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A Thanks To Everyone Who Came Out To Support Tiesto And A Great Night Of Music

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Originally posted by roha3000

Fuck that Lainie. EXIT SUX!!! Thanx to this guy's "I am the fucking man for bringing Tiesto to Exit" attitude I now declare myself an official Exit Hater! Frankie Santos you suck.

exactly bro....exit thinks they are better then everyone else and this kid has his dick up his own ass saying its all him bringing in the talent...actually it the money and exit is just fucking horrible....
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I recently moved back to NYC from LA and went to the Tiesto show with high expectations. Little did I know. But the following really gets to me:

Originally posted by snuggles32


No, the reason a lot of people showed up is because of the great talent that was booked. The reason it was overcrowded is because everyone was allowed in - that's Exit's decision.

I was at the Tiesto show that got turned in to Magik 7. It was crowded, sure, but it was physically possibe to dance; at Friday's Exit there were times I couldn't move at all (toe wiggling excepted.) The difference cant be the quality of the talent that was booked - IT WAS THE SAME GUY (and the Mayan Theater is a much smaller venue)! The reason is that the folks at the Mayan stopped letting people in when they reached capacity. Amazing concept.

I saw GIANT, one of LA's top clubs, turn away hundreds, if not a thousand, people at a sold out Paul van Dyk show. (Priced at $20, mind you.) IT CAN BE DONE.

It's not hard. Exit employs bouncers. Some clubs use bouncers to keep excess people out. Exit should try the same.


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i just have one question. why do you guys actually want Exit to be better??? as it stands now, exit is a low-class Jersey Juicehead penitentry. now think very carefully...if exit becomes better, gets rid of that car alarm trance that draper farts on their speakers, where do you think the juiceheads will go??? to the same parties as you. fuck exit and fuck making it better. if we didnt ship our garbage to SI where do you think our garbage would go?? (no offense to SI residents) let exit be the way it is now, why must you try to make it better? it will never ever have the vibe and atmosphere that twilo or vinyl has. cmon this is silly. let exit be the way it is, its like if you switch the nitelight off, the bugs will start flying around you and not the light. now do you really want that??

ps - im currently working on anti-guido repellant, its like bug repellant, except it has a chemical called Intellectualen, which is like poison to the buzzing guidos. im gonna test it at the rat laboratory Exit soon. wish my entrepreneurial ass good luck!

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Guest saleen351

Ok I didn't bother reading all the garbage. If a resturante has too many people what do they do? They raise prices. Well exit should raise prices to keep some people from going........ That will solve the problem and don't give me any of the its all about the music bullshit, its about MONEY!

Second I saw JV at xs for 5 bucks, had 8 coronas and 3 shots, total price including alcohol parking, cover, shortie at wawa =26 bucks....HA HA Exit sucks ass, too many asians, thank god they will never come to the shore, they ain't welcome..............

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