, (Stimilon event, Big air & style, Mt Snow VT in 97-98) was a dude I've never heard, nor do i remember his name. Stimilon was 50% partnership between my brother and his best friend from college, they build snowboard parks.

The guy came down, IN STEP INS! now, I ride with step in's b/c Im sponsored and have to, (or i could pay 300 bucks but why bother when I have fine bindings for my fav. price (free)). They might have been Generics and Blax boots and board, but anyway--

He went off the jump, took his back boot off of the board, still managed to do a frontside 5[40], AND STOMP INTO HIS BOARD ON THE LANDING! guy won first place and mega $$$. This dude was prob featured in Transworld, but i dont rmmbr his name.


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